[Hunan Province] Wang Fuping Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials
[Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Persecution of Liu Changshun and Others
[Xianning, Hubei Province] Wang Yaoxia Seized by the 610 Office
[Shandong Province] Yu Chunling Taken to Brainwashing Center for Posting Truth-Clarifying Materials
[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ding Zhenfang Arrested and Tortured for Clarifying the Truth on a Bus
[Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Destitute Practitioners Cui Shimin and Han Jingxiu Arrested After Returning Home
[Huainan City, Anhui Province] Tang Duoqing Arrested for Posting Falun Dafa Signs
[Shiyan City, Hubei Province] He Jiao Arrested for Showing Students a Truth-Clarification VCD
[Dehui City, Jilin Province] Police Continue to Persecute Practitioners
[Jilin Province] Sun Qian Tortured at Jilin Province No. 2 Prison
[Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Sun Dawei Is Being Forcibly Brainwashed
[Changchun, Jilin Province] Wang Enguo Arrested and His Home Is Being Monitored
[Dandong, Liaoning Province] Xu Yanfeng Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment
[Shanghai] Pei Shanzhen Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials
1. [Hunan Province] Wang Fuping Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials
Mr. Wang Fuping from Hunan Province started practicing Falun Dafa less than one year ago. Mr. Wang works at Dinghu of Fenghuang Town, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province. Around March 8, 2005, he was followed while distributing truth-clarification materials to people. As a result, the workshop he occupied was ransacked, Dafa books and materials were confiscated, and he was taken to Zhaoqing Police Station.
The known participants of the persecution:
National Security Team of Dinghu sub-bureau Zhaoqing City Police Department
Zhong Sanying (superintendent): 86-758-2601790 (Office)
Cheng Yongming: 86-758-2681603 (Home)
Zou Huocai: 86-758-2692203
Liao Guoliang, Zhu Wenwu
2. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Persecution of Liu Changshun and Others
Mr. Liu Changshun, about 37 years old, resides at East Duozhuang Village, Duozhuang Town, Mengyin County, Shandong Province. Because he is a steadfast Falun Dafa practitioner, he was arrested by Duozhuang Town Police Station in 2001, and sentenced to a forced labor camp for three years. In April of 2003, he was released.
After he returned home, he continues to believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." On March 1, 2005, at 7 p.m., staff from the Duozhuang Town Police Station, 610 Office and a police station broke into and ransacked Liu Changshun's home. They arrested Mr. Liu and his wife (because his wife did not cooperate with their search and seizure) and took them to Duozhuang Town Police Station. On March 4, 2005, Mr. Liu was sent to a brainwashing center. On the morning of March 5, staff from Duozhuang Town government, 610 Office and the police station again broke into Mr. Liu's home and ransacked it.
Additionally, on December 11, 2004, Jiepai Town and Duozhuang Town Police Station policemen arrested Ms. Zhang Jimei from West Changming Village, Duozhuang Town, for distributing Falun Gong materials. She was detained at the Mengyin County 610 Office. Ms. Zhang was released, after they had extorted 4,000 yuan from her family.
At the end of December 2004, Duozhuang Town 610 Office head Zhao Haitao and staff from the police station broke into Dafa practitioner Cheng Zhengguo's home and harassed Chen without legal cause. For the past several years, on each of the so-called "sensitive days," they harassed and persecuted practitioners.
3. [Xianning, Hubei Province] Wang Yaoxia Seized by the 610 Office
On March 10, 2005, after 9 a.m., Ms. Wang Yaoxia of Xianning City was dispensing medicine for patients in the hospital. She was deceived by personnel from 610 Office and went for a so-called discussion with the workplace officials. She was arrested, and her whereabouts are unknown. After Ms. Wang was abducted, 610 Office personnel ransacked her home.
Ms. Wang Yaoxia is in her thirties, a nurse of the infection section at Xianning City Central Hospital, and an outstanding worker. She was divorced before she practiced Falun Gong. She raised her son by herself, and the son (a fifth grade student) has been without proper care since her arrest.
