Falun Dafa Practitioners from Dalian City Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great
Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Falun Dafa Practitioners from Yanji City, Jilin Province Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

The red words say: Master, Happy Chinese New Year!
Practitioners from the Railroad System Respectfully Wish Benevolent Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

February 6, 2005
Practitioners from Wuhan City Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year! We Also Represent Practitioners Illegally Detained in Prisons to Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Young Dafa Practitioners from Wuhan Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
Practitioners from Ranhulu District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
As the Lunar New Year approaches, Daqing practitioners wish revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year! Your disciples miss you, looking forward to seeing Master as soon as possible. In the New Year, we will continue to do well the three things Dafa disciples should do, and be worthy of revered Master's benevolent and arduous salvation.
Practitioners from Ranhulu District, Daqing City,
February 6, 2005

All Practitioners from Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Great Benevolent Master!

Tens of thousands of words are hard to express our gratitude to Master. As the Chinese New Year approaches, Master, please allow us to say, Master, you've worked hard! Please accept our most profound wishes: Master, Happy Chinese New Year!
In the past year, with your benevolent protection, we exposed the evil, clarified the facts and saved sentient beings, we fulfilled our grand vows made ages ago and fulfilled the sacred missions of Fa-rectification disciples. More and more Dafa disciples have stepped out and melted into the mighty current of Fa-rectification, forming an indestructible fortress and frightening the evil! More and more people have learned about the truth, and have begun awakening!
In the past year, though we had some attachments to different extents, and sometimes we were taken advantage of by the evil, causing damage to Fa-rectification, all of this could not shake our determination to validate the Fa! Today, after going through five-plus years of trials and tribulations in Fa-rectification, we have become more rational, wiser and more steadfast! Master, please rest assured. With your guidance, in the last leg of the Fa-rectification, we will coordinate and cooperate well, and we will do better and better!
Heshi, all practitioners in Zhaoyuan, Shandong
February 6, 2005
A Little Dafa Practitioner from Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province Wishes Benevolent Great Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
Master, since you first introduced Falun Dafa to the public, you have been paying great attention to each disciple's words and actions. As a little Dafa disciple, I have many shortcomings in the path of cultivation. Fa-rectification is close to completion, and in the remaining limited time, I will work hard to do well the three things Master requires of us and make up for my shortcomings.
A little Dafa disciple from Zhaoyuan, Shandong
February 6 2005
Beijing Practitioners Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

On behalf of veteran and new practitioners living nearby, I send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master!
Master, Please rest assured, no matter how the environment changes, your disciples will walk well our own paths. We are looking forward to being able to attend Fa conferences and being able to meet Master.
All Practitioners from Baotou, Inner Mongolia Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year

Master, please rest assured, practitioners in Lucheng City will definitely do the following together:
Take the Fa as teacher, study the Fa well, send forth righteous thoughts, wholeheartedly clarify the facts and save sentient beings, follow Master closely in the process of Fa-rectification, and live up to revered Master's benevolent salvation.
Chinese New Year of 2005
All Practitioners from Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Respected Master, your disciples miss you. Master, please rest assured, we will definitely do well the three things, and be worthy of Master's benevolent and arduous salvation.
All Practitioners from Yueling City, Shandong Province Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Benevolent Master, Greetings!
I'm Dafa practitioner from Yueling City, and I feel great regret for not having done well. I'm determined to be more diligent and will not let down Master's teachings. Today, I represent all practitioners from Yueling City to wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year! Please rest assured, we will definitely do well the three things Master requires of us and fulfill our prehistoric grand vow.
Respectful wishes from all practitioners from Yueling City, Shandong Province
December 28, Chinese Lunar Year
Practitioners from Wuhan Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

All Practitioners from Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master, and Wish Master a Happy Lunar New Year!

Practitioners from Dalian City Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master

The words say: Great Revered Master, in the mighty current of Fa-rectification, the purer your disciples' righteous thoughts, the more we are rational, and the more clearly we realize our mission, our gratitude for Master becomes hard to describe with words. Only by constantly working hard can we repay the debts of gratitude to Master.
Great Master, on this festive occasion, please accept your disciples' gratitude and warm wishes, please remind us to strive forward diligently!
Practitioners from Dalian
February 2005
Practitioners from Shijiazhuang City Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year

Practitioners from Jinan, Shandong Province Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year

Great benevolent Master, many of us practitioners in Jinan have never seen Master, but we miss you very much. Master, you've worked hard. Practitioners from Jinan wish you a Happy Chinese New Year. Heshi. Dafa has bestowed upon us a whole new life. Master, we will be worthy of your benevolent and arduous salvation. In the New Year, we will be more diligent in cultivation, do well the three things, and return home with Master.
Practitioners in Jinan, Shandong
February 7, 2005
Practitioners from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province Respectfully Wish Great Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Master's grace is hard to describe even after exhausting tens of thousands of words. As the Lunar New Year approaches, we will follow Master's teachings, study the Fa well, send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the facts, fulfill our pledge of assisting Master do Fa-rectification that was made ages ago.
Practitioners from Shuangcheng City,
February 6, 2005
All Practitioners from Changsha, Hunan Province Respectfully Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year

