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Stories from China: Primary School Students Allowed to Change Their Test Answer in Favor of Falun Dafa

February 14, 2005 |  


Case 1

It was time for year-end examinations in a certain primary school in China. A moral education exam paper contained a multiple-choice question that defamed Falun Gong. After the exam papers were passed out, as the minds of the primary school students were poisoned by the slanderous lies of the evildoers, almost all of them chose the answer that defamed Falun Gong. The teaching supervisor of this school (a Falun Gong practitioner) discovered this. She immediately asked the teachers supervising the exams to hand out the examination answer papers again so that the students could change their answers. On normal occasions, this Falun Gong practitioner frequently made use of many opportunities to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the teachers. As a consequence, this time the teachers supervising the exams all supported her decision. Thus, the hundreds of primary school students all corrected their answers [to a righteous one that will be beneficial for their future].

Case 2

Escape from danger with righteous thoughts

One day in October 2004, three Falun Gong practitioners in a certain district in Hubei Province went out to distribute Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. While they were in the last village, a practitioner had just affixed a sticker reading "Falun Dafa is great" on a lamppost, when the Village Secretary approached them and grabbed hold of the practitioner's bicycle. The two other practitioners quickly began to clarify the truth to this person, but he did not listen to their words. He forcefully pulled the practitioner into the village chief's residence. The atmosphere then was very tense.

The practitioners took turns to clarify the truth, sent forth righteous thoughts and cooperated with one another very well. No one felt afraid. About an hour or so later, the other two people they were talking to started to relax. Coincidentally, the village chief discovered the practitioner to be a distant relative. Later he asked the secretary to go outside the room to discuss this. After they came back, the village chief told the three of them that they may leave. He secretly told them he had read the book Zhuan Falun before and believes that "good begets good and evil begets evil" is a heavenly law. Before they left, he advised them to be more careful next time.