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Persisting in Fa Study at a Labor Camp

April 07, 2005 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Gansu Province	


During the four years that I was illegally held in a Detention Center and Labor Camp, I had access to new articles by Master and read them. Under the merciful care of Master, I was able to study the Fa, cultivate myself, and validate Dafa. I'd like to share my experience and understanding.

Only a few days after I was illegally detained in a Detention Center, my wife began to deliver articles by Master to me. Upon returning to my cell, I managed to pass the articles on to other practitioners. In one or two days, all the practitioners there had read the new articles by Master. As more and more practitioners were illegally detained there, I decided to write down some of the contents from Essentials for Further Advancement, "Hongyin" and other Fa lectures from memory to study and share with them.

Once, my wife delivered Zhuan Falun to me, and as I read it day and night I felt that I was melting into Dafa. One time a guard realized that I had Dafa materials and came to search the cell. He searched me and the cell thoroughly, but he could not find anything.

As for practicing the exercises, as soon as we were illegally detained in the detention center, we started to practice. Because of this, the guards beat us up, but we were not afraid and persisted in practicing. Two days later, after they knew the truth of Dafa, they only yelled when we practiced. One of the policemen even saw a white energy above me when we practiced. Master let them witness the miracle of Dafa in this way. After that, they started to help us. During hot days, they opened the door and let us to go out to the vegetable field. We were able to tell them the truth of Dafa while we enjoyed the cool breeze.

I was placed in several cells. In each cell that I stayed, some people asked me to teach them how to practice Falun Gong and study the Fa. When we practiced, others did not talk or smoke, and this became an informal rule that everyone followed.

Later, I was sent to the Pingantai Labor Camp. The second day after arriving I wanted to let the practitioners there read the new articles by Master. At that time, a so-called "helper" asked if I would write some letters for him. I put the pen and paper underneath my bed. In the still of the night, with a little light coming in from outside, I wrote down the new articles by Master: "Path," and an article from Mighui.net entitled, "In a Few Words: Good People" and Master's Comments, "Also in a Few Words". The next evening we were watching a video together and I found a chance to pass the articles on to a practitioner that I knew.

After we studied the Fa and shared our understandings, we realized that we should not cooperate with this persecution, so we started to refuse to the camp exercise drills or work and we recited Fa principles aloud. In this way we persisted for eight days and we shocked and frightened the evil with a mighty furor. After that, the guards put me into solitary confinement and tortured me with all kinds of excruciating methods. They tortured me with electric shocks three times a day. However, I could only hear the "...." sound from the electrical charge and see the electric baton sparking, I didn't feel any pain. When that guard persecuted me viciously, I would send out righteous thoughts every hour and every minute to get through the worst of it. The guard couldn't convert me, and then he threatened me, "If you won't convert, I will let you die inside there. If you don't convert in 10 days, then we'll keep you there for 20 days. If you don't convert in 20 days, we'll keep you there for 30 days."

Under the merciful care of Master, I was released from solitary confinement only10 days later and afterwards I became even more steadfast.

I understand clearly that all of what I have accomplished is coming from the mighty power of Dafa and righteous thoughts and the righteous belief in Master and the Fa. I have cultivated in Dafa for almost 10 years. At this moment, what I mostly want to say is, "Master, Thank you!"