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Latest News from China - June 9, 2005

July 03, 2005 |  


  1. Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Guo Zhanchun Arrested Again
  2. Jilin Province] Dr. Chen Chengyuan Brutally Tortured in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp of Changchun City
  3. Benxi City, Liaoning Province] The 610 Office Arrests Ms. Zhang Dongmei and Others
  4. Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Zhang Xiwen, the Police Station Supervisor in Fanjia Town, Suizhong County, is a Thief
  5. Jilin Province] Mr. Wu Keli Tortured in Jilin Prison
  6. Sichuan Province] Mr. Yao Wu, a Physics Teacher at Southwestern University of Science and Technology, Arrested
  7. Ziyang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Fu Lijuan and Mr. Fu Tianlu Arrested
  8. Hengyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Qu Fengying Arrested
  9. Mainland China] Ms. Chen Qiulian Still in a Forced Labor Camp
  10. Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Bo on a Hunger Strike to Protest His Arrest and Detention
  11. Weihai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Shuhuan and her Sister from Hekou Village Arrested; Their House Ransacked
  12. Liaoning Province] Ms. Ma Yanhua Still Detained after Suffering Three Years of Brutal Torture in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
  13. Jiangxi Province] Examples of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Duchang County
  14. Chenzhou, Hunan Province] Mr. Yan Yong and Mr. Li Zhanxian from Guiyang County Persecuted
  15. Suning, Hebei Province] Recent Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Suffering Persecution
  16. Kashi, Xinjiang Province] Chen Donghua and Lu Long of Zepu County Imprisoned
  17. Songyuan, Jilin Province] Mr. Liu Hong Yao and His Wife Arrested; Their Whereabouts Unknown
  18. Laishui, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Guiying Arrested Again
  19. Sichuan Province] The Guangyuan Police Arrest Mr. Li Guangqing
  20. Chengdu, Sichuan Province] The Police Arrest Ms. Zhu Yulian of the Jinjiang District
  21. Laizhou, Shandong Province] The Police Arrest Mr. Zhang Liyuan and Ms. Niu Guifen
  22. Benxi, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Yuqiu and Ms. Sun Shuyu Arrested While Clarifying the Truth

1. [Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Guo Zhanchun Arrested Again

On May 15, 2005, the police from Xingcheng City arrived in two police cars to arrest Mr. Guo Zhanchun from Chajiacun, Weiping Town, Xingcheng City. Mr. Guo was released after he went on a four-day hunger strike. On June 6, 2005, he was arrested again.

Relevant phone numbers:

Lu Haitang, the Town Legal Office: 86-429-5772068;

Liu Zhiwen, the Party Secretary of the Village: 86-429-5773491;

Zhang Yuquan, Head of the police station: 86-429-5781008, 86-13842912882 (cell).

2. [Jilin Province] Dr. Chen Chengyuan Brutally Tortured in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp of Changchun City

On May 12, 2005, when Dr. Chen Chengyuan went to the Heizuizi Woman's Prison to visit his wife Ms. Yan Hua, who is serving a 9 year sentence, officers from the Political and Legal Committee of Chaoyang District and the Qinghe Police Station arrested him. Later, he was sentenced to one year in prison. The Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp detained Dr. Chen in solitary confinement in order to torture him.

A ten-year-old daughter and four aged grandparents were left behind.

3. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] The 610 Office Arrests Ms. Zhang Dongmei and Others

Ms. Zhang Dongmei and Zhu X from Benxi City, Liaoning Province are in their seventies. At 4 p.m. on May 26, 2005, the 610 Office and Xihu police arrested them at their home. Their whereabouts are still unknown.

4. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Zhang Xiwen, the Police Station Supervisor in Fanjia Town, Suizhong County, is a Thief

On June 5, 2005, Zhang Xiwen, the head of the Police Station of Fanjia Town, Suizhong County, Huludao City, and several other policemen broke into the home of Mr. Zhang Juhong and ransacked it. They took away a TV, VCD player, discs and Falun Dafa Books. At the time, Mr. Zhang Juhong was not home although his wife was there. Later, they called and asked Mr. Zhang to report to the town's police station where they attempted to harass him.

Zhang Xiwei, the head of the Police Station of Fanjia Town: 86-429-6790004 (Office).

5. [Jilin Province] Mr. Wu Keli Tortured in Jilin Prison

Mr. Wu Keqiang was detained in Jilin Prison. On May 25, 2005, his family members went to visit him and were allowed to exchange just a few sentences with him before he was taken away. Recently, the prison administration announced that Mr. Wu will not be allowed visits for six months. He was subjected to torture, although the details are still unknown.

Phone numbers at Jilin Prison:

The Prison Director: 86-432-4885488;
The Division Secretary: 86-432--4881559;
Liu Wei, the Director of the Prison Political Division: 86-432-2409418;
The Division of Education: 86-432-4881551, extension 3040;
The Bureau of Prison Management of Jilin Province: 86-432-275-0068;
The Disciplinary Committee of the Bureau of Prison Management of Jilin Province: 86-432-275-0061, 86-432-275-0057;
The Political Division of the Bureau of Prison Management of Jilin Province: 86-432-275-0062.

