It is a common phenomenon in forced labor camps in China for detainees to be shocked with electric batons and abused sadistically. Even though international human rights organizations and people of good will have been appealing for so long, brutality still occurs frequently. Last year, Falun Gong practitioner Gao Rongrong's face was severely disfigured after being shocked for several hours with electric batons at Longshan Forced Labor Camp. When her burned face, full of blisters, was revealed to the public over the internet in July 2004, people from all walks of life were stunned. Several days ago, a more terrifying case of sadistic torture was exposed on the Minghui website. It is about what happened to a Falun Gong practitioner named Qu Hui during his detention in Dalian Forced Labor Camp. He was disabled because of torture, and his penis festered after electric shocking. His cervical vertebra was fractured, leaving him a paraplegic now for four years. The pictures linked at the end of this article are graphic and not suitable for children to view.

Qu Hui and his family before the persecution
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According to a report from the Falun Dafa Information Center, Qu Hui's experience is only one of the numerous persecution cases that occurred in Dalian City. A report on December 2003 indicated that many sadistic means of abuse that are not known to the public are employed in Dalian Forced Labor Camp. Witnesses have provided details of 47 different kinds of brutal torture methods. It has been confirmed that six people have died of torture.
Phone interview with people from Pulandian Mental Hospital: Qu Hui does not have a mental problem
A reporter from the Epoch Times made a phone call to Pulandian Mental Hospital, one of the locations where Qu Hui had been held and persecuted. The person who answered the call could clearly remember how Qu Hui was brought to the hospital four years ago. The interviewee said that Qu Hui stayed there for over two months. When the reporter asked whether Qu had had some medical treatment in the hospital, the interviewee replied "He did not talk a lot. All he did was meditation. He did not take any medicine or much food. By the way, why should he take medicine if he did not have any health problems?"
The interviewee also said that doctors did not do any tests on Qu Hui when he was in the hospital. When the reporter asked, "Do you think he has any mental problems?" The interviewee answered, "No. We only monitored him." After that, he added, "A healthy person should not be kept in a mental hospital. Later on, he was sent to Dalian Forced Labor Camp."
People with mental problems should not be sentenced to forced labor camp or prison. The reporter asked further, "If he did not have mental illnesses, he should not have been sent to Pulandian Mental Hospital. It is contradictory." The interviewee said, "I don't understand it."
The reporter made a phone call to Dalian Gynecology & Obstetrics Hospital, inquiring about Liu Xinying, Qu Hui's wife and a nurse at the hospital. The reporter was told that, "She hasn't come back to work yet." And somebody from the Nursing Section of the hospital asked the reporter, "What do you want from her?"
Qu Hui had written an article: Only the Demons from Hell View Torture as Fun
According to news from the Minghui website, 35-year-old Qu Hui went to Beijing with his wife to appeal for Falun Dafa in January 2000. At Tiananmen Square, he was beaten up by policemen. On April 13, 2000, Qu Hui was subjected to forced labor, brainwashing, and torture in Dalian Forced Labor Camp. His penis festered after prolonged electric shocking, his cervical vertebra were fractured in a very high position and he has become a paraplegic. In the end, when he was at his last gasp of life, he was carried out of the labor camp.
On November 19, 2002, Qu Hui published an article on Minghui describing the torture he suffered in the forced labor camp. He revealed that policemen in the Dalian Harbor Detention House instructed criminal detainees to beat him, and that while he was in Pulandian Mental Hospital he was detained together with patients who had a history of violent behavior and murder.
He described that, "Practitioners lay along the corridor in disorder after torture. Some were vomiting white foam. Some were moaning. It was miserable. At 9:00 p.m., I was dragged to that horrifying room. The policemen tortured me till 8:00 a.m. the next day. I couldn't remember how many electric batons they had changed. The rubber batons made me black and blue, bruised all over. My muscles in the buttocks became festered and my knees were swollen after the beating. My cervical vertebra was broken and I kept spitting blood. I lost consciousness many times..."
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Qu Hui recalled how doctors participated in the persecution. He wrote, "Every time when I woke up, a doctor named Han Qiong from the labor camp would do an examination on me and then say, 'It's OK. The beating can go on.' I will never forget a policeman named Qiao Wei who is extremely brutal. He grinned hideously and said to people near him while he was beating me, 'I haven't had so much fun for many years.'"
Qu Hui said, "Only demons would treat torturing people as fun."
Sadistic abuse in Dalian Forced Labor Camp
According to a report from Falun Dafa Information Center in December 2003, terror and violence has always been employed in Dalian Forced Labor Camp.
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The report indicated that on the afternoon of March 19, 2001, Zhang Baolin, the vice director of the labor camp at the time, instructed a group of "helpers" [who were designated to supervise the behavior of practitioners] to brutally torture Falun Gong practitioners: Mr. Cong Wei had his clothes stripped off, his hands tied behind his back. They threw him to the ground and shocked him with six electric batons simultaneously.
Mr. Liu Yonglai was subjected to more inhumane torture. The guards shocked him with electric batons deliberately on the perineum, head, neck and mouth. The smell of burned flesh filled the whole room.
The report also provided the details of eight female Falun Gong practitioners who were subjected to ruthless sadistic torture during the process of "being reeducated" in the labor camp.
Ms. Fu Shuying, in her sixties, was tied up with her limbs stretched out in different directions. The "helpers" inserted a long wooden strip into her vagina, which led to serious infection.
27-year-old Cheng Hui and 30-year-old Sun Yan were tied up with their limbs stretched out as well. "Helpers" penetrated their vaginas with very long wooden strips causing serious bleeding. In addition, three other female practitioners were subjected to torture as well. Their vaginas were stuffed with chili pepper water, which caused extreme pain. In two other cases, "helpers" inserted a bathroom brush into the two female practitioners' vaginas and caused heavy bleeding internally.
Dalian official television stations help the persecutors spread lies
Although the situation inside the forced labor camps is so bad, the public has no way to be aware of the truth. On June 29, 2003, Dalian TV Station broadcast a program named "New Vision," in which officers from Dalian Forced Labor Camp and "helpers" from several forced labor camps told lies openly to the public about their purpose of "educating" Falun Gong practitioners and how they "kindly" treated Falun Gong practitioners in the process of "education."
Hao Wenshuai, president of the Forced Labor Camp said openly that the report on Minghui was fabricated. He told the audience, "There are absolutely no such things occurring in the detention center."
After the program was broadcast, local Falun Gong practitioners spoke out to clarify the truth, since several Dalian practitioners such as Wang Qiuxia, Sun Lianxia and Liu Yonglai were tortured to death in the forced labor camp. Many others who knew the truth also denounced the television program for being full of lies.
The photos linked below are graphic, and should only be viewed by adults.
Festered penis after repeated shocks from electric batons
Category: Accounts of Persecution