4. [Shandong Province] Yu Chunling Taken to Brainwashing Center for Posting Truth-Clarifying Materials
Haibin Police Department arrested Ms. Yu Chunling from Power Supply Section of Shengli Oil Field, because she posted flyers that said "Falun Dafa is great" on the streets. On the night of March 6, 2005, her workplace cooperated with the 610 Office and sent her to a brainwashing center.
5. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ding Zhenfang Arrested and Tortured for Clarifying the Truth on Bus
On August 19, 2004, Ms. Ding Zhenfang clarified the truth of Falun Gong on a bus. Policemen from the Rixin Street Police Station in Xigang, Dalian City, Liaoning Province arrested her. This was her third arrest.
Ding Zhenfang was sent to Yaojia Detention Center that night. She was brutally tortured by the guards. The guards who participated in the persecution were: Wang Ying, Su Ying, Guo Weijia and Jia Ling. They cruelly beat Ms. Ding, and locked her up in the basement. A week later, they sent Ms. Ding to Dalian Forced Labor Camp.
In Dalian Forced Labor Camp, under the instigation of Wan Yalin and Yuan Lingyue, criminal inmate Wang Chong (a con artist) cruelly tortured Ms. Ding. As soon as she entered the small cell, she was tortured with the "big hang up," forced to swallow a live spider and drink urine. They also put several dozen worms inside her clothes, hung her up and beat her for an entire month. Once she was released from the small cell, her body was deformed, and her legs and arms were stiff. Yet, the guards forced her to perform hard labor. If she could not complete the quota, she was not allowed to sleep at night, and was forced to stand for a long time. Every day, she stood until after 1 a.m. When the weather turned cold, the guards ordered the criminals to open the window, so she would freeze.
Ding Zhenfang is still detained at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.
6. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Destitute Practitioners Cui Shimin and Han Jingxiu Arrested After Returning Home
(1) Mr. Cui Shimin of Dadianzizhen Village, Tieling County, Tieling City, Liaoning Province was sentenced to two years of forced labor, for appealing in Beijing in 1999. In August of 2002, after he was released, he did not renounce his belief. Therefore, he had to leave his home to avoid further persecution. In October 2004, the police department sent him a message, telling him that he could come home, and promising that they would no longer harass him. They said that he could practice at home. Therefore, he returned home. The director general met him and told him not to leave again.
On March 3, 2005, seven to eight people from Tieling County Politics and Judiciary Committee, including Yun Ping, director general Li Weimin, assistant manger of Dadianzizhen and Jiang Xiudong went to Cui Shimin's home, and asked him to come to the police station. Mr. Cui refused. They handcuffed his hands, carried him to the van, and took him to the Tieling County Detention Center.
(2) Mr. Han Jingxiu is from Yinzhou District, Tieling City, Liaoning Province. His family of four has been cruelly persecuted and suffered deeply for practicing Falun Dafa. His wife suffered a mental collapse after she returned from the forced labor camp. His son was sentenced to three years of forced labor in 2002, and released on January 28, 2005. Han Jingxiu and his daughter became homeless in 2002 to avoid being persecuted. On February 28, 2005, friends contacted them with a message from the National Security Team of Yinzhou District Police Department. They had agreed to let them return home.
The family had been separated for several years. Yet, after being at home for less than ten minutes, Yang Dongsheng, Liu Daiying and many others from National Security Team of Yinzhou District Police Department came to his home. They asked Han Jingxiu and his daughter Han Huafeng to come with them. Because Han Huafeng had just been united with her mother, they agreed to have her go to the police department the next day for fearing that her mother could not take another shock. However they took Hang Jingxiu away and his whereabouts are unknown.
