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Wang Zilin, a Worker at the Jiangbei Tree Farm in Jilin City, Disappeared More Than Four Years Ago, Last Seen in Police Custody

February 12, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jilin City, Jilin Province


Mr. Wang Zilin, 43, was employed at the Jiangbei Tree Farm in Jilin City, Jilin Province. He started practicing Falun Gong in May of 1997. He disappeared after going to Beijing to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong on November 19, 2000, and he was never seen again. His family went to Beijing twice to look for him, but had no success.

Wang Zilin developed arthritis since he was a teenager, and the symptoms worsened as he grew up. After he started practicing Falun Gong in May 1997, he completely regained his health.

After becoming a Falun Gong practitioner, Wang Zilin treated his wife and daughter with more care. His wife had severe lower back problems and had undergone surgery. Thus, Mr. Wang pretty much took care of all the family chores. He never lost his temper and was very patient and kind to everyone he encountered.

After the brutal persecution started on July 20, 1999, Wang Zilin continued studying the Fa and practicing the exercises at home. The slander against Dafa and Teacher by the government propaganda deeply pained his heart. He was compelled to go to Beijing to speak out for Falun Gong. He left home on November 19, 2000, and was never seen again.

For the past four years, his wife tried many ways to locate him. Her brother went to Beijing twice, taking gifts to the government offices responsible for handling out-of-town Falun Gong practitioners, yet he did not get any response. Based on the information provided by several Jilin Dafa practitioners, we learned the following about Wang Zilin's trip to Beijing:

1. The route taken by Wang was Jilin City, Changchun City, Tianjin City, Beijing.

2. He was detained at the Xuanwu District Detention Center while in Beijing, and he was interrogated twice. He never returned after the second interrogation.

3. According to fellow practitioners' accounts, there was a Dafa practitioner from Qipan Street in Jilin City who was in the same cell as Wang. Wang told him, "I will never reveal my name, even if they kill me." Soon after, he was taken out for a second interrogation, but he never returned to the cell. That practitioner was later transferred and no one ever heard any news about Wang again.

Wang's wife, Mrs. Fu, reported Wang's disappearance to the local Shanqian police station in the Longtan District of Jilin City, but received no reply. Mrs. Fu is 40 years old this year and she suffers from health problems. She lives with their daughter Lili. With the help from friends and relatives, Lili collected 3,000 yuan to pay the tuition fee for her schooling. She is currently studying in the 9th grade at Jiangji High School in Jilin City. She has earned excellent grades. Her most cherished wish is that one day her beloved father will appear in front of her again.

The work unit where Wang was employed removed his name from the employee roster after the Chinese New Year in 2002. Mrs. Fu and Lili are anxiously awaiting any news about Wang Zilin and his return.