Revered Master, no matter how the external environment changes, we will definitely live up to our mission, steadfastly walk through the path of Fa-rectification, and be worthy of Master's benevolent and arduous salvation. All practitioners in Changsha respectfully wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year. Your disciples miss you.
All Practitioners from Yanzhou City, Shandong Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Great Benevolent Master

Master, though we are fare away from you, we feel we are close to you. We miss Master very much, and as the Lunar New Year approaches, we wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year! We will definitely do well the three things, and take every opportunity to clarify the facts and save sentient beings. Master, please rest assured.
Practitioners from Bobai County, Guangxi Autonomous Region Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year

Practitioners from Guilin City, Guangxi Autonomous Region Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year

Practitioners from Dalian City Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

February 6 2005
Practitioners from Jinzhou City Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

All Practitioners from Lushun City Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

February 2005
All Practitioners from Tongliao City Area, Inner Mongolia Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

All Practitioners from Huolinguole City, Inner Mongolia Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

Practitioners from Hailun City, Heilongjiang Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master!

Practitioners from Shenzhen City Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
Practitioners from Shanghai Women's Prison Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master! Heshi.
All Practitioners from Handan City and All Counties in Hebei Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!
As the Lunar New Year approaches, Dafa disciples in Handan miss Master very much! We are looking forward to seeing Master return home and meet your disciples. The day of celebration in heaven and earth will come soon.
All practitioners send Chinese New Year's Greetings to revered Master! We also send Chinese New Year's Greetings to all fellow practitioners! We will live up to Master's expectations and the sentient beings' expectation. In the last leg of Fa-rectification, we will do better and save as many sentient beings as possible.
All practitioners in Handan
February 5 2005
Practitioners from Handan, Xingtai, Shahe and All Counties in Hebei Province Who Have Become Homeless to Avoid Persecution, Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!
Master, as the Lunar New Year approaches, disciples who have become homeless to avoid persecution miss you even more. We send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master!
In the persecution that has been over five years, we were once subjected to detention and torture. We have to leave home and become homeless to avoid the persecution. But we bear in mind Master's great trust and the sentient beings' expectations. No matter how harsh the environment is, we have been doing what a Fa-rectification Dafa disciple should do. Our righteous thoughts and actions are terrifying the evil!
The time for returning home is close, and we will work harder, live up to Master's benevolent and arduous salvation and fulfill our prehistoric pledge.
All practitioners who have become homeless to avoid persecution in Handan, Xingtai and Shahe and all counties,
February 5, 2005
Practitioners from Quzhou County, Handan City, Hebei Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!
Master, practitioners in Quzhou County, Handan send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master. In the New Year, we will work harder, do well the three things, and in the last moment of the truth revealing itself, we will seize every second to clarify the facts and save as many sentient beings as possible.
All practitioners from Quzhou County, Handan,
February 5 2005
Practitioners from Tianshui, Gansu Province Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year
Practitioners from Jiyang County, Shandong Province Wish an Auspicious and Happy Chinese New Year!
Practitioners from Dongguang County, Hebei Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master!
All Practitioners from Honggang District, Daqing City Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master!
All Practitioners from Daming County, Hebei Province Send Our Sincerest Chinese New Year's Greetings and the Loftiest Respect to Master!
We will study the Fa well, clarify the facts and send forth righteous thoughts, and strive forward together with more practitioners who have stepped forward and improve as one body!
Practitioners in Daming County,
February 4, 2005
Practitioners from Yanggu County, Shandong Province Send Greetings to Esteemed Master!
We will make up for our shortcomings and truly strive forward and do better!
Practitioners in Yanggu County
February 5, 2005
Practitioners from Meihekou, Jilin Province Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy Chinese New Year
All Practitioners from Suzhou City Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!
Practitioners from Zhaoyuan, Shandong Send Greetings to Master
Master, please rest assured: Your disciples will do well the three things.
Practitioners in Zhaoyuan
All Practitioners from Nanbao Development Zone, Tangshan City Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year
Respectfully, all practitioners in Nanbao Development Zone, Tangshan City
February 6, 2005
All Practitioners from the Judicial System in Hebei Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year
Exhausting all words in the human world cannot express disciples' respect for benevolent great Master.
All practitioners from Hebei Province's judicial system
February 6 2005
More Than 200 Veteran and New Practitioners in the Wafangdian City Area, Liaoning Province Send Greetings to Great Revered Master: We Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
More than 200 veteran and new practitioners express that we will do well the three things Master requires of us, keep up with Master's Fa-rectification process, and repay Master's benevolence and arduous salvation.
All Practitioners in Beijing Respectfully Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!
Dafa has been widely spread since its introduction,
All sentient beings are saved and cultivate ourselves.
Strive forward diligently in doing the three things,
Eliminate the old and welcome the new and become gods together.
We will do well the three things, work hard to clear away the evil, save sentient beings and walk well the last leg of the journey.