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Summary of Other Articles and News - June 12, 2005

June 28, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. The February 12 incident at the Women's Prison in Jilin Province

At noon on February 12, 2004, ten Falun Dafa practitioners who had been detained at the Jilin Province Prison for Women No. 9 Division, lined up and each held out a piece of paper with one Chinese character. When combined, the ten characters stated: "Stop Persecuting Falun Gong Inside the No. 8 Division."

These practitioners were calling attention to the latest round of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners who are held in the No. 8 division. Division director Guo, prison guards Zhang Yan and Han, and prison police officer Hu had instigated other inmates to brutally beat a female practitioner. Her head swelled up horribly as a result. Others could barely look at her. She could hardly open her eyes, and two other people had to carry her and help her walk. The prison staff still forced the practitioner to do physical labor every day even though she was badly injured.

One afternoon after the February 12 appeal, a group of prison officials, led by the Deputy Prison Director Wu Zeyun, suddenly rushed into the prison factory. Division Director Zhong Guimei and her assistant Wei then told the inmates to tie up four of the ten practitioners who participated in the appeal. They were then dragged out of the factory and thrown into special small cells. The practitioners were locked inside the small cells from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. At night, the practitioners were handcuffed to the heating pipes. Two inmates monitored the practitioners 24 hours per day.

Practitioner Liu Guixia's hands were frostbitten after she was finally released from the small cell one month later. Immediately after her release from the cell, she was tied to her bed, with each limb bound to one of the four corners. She was not allowed to use the restroom, and the bed sheet and her clothes became covered with urine. Later on, prison guards stripped off Liu Guixia's clothes and then opened the window to let the freezing air blow onto Liu Guixia's body. Liu Guixia was tortured this way for two weeks.

Practitioner Wang Liping was extremely weak and emaciated after being locked inside the small cell for one month. One inmate tried to force-feed Wang Liping and slapped her face while continually cursing at her. As for the rest of the six appeal participants, they were also tortured. They were tied to their beds with all four limbs stretched out. Guards even took away practitioner Song Weixiang's bed board and let her four limbs support her entire body weight. The pain was unbearable, and her joints felt as if they would crack. Song Weixiang suffered this torture for 168 hours. Practitioner Cheng Jie was also persecuted in a similar way. Another practitioner named Liu Yue had to sleep on a cold and hard bed board in the freezing cold. From the pain and cold, she shivered the entire next day.

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/6/12/103881.html

2. Practitioner Sui Qifeng and His Family's Persecution Experiences

Mr. Sui Qifeng, 56, worked at the Petroleum Management Bureau in Daqing City. Mr. Sui's wife, Li Shulian, 59, worked for a subsidiary of the Drill Production Technology Company in Daqing City. Mr. Sui has two daughters. The elder, Sui Yuling, is 34 years old, the younger, Sui Yumin, is 30 years old. After the entire family started practicing Falun Dafa, their illnesses completely dissappeared. Since July 20, 1999, when the Chinese government began its crackdown on Falun Gong, Mr. Sui's house has been ransacked, and he and his family have been arrested and detained on several occasions.

On February 27, 2000, Li Sulian and her two daughters went to Beijing to appeal to the government to stop the persecution of Falun Gong. Fangshan District Police officers arrested Mrs. Li and her two daughters. Later, they were brought back to Daqing City and imprisoned in the Daqing City Detention Center for one month. Next, they were transferred to the Honggang District Detention Center and detained there for another two months. Li and her two daughters were finally released on June 13, 2000.

However, on June 18, 2000, Li Sulian, her daughter Sui Yumin and hundreds of practitioners were arrested because they participated in a Falun Gong group exercise practice. All the practitioners were detained at the Daqing City Detention Center.

The next day, Mrs. Li Sulian and some other practitioners were transferred to the Lindian City Detention Center. At the Lindian City Detention Center, Mrs. Li was brutally beaten. One month later, Mrs. Li was transferred to Honggang Detention Center in Daqing City and detained there for 15 days. On June 19, 2000, Sui Yumin decided to practice the Falun Gong exercises inside the detention center. A guard rushed to Yumin, grabbed her by the hair and then started to beat her. Yumin lost quite a lot of hair and her body was covered with bruises from the brutal beating.

