(Clearwisdom.net) On May 13th, 2005, the Secretary of the State, Roger Williams, wrote to the Falun Dafa community in Texas to extend greetings to the Falun Dafa Community of Texas on the 13th World Falun Dafa Day.
The State of Texas
The Office of the Secretary of State
Presents its Greetings to:
The Falun Dafa Community of Texas
We present our compliments to you on the occasion of the 13th Annual World Falun Dafa Day.
The United States was established a place of freedom of belief. Americans and, in particular, Texas have traditionally respected those who are devoted to matters of the spirit. We appreciate what Texas practitioners of Falun Dafa contribute to our great state.
May this day be a special time for all of you.
In testimony whereof, I have affixed my signature and the seal of the State of Texas. Done at Austin, this the 13th day of May in the year two thousand and five.
Roger Williams
Secretary of State