National Security Team of Yinzhou District Police Department, Tieling City Public
Security Bureau: 86-410-4848790
7. [Huainan City, Anhui Province] Tang Duoqing Arrested for Posting Falun Dafa Signs
On October 28, 2004, Xinji Dafa practitioner Tang Duoqing was arrested and taken to Fengtai County Detention Center for posting Falun Dafa signs. On January 25, at 9:15 a.m., Tan's relative witnessed that a section chief of Xinji joint defense unit and the neighborhood committee chief arrested Tang's spouse, Ji Duoqun (a Dafa practitioner). They took Ji to a brainwashing center organized by Huainan City 610 Office.
8. [Shiyan City, Hubei Province] He Jiao Arrested for Showing Students a Truth-Clarification VCD
On January 6, 2005, the National Security Team of Maojian Police Department, Shiyan City Police Department, arrested He Jiao, a teacher at the Shiyan High School of Shiyan City, Hubei Province for playing a truth-clarification VCD during class. The raid was led by vice principal Zhao Ensi and Ma Xiangdong. The case officer was Zhang Shumeng, the assistant head of National Security Team of Maojian Police Department, Shiyan City Public Security Bureau.
9. [Dehui City, Jilin Province] Police Continue to Persecute Practitioners
Ms. Ma Chunli from Dehui City, Jilin Province has been on a hunger strike for more than 80 days. She is in critical condition. However, Wang Chengsen, the deputy director general of the police department refuses to release her. He force-feeds her with soy milk powder every day.
10. [Jilin Province] Sun Qian Being Tortured at Jilin Province No. 2 Prison
On March 2, 2005, Sun Qian was put under "strict monitoring." The most likely reason is that he remained steadfast in his belief while in prison, distributed Teacher's articles and quit the Communist Youth League. The prison staff does not allow Sun Qian's family to visit. They called in a so-called expert from the provisional Justice Bureau to brainwash Sun Qian.
11. [Jiutai Citiy, Jilin Province] Sun Dawei Is Being Forcibly Brainwashed
Jiutai Citiy Forced Labor Camp subjects Sun Dawei to brainwashing. Feng Wei, Zhao Yunfu and others from No. 5 brigade instigated guards Tian Fujun, Wang Lianwei, Sun Guangming and others to monitor Sun Dawei in the harsh discipline room. They gave orders that he would not be allowed to leave the area. He is monitored even when he uses the toilet.
Secretary in charge: Zhao Yunfu 86-13159773661 (Cell)
12. [Changchun, Jilin Province] Wang Enguo Arrested and His Home Is Being Monitored
On March 8, 2005, the national protection unit of Changchun City Police Department arrested Wang Enguo from Changchun. At the same time, three other Falun Dafa practitioners were also arrested. Wang Enguo's home was ransacked; two notebooks and some equipment for producing materials were confiscated. He is now being held in the basement of the public security section in Changchun City Autocar Factory, and suffering torture.
Currently, Wang Enguo's home is under strict supervision, and monitored by plain clothes police. It is rumored that two practitioners were arrested when they came to his home.
13. [Dandong, Liaoning Province] Xu Yanfeng Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment
Xu Yanfeng is the former products design engineer of Shuguang Vehicle Axle Limited Company in Dandong. In 1995, he began to practice Falun Dafa. In November of 2003, he purchased a computer and printer, for downloading articles from the Minghui website (Clearwisdom) and to make truth-clarification materials. In March 2004, he was reported by evildoers, and sentenced to three years of forced labor. In July, this sentence was withdrawn. On January 4, 2005, Dandong City Zhenan District Court sentenced him to a four-year prison term.
Zhen'an District Court criminal court phone number: 86-415-4143871
14. [Shanghai] Pei Shanzhen Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarification Materials
On March 2, 2005, Ms. Pei Shanzhen from Shanghai was arrested for distributing truth-clarification materials.
Ms. Pei Shanzhen, 61 years old, lives in Room 1508, No 2, Lane 183, Nanyang Road. On March 2, 2005, she was taken to Jingan Detention Center. Her home was ransacked. It is said that she had hand-written many truth-clarification materials.
Pei Shanzhen was sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2000. She was detained at the Falun Gong supervision unit of Shanghai Women's Forced Labor Camp between March 18, 2000 and March 18, 2002.