Jilin City Dafa practitioners Ms. Sun Jingyun and Ms. Wu Yuzhen were arrested on November 23, 2004 and sentenced to six years in prison. Their families have been working hard to fight for their case against the police, the courts, and the detention center. Officials involved with the case have been trying to find excuses and shirk their responsibility. Currently Sun Jingyun and Wu Yuzhen are both detained at the Number 1 Detention Center in Jilin City. They both went on hunger strike to protest the persecution.
On November 23, 2004, led by National Security Brigade Captain Du Xingze, police from the Changyi District worked together with police from the Dongjuzi Police Station and arrested Sun Jingyun, Wu Yuzhen, and a dozen other Dafa practitioners. The practitioners were telling the people facts behind the persecution of Falun Gong at the morning market near the Jilin City Carbon Element Factory dormitory. Later, the police ransacked Sun Jingyun's home while nobody was home.
In the morning of November 17, 2004, the 4th court of the Changyi District Court of Jilin City started the trial of Ms. Sun Jingyun, Ms. Wu Yuzhen, Ms. You Jinmei, and Ms. Liu Chunhua. When the judge slandered Dafa, Sun Jingyun, Wu Yuzhen and You Jinmei all proclaimed, "Falun Dafa is upright, and Falun Dafa is good." They used their righteous thoughts against the trial and clarified the truth in court.
Sun Jingyun, Wu Yuzhen and You Jinmei demanded that they be unconditionally released and cleared of the charges forced upon them. Facing the practitioners' righteous thoughts, the trial did not yield any results and went into recess.
The Number 1 Detention Center in Jilin City has illegally detained several hundred Dafa practitioners since July 20, 1999 and brutally tortured them. Practitioners who went on hunger strikes were singled out. The guards violently force feed practitioners who go on hunger strike. They also incite hatred against Dafa practitioners in other inmates by purposefully punishing them, such as prohibiting them from having family visits, break time, and purchasing food; forcing them to sit in fixed positions for long periods of time; and depriving them of sleep, in order to coerce them to join the guards in torturing Dafa practitioners.
Number 1 Detention Center
Director, Sun Zhufeng: 86-432-4687526 (home) 86-13904407750 (Cell)
Party Secretary, Wang Wenkui: 86-432-2588147 (Home)
Women's deputies:
Bian Hongbo
Chen Lili: 86-432-2455243 (Home)}
Zhao Yanbo: 86-432-2455060 (Home), 86-13904415711 (Cell)
Responsible Government Offices/Units:
Jilin City Public Security Bureau,
Supervising and Administrative Brigade Captain, Piao Yongzhi: 86-432-2580555
Vice Party Secretary, Yang Fenglin: 86-43202576988 (Home)
Vice Captain, Dong Ping: 86-432-2584567 (Home)
Li Deshen: 86-432-2578506
Zhu Caixia: 86-432-2589996
Sun Aimin: 86-13009156527
Wang Xin: 86-432-2584831
Sun Lijun: 86-432--2574088
Lv Haiquan: 86-432-2571925
Zhou Yong: 86-432-4650646
Zheng Wenji: 86-432-4871788
Chu Haiqing: 86-432-2773059
Hong Guochen: 86-432-2032552
Changyi District Court, Jilin City
Judge who handled this case, Yang Xingyuan
4th Court Room director, Wang Ying
Address for the Changyi District Court: Tongtan Road, #68. Post code 132022.
Office of the Chief of Court: 86-432-2793829
Other relevant phone numbers: 86-432-2770236 86-432-2775183 86-432-2775184
86-432-2784351 86-432-2775172 86-432-2775176 86-432-2775185
86-432-2750661 86-432-2772795 86-432-2780275 86-432-2781561
86-432-2766685 86-432-2784269 86-432-3056202 86-432-4017758
Jilin City Public Security Bureau address:
51 Beijing Road, Jilin City. Postal code: 132011.
Fax: 86-432-2454682
Main switchboard: 86-432-2409221
Chief of Bureau public contact:
86-432-2409110, 86-432-2488110, 86-432-2455848, 86-432-2454682
Dongjuzi Police Station: 86-432-2454429
Police Chief: Han Dongfei, 86-13039256088
Policemen: Zhong Jigang, Nan Changgao, Yang Keyi, Gao Yang
Changyi Police Branch Office: Jiefang Blvd. 132041
Phone numbers: 86-432-2485162, 86-432-2485537, 86-432-2459110,
86-432-2485162, 86-432-2485940, 86-432-2485301, 86-432-2499302, 86-432-2485303,
86-432-2485306, 86-432-2485943, 86-432-2485378
March 26, 2005