(Clearwisdom.net) On May 13, 2005, Falun Gong practitioners from many of Germany's cities traveled to Berlin, the German capital, to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day. This day was the 13th anniversary of Falun Gong being introduced to the public.
It was a beautiful sunny day. The setting was Berlin's Pleasure Garden, in the centre of the city, a highly visible place next to the Berlin Cathedral and in the midst of a great number of museums. Bright banners and flags told passersby about World Falun Dafa Day. The information booth tables were covered with beautiful blue cloths, on which were written the words "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance."
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Many tourists that had come to see the sights and attractions in Berlin passed by and watched our exercise demonstration. They also displayed great interest in our information material that was displayed in a number of different languages on the tables. One practitioner brought home-made paper lotus flowers which were eye-catching and popular. Each flower held a beautiful poem.
The passersby viewed the poster boards, which depicted the gracefulness of the Falun Gong exercises. They also looked at the boards revealing the persecution against the practice in China. People were deeply touched after seeing pictures of practitioners who have been tortured. One lady spoke in such convincing words about the inhumanity good people have to suffer in China that the onlookers had tears in their eyes. Many young people, who were visiting Berlin for the German Gymnastic and Sports festival, wanted us to explain the torture in more detail. They took flyers and newspapers to learn about it in more depth.
We will do much more to help the persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in China and to expose the truth of the cruel persecution of Falun Gong. On May 13th 2005 we were deeply touched and happy, because we were fully aware that we were not alone. In many places all over the world, Falun Dafa practitioners were celebrating on May 13th.
Category: Dafa Day Celebrations