6. [Sichuan Province] Mr. Yao Wu, a Physics Teacher at Southwestern University of Science and Technology, Arrested

Mr. Yao Wu, a physics teacher at Southwestern University of Science and Technology was arrested on May 1, which is Labor Day in communist countries. His whereabouts are unknown.

7. [Ziyang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Fu Lijuan and Mr. Fu Tianlu Arrested

On June 5, 2005, Ms. Fu Lijuan and Mr. Fu Tianlu from Ziyang City, Sichuan Province went to Shiban Town, Ziyang City to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. The officials from the Shiban Town police station arrested them. They are currently being detained at the Shiban Town police station. They have started a hunger strike to protest.

8. [Hengyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Qu Fengying Arrested

In April 2004, when Ms. Qu Fengying was buying eggs in Goulou Town, Hengyang County, a policeman named Liu from the Goulou Town police station arrested her. She has still not been released. It is unknown where she is being detained.

9. [Mainland China] Ms. Chen Qiulian Still in a Forced Labor Camp

In June 2003, Ms. Chen Qiulian was arrested during the night, while she was distributing truth-clarifying materials. She was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp. Although she has finished serving her term, she has still not been released.

Division Director Yuan (police): 86-470-5692969;

The Forced Labor Brigade (the Third Women's Brigade): 86-470-5692967.

10. [Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Bo on a Hunger Strike to Protest His Arrest and Detention

On the evening of June 1, 2005, Mr. Li Bo from Rizhao City, Shandong Province was arrested at his home because an informer reported to the police that he was a Falun Gong practitioner. He is being detained in the Ju County Detention Center. Since his arrest, he has been on a hunger strike and has not eaten or drunk any water. His health has been severely damaged.

11. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Sun Shuhuan and her Sister from Hekou Village Arrested; Their House Ransacked

On June 1, 2005, several police officers went to Ms. Sun Shuhua's house in Hekou Village, Weihai City. The police claimed that they would return the fines they unreasonably imposed on Ms. Sun over the last several years. The two sisters started to explain the truth about Falun Dafa to the police. Instead of listening, the police arrested them and ransacked their house. They are still being detained in the Yaitou Detention Center. The police have forced them to pay 100 yuan for each day of their detention. So far, they have had to pay 1,400 yuan.

12. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Ma Yanhua Still Detained after Suffering Three Years of Brutal Torture in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Ma Yanhua, 54, comes from Haizhou District, Fuxin City. She was arrested when she was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and was sentenced three years in a forced labor camp. She was assigned to the Second Women's Brigade in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. So far, she has been kept two months beyond the completion of her term.

13. [Jiangxi Province] Examples of Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Duchang County

Mr. Yin Yucai, 75, was an employee at the Blood Bank of Duchang County, Jiangxi Province. In 2000, he was arrested for going to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and was sentenced to four years. He was released in the early half of 2004. He always clarified the truth about Falun Gong to everyone and distributed truth-clarification materials. In February 2005, the police broke into his house and arrested him while he was about to have lunch. He was sentenced to eight years. It is unknown where he is being detained.

Ms. Hu Huoying, 55, is employed by the Boat Manufacturer of Duchang County, Jiangxi Province. She was arrested twice in 2000 for going to Beijing to appeal. The police often went to her house to harass and intimidate her and her family members. Her husband was an official in the town. Due to the constant harassment, he became demented. In 2005, Ms. Hu distributed truth-clarifying materials many times. On the evening of April 8, 2005, Ms. Hu was arrested and was sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp. She was forced to leave her husband, who cannot take care of himself, and her daughter, who is a junior in high school.

Mr. Liu Qiusheng, 38, was arrested in April 2005 for distributing truth-clarification materials and sentenced to one and a half years in a forced labor camp.

Ms. Cao Jinzhen, 50, was arrested on the afternoon of April 8, 2005. She was sentenced to one and a half years in a forced labor camp.

Relevant phone numbers:

Yang Zheihui, the party secretary of Duchang County, Jiangxi Province: 86-13507917318 (cell);
Jiang Minzhong, the secretary of the political and judiciary committee: 86-13907924458 (cell);
Wu Min, the assistant secretary of the political and judiciary committee: 86-13507061691 (cell);
Chen Zhengchu, the assistant director of the police bureau (director of the "610 Office"): 86-13907924449 (cell);
Zhang Shixin, the director of the political security section of the police bureau: 86-13330006888 (cell).

14. [Chenzhou, Hunan Province] Mr. Yan Yong and Mr. Li Zhanxian from Guiyang County Persecuted

Mr. Yan Yong, a former Guiyang Industry and Commerce Bank employee, was arrested on July 23, 2004, together with his wife. During the court session on November 16, his attorney spoke out passionately explaining that Mr. Yan was "not guilty," rendering the judge speechless. Nevertheless, on December 7, the judge sentenced Mr. Yan to five years in prison. Until June 8, 2005, Mr. Yan was imprisoned in the Chenzhou Guiyang County Prison. In December 2004, his wife was taken to the Hunan Baimalong labor camp. Their 10-year-old daughter now depends entirely on her grandparents.

