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Falun Dafa Practitioners from 495 more Locations in China Send Lunar New Year Greetings to Benevolent Great Master - Part 3

February 13, 2005 |  


All young Falun Dafa Practitioners in Guizhou Wish Master Happy New Year

All Practitioners in Zhuanghe, Dalian, Liaoning Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master

Words in image: Wishing Master Happy New Year!

Greetings, Master,

We practitioners in Zhuanghe send New Year's greetings, "Master, happy New Year."

During the last five years' cultivation in Fa-rectification, we can feel Master's compassionate caring every moment and we immersed in Master's vast Buddha's grace.

In the new year, we will be more diligent and steadfast on the last leg of the journey, do well the three things that Master asked us and fulfill our prehistorical vows.

Heshi by all practitioners in Zhuanghe, Dalian

All Practitioners in Dezhou, Shandong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

(A poem in image omitted)

Passing long history, experiencing countless reincarnation and suffering thousands of tribulations in human world are all for today. Being immersed in vast Buddha grace and washed away all impurities over our whole body, we become disciples of master Buddha. What happiness can compare with?

Master, please be rest assured. We will fulfill prehistorical vows and return to our true home following Master!

All Practitioners in Heishan, Liaoning Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

All Practitioners in Harbin Medical University, Heilongjiang Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

At the coming of Spring, we send New Year's greetings to Master, happy New Year!

In the past year, practitioners in Harbin Medical University played power of one body, tried our best to do the three things well, validated Dafa and saved sentient beings. In the new year, we will be strive harder, make best use of the time, study the Dafa books to improve Xinxing, clarify the truth overall, eliminate evil forces and submit a satisfactory answer to Master.

Heshi by all practitioners in Harbin Medical University

All Practitioners in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

All Practitioners in Datong, Shanxi Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master and Wish Master Happy New Year!

All Practitioners in Youyang, Xiushan, Qianjiang, Dadukou and Pengshui, Chongqing Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master and Wish Master Happy New Year!

All Practitioners in Baokang County, Hubei Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Daxing, Beijing Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Jiayuguan, Gansu Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Puyang, Henan Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Qingyuan, Gaungdong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

All Practitioners in Rizhao, Shandong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners Who Are Forced to Stay Away from Home to Avoid Persecution in Changchun, Jilin Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Xian County, Hebei Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Jiusan and FangZheng Forest Bureau, Heilongjiang Province Send New Year's Greetings to Revered Master!

Practitioners in Suining Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Xiuyan, Liaoning Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Dachang County, Hebei Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master and Wish Master Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Sanmenxia, Henan Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Beijing Technical Management and Administration University Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Tongji University, Shanghai Wish Master Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Datong, Shanxi Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Dazhi, Hubei Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Fushan and No. 1 High School in Jieyang, Guangdong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Haicheng Advanced High School and Haicheng Steatite Mine-Annexed School, Liaoning Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Jieyang Cultural Systems, Guangdong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners in Yuzhong, Chongqing Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Huangshi, Hubei Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Shaoyang, Hunan Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Tsinghua University, Beijing Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Xiangfang, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province Wish Master Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Wumahe, Yichun, Heilongjiang Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners in Zhangdian, Zibo, Shandong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Bayan County, Heilongjiang Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners in Daqing High Schools, Heilongjiang Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

All Practitioners in Yanshou County, Heilongjiang Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners Hulin, Heilongjiang Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners in Weihai, Shandong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master and Wish Master Happy New Year!

All Practitioners in Hainan Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners Who Are Lawyers in Dalian, Liaoning Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master and Wish Master Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Nanguan, Changchhun, Jilin Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

All Little Practitioners in Bin County Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners in Xiangcheng, Henan Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

All Practitioners in Hechuan Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners in Liaonan Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Practitioners in Yunnan Province Send New Year's Greetings to Great Master and Wish Master Happy New Year!

Family of a Practitioner Send New Year's Greetings to Master

Practitioners in Zichuan, Shandong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

All Practitioners in Jinchang, Gansu Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Beichen, Tianjin Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners Who Are Unlawfully Imprisoned in Beichen, Tianjin Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Benxi, Liaoning Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Leshan and Emei, Sichan Province Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Colleges and Universities in Beijing Send New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

Practitioners in Ruichang, Jiangxi Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Macheng and Wuxue, Hubei Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Jiulongpo, Chongqing Wish Benevolent Great Master Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Changchun, Jilin Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master and Wish Master Return Hometown Soon!

Practitioners in Qingzhou, Shandong Province Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Northeast China Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Revered Master,

We have never met you. We miss you very much. We are clear that benevolent great Master is beside us in other dimension all the time to take care of us. But we still wish to meet Master in this world. We will do well the three things that Master asked us to do, move forward diligently, cultivate ourselves in validating Dafa, cooperate well with fellow practitioners for integrated improvement, and fulfill our prehistorical grand vows.

Master, no human language can describe practitioners' appreciation to you. What we can do is to do well in double effort to return Master's grace.

Wishing Master a Happy New Year!

Presented by practitioners