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Summary of Other Articles and News - January 29, 2005

February 11, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1) Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Tortured at the Daqing City Detention Center in Liaoning Province

In the middle of December 2004, over 20 practitioners were detained at the Daqing City Detention Center. Most of these practitioners were women. In order to protest against the illegal detention, many of them went on a hunger strike. A male practitioner was force fed on January 17 and 18. Two female practitioners were chained to an iron chair for two days in a row. One of them had blood in her stool as a result of the torture. Zhang Bin, was tortured badly and he now has been transferred to Sawetu District Detention Center in Daqing City. On January 12, 2005, the legal division of Daqing City Police Department sentenced 10 female practitioners to forced labor education and had them sent to Harbin City Drug Rehabilitation Center. Four of the practitioners were very weak due to a long-term hunger strike and they could not even walk by themselves. They were dragged into the police van.


2) Encounter of Two Elderly Retired Employees of Beijing Aeronautics and Space Bureau

Ms. He Tongjuan was a retired employee of the 230 Plant of Beijing Aeronautics and Space Bureau. At the end of 2003 she was arrested at her rented residence. Soon she was sentenced to four years in prison. While in detention, she was tortured and almost lost her life. Currently Ms. He is detained in Changping District Detention Center in Beijing. Also jailed there is another practitioner, He Guilan, from Beijing Aeronautics and Space Bureau. She is sentenced to five years in prison.


3) Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Baoding City Labor Camp in Hebei Province

Captain Liu Ziwei handcuffed Ms. Wang Xinru, 60, on November 24, 2004, because she insisted on practicing Falun Gong exercises. Liu also shocked her with electric batons. She was handcuffed for a whole day.

Li Ruiying went on a hunger strike and was later put on IV. During the IV process, Liu Ziwei beat her and shocked her with electric batons.

Huang Fenghua went on a hunger strike and was force fed. When the guards finished force feeding her, they dragged her all the way back to her cell. As a result, her pants were torn apart. Later, because she could not do hard labor due to diarrhea, her sentence was extended for three months. In order to get her back to work, the guards even injected some unknown drug into her.

Dai Keping, in her 50s, was shocked with electric batons. She was hung up for over half a month.

The labor camp doctor Du purposely tormented practitioners on hunger strike during the force-feeding process. He inserted the feeding tubes into the practitioners in a harsh manner. Most of the time, he didn't bother to take out the tube after force-feeding.

In 2003, a captain Ding Yanping tortured practitioners using various means, including beating and electric shock.

Practitioners were forced to do hard labor for over a dozen hours. They could not go to bed until 11 pm, sometimes not until 3 or 4 in the morning.


4) The persecution of Chen Junli and Wang Xiyu

Chen Junli and Wang Xiyu are practitioners from Pingdu City, Shandong Province. They were reported to the police for printing truth-clarification materials. Guxian Police Station detained them for 15 days. In November 1999, they went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and were arrested. They were taken to Qingdao Liaison Office in Beijing, where Chen Junli was chained to an iron chair for a whole night and Wang Xiyu was brutally beaten by party secretary Dai Songben. Another party secretary, Leng, beat Chen Junli savagely. Afterwards, he forced both ladies to sit in the snow. The two practitioners were not released until 5-6 days later.

In late December, Chen Junli was abducted by Zong Xugong and Zhao Yun from the local party committee and was detained for 7-8 days. In the summer of 2000, Chen Junli and Wang Xiyu went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong again. They were arrested and taken back to Pingdu City. Zong Xugong put both practitioners in a car garage that lacked air circulation for several hours, causing great discomfort to the practitioners. Later they were detained 7-8 days. They were not released until they staged a hunger strike. The third day after her release, the police broken into Chen Junli's home to ransack it. Several days later, Chen Junli and Wang Xiyu were deceived into going to the police station by police officer Zhang Xiling. They were detained for 15 days. In December 2001, Chen Junli was reported to police while distributing truth-clarification materials. She was arrested and detained in Qingdao City Detention Center for one month. On December 21, 2001, Chen Junli and another two practitioners were sentenced to two years of forced labor education. In June 2001, Wang Xiyu was arrested and sentence to five years in prison. She is currently jailed at the Jinan Women's Prison.


5) My Experience of "Taking a Bloody Bath"

My name is Yang Wenyu and I am 28 years old. I live in Luoguoba Commune, Qiao Village, Shilong Town, Banan District, Chongqing City. In March 2001, I submitted a written statement declaring my resolution to continue Falun Gong practice to the Huashi Town government. On July 19, 2001, I was kidnapped and taken to Shitan Police Station. The police slapped me so fiercely that I spun 360 degrees and then fell to the ground. I could see nothing at that moment. Then I was handcuffed for a whole night. The second day I was sent to Banan District Detention Center. There the detainees forced me to take off all my clothes and take a bath. What they did was to pour water into my mouth, nose, eyes and ears. I almost choked to death. Later I heard the detainees call such torture "taking a bloody bath." It was extremely painful, especially during freezing winter.
