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My Understanding of Teacher's Article, "My Version of a Stick Wake-up"

July 17, 2005 |   By a practitioner in China


Teacher said,

"In Fa-rectification all of the cosmos's final, remaining things will be born anew as they are disintegrated and re-created, and the moment when the Fa rectifies the human world draws ever nearer." ("My Version of a Stick Wake-up")

This article greatly encouraged me. I realized that while practitioners are doing the three things well, one should be like a big river rather than a small stream so that we can keep up as the "enormous current of Fa-rectification is charging forward." ("Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People")

Before, I often was satisfied with my daily Fa study, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth. After reading Teacher's recent three articles and the article "My Version of a Stick Wake-up," I feel that I truly need the "stick wake-up." In the past, I seemed to be very diligent in doing the three things. Sometimes I was so busy that I only had one meal a day. However, when I asked my heart, "Do I truly realize the urgency of the time," the answer was, "No." My mind was not focused during Fa study and sending forth righteous thoughts. I clarified the truth only selectively to people I liked. I decided to "stick wake-up" myself and be diligent in the path of becoming a god while doing the three things well. We cannot forget Teacher's words:

"saving sentient beings was your great aspiration, and that is the responsibility and mission history has bestowed upon you in Fa-rectification." ("Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World's People")

and that practitioners "should step up their efforts and do well the things they are supposed to do." ("Greetings")

Teacher said,

"Snap out of it! If even this, the most wicked ordeal ever, can't wake you up, then when the Fa rectifies the human world you will only be able to watch--watch with shock and regret, with angst and lamentful despair for having done so poorly--the magnificent sight of the Consummation of those Dafa disciples who truly cultivated. It's a case of reaping what you sow." ("In Fa-Rectification You Thoughts Have to be Righteous, Not Human")

For those fellow practitioners who have not stepped out, do you truly want to lose this precious opportunity you have been waiting for for hundreds and thousand of years because of your attachment of fear? Teacher said long ago,

"At the crucial moment when I ask you to break away from humanness, you do not follow me. Each opportunity will not occur again" ("Digging Out the Roots")

We should let go of the attachment of fear, clarify the truth and save sentient beings together with other practitioners to accomplish our historic mission. Teacher is watching over us every moment. Let us strive forward together and repay Teacher with our fruitful cultivation and welcome the moment when the Fa rectifies the human world.