(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Mei Chuanjun, a professor at the Computer Institute at Hubei University of Technology, was told to report to the school office in the morning on September 5, 2006. School security personnel illegally arrested him once he got there and he was taken to the Tangxun Lake Brainwashing Center in Hubei Province.
Almost all practitioners who were sent to that particular class have been subjected to physical torture and psychological torment. One practitioner, professor Wang Haoyun from the Huazhong Normal University, died as a result of persecution at this brainwashing center.
Tangxun Lake Brainwashing Center is a torture chamber
The official name of Tangxun Lake Brainwashing Center is "Hubei Province Legal Education Center." This center is located in Wuchang City. It is one of the main brainwashing centers established by the Hubei Province 610 Office agents specifically to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The first session was held in March 2002. The brainwashing center has since held numerous sessions repetitively. Two weeks after one session is over, the next one begins. Six sessions are held each year, with 24 people in every session. Practitioners who remained determined in their belief at the end of their labor "re-education" terms were arrested, as were others from different counties. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) pays the leaders of the class 10,000 yuan for each practitioner who is sent there. The practitioner's family or employer pays between 2,000 yuan and 4,000 yuan. The officials and the "helpers" spend most of the money on lavish meals and other things and pocket more than 1,000 yuan at the end of each class. The CCP funds this center to persecute good people who follow "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance." The CCP pays police officers and collaborators who act against their conscience.
Falun Gong practitioners in the class are completely deprived of personal freedom. They are monitored when eating, sleeping and using the restroom. The officials interrogate the practitioners on the first day of class and subsequently make a persecution plan tailored to each practitioner, targeting their weaknesses. At 8:00 a.m. the following day, several "collaborators" stand around a practitioner and attack Dafa with lies. They force the practitioner to stand for long periods of time if the practitioner dozes off. The practitioner is forced to remain standing until 2:00 a.m. before being taken back to his bed where he is watched by an official and a collaborator. The same routine continues the next morning.
After several days, practitioners that still refuse to give in are threatened with forced labor, prison sentences, or implication of family members. The practitioner is forced to stand while a group of people attacks him. They grab the practitioner’s hair and hold down the practitioner’s feet while another person tries to force the practitioner’s hand to write a guarantee statement. Practitioners who still firmly refused to "reform" are kicked, verbally abused, made to stand against a wall for extended periods of time, and injected with unknown drugs. At least five collaborators monitor one practitioner around the clock. These practitioners are deprived of sleep unless they renounce Dafa.
The brainwashing is done in complete isolation; even people from the practitioners’ workplaces or neighborhood committees that accompany the practitioners to the class do not know the details.
The evil that runs rampant at Tangxun Lake Brainwashing Center in Hubei Province is only a tiny fragment of the overall persecution against Falun Gong by the CCP.
Persecution Cases at Hubei University of Technology
Officials at Hubei University of Technology have ruthlessly persecuted Falun Gong practitioners who work or study at the university since July 20, 1999. Below are summaries of several incidents:
Case 1
Mr. Han Jun: class of 1998, Department of Food Industry, outstanding student. School security officers savagely beat him in October 1999 when he was doing the Falun Gong exercises outside. The officers later ransacked his dorm room. The security officers arrested him again in March 2000 for no apparent reason. They barbarically beat him and also restricted his personal freedom. Han Jun went to Beijing to appeal against the persecution, but he was arrested in Beijing, taken back to Hubei Province, and expelled from school before he could appeal.
Case 2
Mr. Zhang Junhua: Class of 1998, Department of Chemical Engineering; earned good grades, and was well-liked among his peers. School Security personnel cruelly beat him in October 1999 for doing the Falun Gong exercises outside. They ransacked his room and he was temporarily suspended.
Officers from the Nanhu Police Department and the Propaganda Division at the Wuhan City Police Department ransacked his room and detained him for 15 days in November 2001. The same group of police officers detained him again for one month in December 2001. He was later expelled from school for refusing to renounce his belief.
Case 3
Mr. Huang Huanwen: a migrant worker and restaurant owner, formerly employed by the university. His home was ransacked by school security officials and by officers from Nanhu Police Department, who brutally beat him and detained him for 15 days. They ransacked his home again in May 2002 and detained him for one month. The officials forced him to sell his restaurant, and the school security officers fired him.
Case 4
Mr. Xiong Jianjun: professor in the Department of Civil Engineering. School officials tried many times to force him to give up his belief. He left home in March 2003 when the security officers tried to take him to the brainwashing center.
Case 5
Mr. Zhang Huaping: school librarian. His home was ransacked many times and he was frequently harassed. Officers from the Nanhu Police Department and the Propaganda Division from the Wuhan City Police Department ransacked his home and beat him in August 2000. Officers from the Nanhu Police Department ransacked his home and harassed him in November 2001, and the police detained him for one month in February 2002. The school Party Committee changed his 2001 year-end appraisal from "qualified," already established by library users and his supervisors, to "basically qualified," which resulted in one month salary reduction and exclusion from applying for promotion in three years. School security officers arrested him again in June 2002 and sent him to a brainwashing center, where he was tortured for more than one month. He could not function normally for a very long time after leaving the center. His home was ransacked and he was arrested again in September 2004. He was taken to Yangyuan Brainwashing Center in Wuchang City.
Case 6
Ms. Zhang Shanyin: teaches at the College of Technology and Engineering, Hubei University of Technology; her husband is Mr. Mei Chuanjun, university professor mentioned at the beginning of the article. She was told around July 10, 2006, that the school has refused to renew her contract.
Let us extend a helping hand to end this persecution of the good and innocent, and call for the release of all illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners!
People who persecuted Mr. Mei Chuanjun:
Zhou Hanmin, deputy secretary of the Disciplinary Committee: 86-27-88032281(Office), 86-27-87310312(Office)
Zhong Yaozhen, wife of Zhou Hanmin: 86-13657204848(Cell)
Zhan Junsan: secretary of the CCP Committee at the Computer Institute, 86-27-8801638086-13339991965(Cell)
Wang Chunzhi, head of the Computer Institute: 86-27-87858171(Home), 86-13367259719(Cell)
Shao Xiongkai, deputy head of the Computer Institute: 86-27-88016227(Home)
Hu Jun: deputy head of the Security Section of Hubei University of Technology, 86-27-62351066