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Exposing Crimes of the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp (Part I)

July 26, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I have been illegally held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp since 2001. In May 2001, the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp started a brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners. For an entire month, they continuously and viciously tortured about a hundred Dafa practitioners who refused to give up their beliefs in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

At that time all the practitioners were forced to stay in the hallway and squat facing the wall for extended periods of time. Some practitioners were dragged to the guards' office and beaten with electric batons. Some practitioners' eyes and thighs were dug and pinched badly by criminals who were ordered by the guards to do these things. Some were forcibly lifted and held by their arms for a long period of time. Some practitioners' had their legs forcibly crossed and tied up. Dafa practitioners endured unimaginable mental and physical pain. The whole place was engulfed in terror.

The brutal persecution lead by guards Su Jing and Wang Naimin lasted for an entire month. During this period of intensified persecution, I lost more than ten pounds. The criminals scratched at my eyes and pulled at my hair. Two criminals watched me every day and they frequently forced me to the restroom and cursed at me. Criminal Li Shuqin also threatened me, saying, "If you still refuse to be brainwashed, we will strip you and thrown you into the male cells." But I did not give up my belief.

The atrocity of the persecution during that period was far beyond what I described above. I suffered in this kind of environment for more than three years. The perpetrators repeatedly and brutally persecute practitioners like this.

In July 2001, the guards forced the practitioners to do extensive outdoor labor work. Practitioners were forced to pull straw every day in paddies that were filled with water up to the knee. They could not squat down or stretch their backs. Even when the weather was very hot, they were not allowed to rest for a minute. Some of them suffered heat stroke and fainted. Day after day, more and more people had to be given IVs, and they were forced to pay all of the medical expenses themselves. The guards not only forced the Dafa practitioners to do heavy manual labor, but also used brainwashing to persecute them after the extensive work.

Because of the long-term suffering and horrible pressure, some practitioners gave in to the evil against their conscience.

At the labor camp, the most fierce and cruel guard is Qiu Ping. She is in her 50s. She was even on CCTV's "Focal Point" television program twice because of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, and was dressed up as "Kindhearted Aunt Qiu" by "Focal Point." Actually she not only uses electric batons to beat practitioners, but also forces the practitioners who compromised with the evil to persecute the practitioners who refuse to compromise. This is the CCP's most vicious persecution method. It not only persecutes you, but also forces you to persecute others. If you don't cooperate, you will be persecuted more severely. During the past few years, the practitioners who were directly or indirectly persecuted by Qiu Ping number close to a thousand.

When the "Focal Point" reporter came to the labor camp for the second time, the guards called more than ten people who were "reformed" by persecution to slander Dafa and hide the truth of the persecution. On the same day, a practitioner who had heart disease was pulled out and hung upside down to be tortured. But in the "Focal Point" TV program, the evil was praised.

The list below is a partial list of practitioners who were brutally persecuted:

Ms. Du Suhua, from Lingyuan City, is over 50 years old. She was electrically shocked by Qiu Ping.

Ms. Dong Xiaoyan, from Lingyuan City, is about 35 years old. She was forced to squat for a long time for punishment and her legs were severely injured.

Ms. Lin Ping, from Dalian City, was tortured with the punishment called "swallow flying" (the practitioner's lower body is tied onto the sides of a bed, with his hands intentionally handcuffed on the sides of the bed above or below so that there is no room to move).

Ms. Wang Hui, from Dalian City, is about 35 years old. She was one of the earliest practitioners who were held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in 1999 and lived in the inhuman prison for three years. Her hair even turned all white and guard Qiu Ping laughed at her. Qiu Ping also shocked her foot and chest with an electric baton, causing her to cry out in extreme pain.

Ms. Zhang Shufen, from Dalian City, is over 50 years old. She was forced to squat and face the wall for a long time, which caused her enormous mental damage.

Ms. Wang Haiying, from Dalian City, is about 30 years old. She was forced to squat and face the wall. She has become extremely weak and pale because of the persecution.

Ms. Liu Xiuyu, from Dalian City, is over 20 years old. She has been electrically shocked by Qiu Ping. (To be continued)