(Clearwisdom.net) On October 8, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners in Brisbane held a truth clarification activity at a local charity event. The practitioners set up a stand near the entrance. They demonstrated the exercises, distributed truth-clarification materials, and collected signatures calling for an end to the persecution.

People sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution
The practitioners had posters introducing the journey of Falun Dafa, starting with Dafa's first public introduction in 1992, and showing how the practice spread widely to over eighty countries. The posters also exposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) brutal persecution of Falun Gong, specifically the organ harvesting from living practitioners in China. People were shocked upon learning of the crimes.
A middle-aged man said, "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. Such a good practice should be supported and promoted. The CCP authorities are inconceivable. We support you." He took the signature collection form and asked his family members to sign.
A mother said to her son after listening to the truth-clarification, "Go ahead and sign the petition." When practitioners gave her a VCD exposing the CCP's evil history, she said, "My son will be in Grade Seven in school next year. He will learn world history then. I'll bring the VCD to the school to have everyone see it."
Some people were very interested in the Falun Gong exercises after watching the demonstration, and asked for the Falun Gong website and the contact information for the local practice site.