Mr. Li Zhanxian, a former Chenzhou air conditioning plant worker, was sentenced to three and half years in prison.

The person who arrested them is the Guiyang National Security Brigade Chief, Xiao Yunzhong: 86-13873515111 (cell).

15. [Suning, Hebei Province] Recent Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Suffering Persecution

1. On May 12, 2005 at 1 p.m., the police from the national security units of the Cangzhou area and Suning County as well as the local police station of Shangcun Town, broke into Ms. Han Ruikun's house without any legal procedure or warrant and seized Ms. Han and a Falun Gong practitioner from a neighboring village. During the raid, the police confiscated Ms. Han's computer, printer, television, VCD player, cash and bank deposit certificates, causing her a loss of more than 20,000 Yuan. Later they lured Ms. Han's son into the Suning County security brigade and imprisoned him at the county detention center.

2. Mr. Huang Zhenying from Houdi Village, Suning County, Hebei Province was arrested in April 2005. He is presently imprisoned at the Suning County detention center. His property, including computers was confiscated and he suffered an economic loss of over 10,000 yuan.

3. Ms. Song Fengzhi from Chengguan Town, Suning County was arrested about May 12, 2005, and her whereabouts are presently unknown.

The Suning County national security brigade telephone number: 86-317-5575023;
The National security office chiefs: Zhang Ruiqiang, Yu Hongjun, Cui Lidu.

16. [Kashi, Xinjiang Province] Chen Donghua and Lu Long of Zepu County Imprisoned

Chen Donghua and Lu Long from Zepu County in the Kashi area of Xinjiang went to the Hetian area to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Around January 23, 2005, the Hetian City local police arrested them. As of this date, they have been imprisoned for nearly half a year. Only recently, has the procurator's office been preparing to officially approve their arrest.

Related telephone numbers:

The Hetian City Public Security Bureau Director: 86-903-2512574;
The Hetian City Chief Prosecutor: 86-903-2516067;
The Hetian City Court Chief: 86-903-2512059;
The Hetian County Public Security Bureau Director: 86-903-2022961;
The Hetian County Chief Prosecutor: 86-903-2026899

17. [Songyuan, Jilin Province] Mr. Liu Hong Yao and His Wife Arrested; Their Whereabouts Unknown

Mr. Liu Hongyao and his wife are in their sixties. They used to live in Qianguo County, Songyuan City, Jilin Province. They were arrested at a truth-clarifying material distribution site in 2004 and their whereabouts are still unknown.

18. [Laishui, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Guiying Arrested Again

On the morning of June 6, 2005, several police officers rushed into the Laishui County Shuibei Village elementary school and arrested Ms. Liu Guiying who was teaching a class. They also asked the school principal to take them to Ms. Liu's home and ransacked her home. Later that afternoon, the police interrogated Ms. Liu, forcing her to confess that she had published some information online.

19. [Sichuan Province] The Guangyuan Police Arrest Mr. Li Guangqing

On May 30-31, 2005, armed police crashed the gate and entered the home of Mr. Li Guangqing, who lived in a remote mountainous area of Cangxi County. They took him away. Then they cut off the water, electricity or gas of Mr. Li and of other Falun Gong practitioners.

20. [Chengdu, Sichuan] The Police Arrest Ms. Zhu Yulian of the Jinjiang District

On the morning of May 18, 2005, three policemen from the Jinjiang District 610 Office and the Niushikou local police station arrested Ms. Zhu Yulian from the Jinjiang District. They tricked Ms. Zhu's daughter into opening the gate by claiming they were coming to repair the water pipe. They then illegally ransacked Ms. Zhu's home and took her to the Jinjiang District brainwashing center where she is currently being held.

21. [Laizhou, Shandong] The Police Arrest Mr. Zhang Liyuan and Ms. Niu Guifen

On April 12, 2005, policemen from the 610 Office from the Laizhou City national security brigade and the Zhuyou town local police station arrested Mr. Zhang Liyuan and Ms. Niu Guifen at their home. The police confiscated their computer, printer, laminator, Falun Dafa books and a bunch of truth-clarifying materials, as well as 20,000 yuan in cash. Mr. Zhang and Ms Niu are still imprisoned at the Laizhou detention center, where they are suffering torture.

22. [Benxi, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Yuqiu and Ms. Sun Shuyu Arrested While Clarifying the Truth

Ms. Liu Yuqiu and Ms. Sun Shuyu from Benxi, Liaoning Province were clarifying the truth near the Benxi stadium. An informer reported them to the authorities. The police from the Benxi City Gaoyu police station then arrested them. They are imprisoned at the Benxi Ajialing Detention Center.

Relevant telephone numbers:

The Liaoning Province, Benxi Municipal Public Security Bureau: 86-414-2833014;
The Benxi Municipal Public Security Bureau Political Security Section: 86-414-2845289;
The Security Detachment: 86-414-2845289 (specifically in charge of persecuting Falun Gong);
The Supervision Bureau: 86-414-2820155;
The Appeals Office: 86-414-2845556;
The Benxi Gaoyu police station: 86-414-4837783.