(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of September 7, 2005, the residents of Kulmbach, a small town in Southern Germany, came to the square in the city center to wait for the president's campaign speech and to learn about the persecution of Falun Gong that is taking place in China.
A woman who personally suffered human rights abuses at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party for practicing Falun Gong came to the square to distribute flyers. Most of the people solemnly received the flyers when they heard that it was about human rights issues in China.
Some stopped to read the flyer carefully. Some said after reading, "Very good. Such things should be exposed to the public!" Several others took the initiative to ask for a flyer. Many people noticed the girl from far away and approached her asking, "What good things are you distributing today?"

Category: Other Community Events