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Summary of Other Articles and News - February 16, 2005

February 25, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Twelve Falun Dafa practitioners beaten and tortured at the Jiamusi Division of the Lianjiangkou Prison

Twelve Falun Dafa practitioners are being held at the Jiamusi Division, (Division 4) of the Lianjiangkou Prison in Heilongjiang Province. They are very steadfast in Falun Dafa practice.

Since the second season of 2004 the perpetrators have increased the forced brainwashing in order to meet the quota set for the number of practitioners to be "reformed". Between April 25 and April 26, 2004, Liu Wei, head of Team 1 and Jia Qiming, the political head of Team 1 ordered inmates to torture Dafa practitioner Mr. Qin Yueming. They didn't let him sleep for five days and five nights. In spite of the cold, (1) they stripped him naked and poured cold water on him.

On June 14, Xiao Hongbin, head of Team 5 and political head Li Pingsheng ordered the inmates to torture Dafa practitioners Wang Guanglu and Li Zhigang, who were not allowed to sleep for four days and four nights. On June 16, Lou Ben, the political head of Team 3 encouraged all of the inmates to torture practitioner Wang Jibin. On the evening of June 18, the beatings fractured one of Mr. Wang Jibin's ribs on the right side of his chest.

On August 13, instigated by the guards, the inmates in Team 3 beat practitioner Mr. Bao Yongsheng, saying [they did so] because he spoke with other practitioners.

On October 27, practitioners Feng Guoqing and Zhang Yuansen refused to write articles attacking Dafa. Division head Zhou Qingguo and political head Sun Zhanbin ordered the inmates to beat them, didn't allow them to sleep for six days and six nights, stripped the practitioners and poured cold water on them. Feng Guoqing held a hunger strike and the two practitioners were beaten until every part of their body became swollen. This round of torture didn't stop until the end of October.


2. Crimes committed by Zhang Baoli, head of the Group Drill Division at the Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in Beijing

In 2001, Zhang Baoli, head of Division 1 at the time, fanatically shocked an inmate (a non-practitioner) with electric batons. The inmate swallowed a ballpoint pen in an attempt to commit suicide. The inmate's family appealed at the Labor Reeducation Bureau and Zhang Baoli was subsequently demoted to the position of group head.

In 2003, it was exposed that the guards at Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp sold heroin to inmates at very high prices. Li Jing, a guard from the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp took Li Aimin's position and became the deputy head of Tuanhe Labor Camp. Li Jing promoted Zhang Baoli to be the head of the Group Drill Division. Zhang Baoli faithfully carried out Li Jing's orders and devoted himself to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.


3. Perpetrators from the Chengde City's 610 Office in Hebei Province persecute Falun Gong practitioners at the Luzhazigou Brainwashing Center

Yang Rui, secretary of the CCP Committee in Chengde City and head of Chengde City's 610 Office, head Yang Shaozeng, deputy head Li Daqing, section head Ji Yazhou, staff member Li Guozheng, and female staff member Li Jingfang rented a student dorm in Luzhazigou. They hired a few police officers to monitor Dafa practitioners who were held there for brainwashing sessions. Several dozen practitioners are sent to each session, and many practitioners were sentenced to forced labor and prison because they refused to give up Dafa practice. Those who didn't receive sentences also had to go through several months of brainwashing. The staff then extorted large amounts of money from them before they were released.

In September 2004, deputy head Li Daqing beat Ms. Xu Suxia, a Dafa practitioner in her 50s who was held for over four months. She held a hunger strike lasting over 40 days and still persisted in Dafa practice. Li Daqing beat Ms. Xu and pulled out much of her hair. Ms. Xu opened a window and shouted "Falun Dafa is great." She then picked her hair up off of the floor so she could use it as evidence of the persecution. The perpetrators later sneaked into her room and stole the hair. They hastily and unconditionally sent Ms. Xu home.

Lu Feng and Xu Yafeng from the Shuangqiao District National Security Division in Chengde City arrested and brutally beat many steadfast Dafa practitioners. Fu Liancheng, head of the 610 Office received retribution for his crimes --he had a car accident in December 2004 and broke his ribs. He is currently in the hospital.


4. Crimes committed by Gao Shiyun, a perpetrator from the Wafangdian City Police Department in Liaoning Province

Gao Shiyun, a guard from the Wafangdian City Police Department's 610 Office in Liaoning Province brutally tortured detained Dafa practitioners. He beat the practitioners with all types of hard objects and torture tools including belts, brooms and wooden planks. He abused these implements until they broke. He beat practitioners of all ages until they were covered in blood. Even the inmates who watched cried. According to a practitioner, Gao Shiyun was beating him and his face was covered in blood when someone entered the room. Gao Shiyun forced him to wipe his face and pretended nothing happened.


(1) The yearly average temperature in Heilongjiang Province fluctuates between minus 4 to 4 degrees centigrade.