(Clearwisdom.net) On July 4, 2005, practitioners from Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts participated in the Independence Day parade held in Bristol. It was the fourth time for the practitioners to participate in the local parade.

The weather was nice on July 4. Tens of thousands people sat or stood beside the parade route in Bristol to view the 220th Independence Day parade. The theme of the parade was how the American people cherish and appreciation freedom and democracy. Several dozens of organizations from different states participated in the parade. The Falun Gong practitioners were the only Chinese group in the parade.
![]() ![]() Fan dancing |
![]() ![]() The practitioners' float |
On the 2.5-mile-long parade route, the practitioners' procession included a float, a waist drum team and a fairy dancing team. The stirring waist drum sound and the graceful fan dance won audience's applause and acclamation.
The organizer of the practitioners' procession said, "The banner on the float reads: 'The Creator endowed mankind with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.' We have freedom in the US, but not in China."