Sui Yumin was transferred to the Taikang County Detention Center and detained there for two months. After that, she was transferred to the Honggan Detention Center in Daqing City and held there for another 15 days. After Sui Yumin was released from the detention center, she was first taken to the local public security station and then to her work unit. She was under strict surveillance around the clock.

At the end of December 2000, Sui Yumin and her mother Li Sulian again went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. They were arrested and held at the Tongzhou District Detention Center. More than 20 days later, they were released. In January 2001, officers from the Babaijiong Public Security Station arrested Sui Yuling and then ransacked her house. The police officers then took Li Sulian to the Daqing City Detention Center. One month later, Li Sulian was transferred to the Honggang Detention Center, where she was held for 15 days. Afterwards, Li Sulian was transferred to the Daqing City Refugee Center. At the refugee center, Li Sulian went on a hunger strike to protest against the persecution, and was subsequently force-fed.

In April 2001, Mr. Sui Qifeng went to Mingshui County, Helongjiang Province to pass out truth-clarification materials, but he was arrested by local police and sentenced to one year in prison. In April 2002, Mr. Sui was released from the prison. In November 2001, Sui Yumin and her mother Li Sulian went to Beijing again to appeal for Falun Gong. They were arrested the next day and sent to the Zhaoyang District Detention Center in Beijing. All practitioners detained in the center went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Sui Yumin was force-fed with heavily saturated salt water.

On August 30, 2002, Li Sulian and her two daughters were again abducted and dragged to the local public security station. They were transferred to the Daqing City Detention Center and held there for one month. On September 29, 2002, they were transferred to the Honggang Detention Center in Daqing City, where they were detained for 15 days. On October 14, 2002, the three were transferred to the Daqing City Refugee Center. There, they went on a hunger strike that lasted 18 days. They became extremely weak, and the refugee center refused to hold them any longer.

On May 16, 2005, the Babaijing Public Security Substation once again arrested Sui Qifeng and Li Sulian. That night, Li Sulian was taken to the Daqing City Detention Center and Sui Qifeng was sent to the Longfeng Detention Center, also in Daqing City. Nine days later, Sui Qifeng was sentenced to one year in prison. Currently Sui Qifeng is being held in the Daqing City Forced Labor Camp. It was reported that Li Sulian was first sent to a detention center in Harbin City, however, the center refused to accept Li, and she was thus transferred to the Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp in Qiqihar City.

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/6/12/103882.html

3. Practitioner Li Yanxiang's Persecution Experiences

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Yanxiang is from Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. She is about 40 years old. After the Chinese government started the crackdown on Falun Gong, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong four times, and each time she was illegally imprisoned.

While in Beijing, five armed police officers from the Tiananmen Square Public Security Station brutally beat Li. Later, some police officers from Qinhuangdao City who were stationed in Beijing arrived and viciously beat Li again. Afterwards, Ms. Li was taken back to her hometown and detained at the No. 1 Detention Center of Qinhuangdao City.

On October 27, 2000, Li went to Beijing to validate Dafa for the fourth time. She was detained for more than 20 days and then sentenced to three years in prison at the Kaiping District Forced Labor Camp at Tangshan City. Practitioners at the forced labor camp were severely persecuted. Some practitioners held hunger strikes to protest the torture. In retaliation, prison guards stripped off practitioners' clothes and threw the practitioners into the freezing snow.

One practitioner from Funing County named Hao Jianling was disfigured by electric baton shocks. Others were hung in the air for more than ten hours. Their hands and feet were frostbitten, and they could not walk afterwards. Prison guard Liu Liyin continually shocked practitioners one by one with an electric baton. He also struck practitioners on their faces with a bamboo club.

Some other prison guards instigated inmates to strip off practitioners' clothes and hit them on the hips. Some of the practitioners had open wounds. A number of practitioners went on a hunger strike for six months, yet the wicked prison guards still forced those practitioners to march. If the practitioners failed to march due to weakness, they were hung with their feet off the ground and severely beaten. Their clothes were stripped off, and the prison guards opened the windows to let the freezing wind blow onto the practitioners' bodies. The prison guards also tried to force-feed practitioners who were on hunger strike. They tied the practitioners to their beds with their limbs tied to the four corners of the bed. During one force-feeding session, Ms. Li vomited blood. In June of 2001, the forced labor camp started brainwashing sessions for practitioners, and the practitioners were totally deprived of sleep.

Translated from: http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/6/12/103860.html