(Clearwisdom.net) Dr. Chao, an engineer with the Siemens Company, lives with his wife Chen in Sauelach, a small town not far from Munich. In 2004, Chen started practicing Falun Gong. Influenced by his wife, Dr. Chao also started to learn Falun Gong. Soon they understood the significance of Fa-rectification cultivation. They often spent time promoting Falun Gong and raising awareness of the persecution in neighboring cities.
For this couple, telling people about Falun Gong and the truth about the persecution that is taking place in China was far more important than relaxing on the weekends. During the holidays, they once drove a long way to Trier, a city in West Germany, where Karl Marx used to live and gave birth to the communism that brought humankind endless suffering. In that town, they talked to tourists from China, and hoped that people could be free from the lies and deception spread by the Chinese Communist Party.
Dr. Chao and his wife always had a wish to hold a Falun Gong information day in the town where they live, so that the residents there could learn about Falun Gong. Since the town is small and has rarely seen such activities, the town authorities valued their application. Dr. Chao and his wife quickly received the approval of the town head.
On April 16, 2005, along with several Falun Gong practitioners from Munich, they set up a stall, some poster display boards and a banner reading "Falun Gong" in the center of town. Passers-by stopped to listen to the practitioners talk about the campaign of genocide against Falun Gong in China, and many people signed a petition calling for the instigator of the persecution, former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, to be brought to justice in the courts of law. A gentleman who used to teach German in several universities in China stopped for a long time in front of the display. He talked about the Chinese Communist Party with the practitioners and said that the party will collapse sooner or later, because even the Chinese rulers do not believe in communism.

Falun Dafa information stall in the small town of Sauelach
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200504/26033.html
Category: April 25 Events