(Clearwisdom.net) My work unit is a centralized entity that is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and will not waver from the CCP's policy. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, it adhered closely to the CCP's dictates, and is directly involved in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. The company officials' cooperation with the CCP policies was responsible for my being sent to a forced labor camp in 2002.
After I was released from the camp, I went to see officials at my workplace, a county level company. The officials accused me of not having been released properly and refused to let me return to work. I was not even given a severance package and was refused unemployment compensation. I went to all county and city level officials several times, but they refused to reconsider. Due to longterm detention, I was not diligent in my Fa study and thus could not understand the situation from the Fa. It seemed that I couldn't even present my case clearly and others couldn't understand what I was trying to say. I discussed it with my wife, also a practitioner, and she said, "This is an arrangement by the old forces. If you were properly released from detention and had signed the discharge document to secure your release, you would have acknowledged the evil's persecution."
I studied Zhuan Falun over and over again, as well as Teacher's overseas lectures. My mind was getting clearer and clearer. Teacher spoke in many of his lectures about not skirting problems when they occurred, but facing them and clarifying the truth. Clarifying the truth is the key to the dilemma. Why didn't I realize this? Wasn't it a chance to clarify the truth? Therefore, I no longer worried about being allowed back to work or about receiving a salary or not. I went to my workplace and clarified the truth to every leader and worker. I found that I again held the wisdom to tell the truth. I told them how I had changed in both body and mind after practicing Dafa. They all knew what kind of person I was and about my performance at work. I also talked about the persecution I had suffered in the labor camp and detention center, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, the global tide of quitting the CCP, and the importance of quitting the CCP. After listening to the truth and seeing the scars on my body, they were all shocked. They couldn't believe that the CCP guards and police would treat good people like me so cruelly. At last, my work unit leader said, "We wouldn't have done to you what we did if there hadn't been an order from higher levels. We are not like the police. We actually don't have the authority to handle your job problem. All authority rests with those at higher levels." The other workers also said, "You should find those in charge of your case and ask them to resolve this issue."
After I comprehensively clarified the truth at the county level, I went to the Civil Appeals Office, the Supervision Bureau, the People's Congress and the Workers' Union, and so on, to clarify the truth and expose the persecution. The County Workers' Union even sent officials to survey my work unit, so they could help resolve my job issue.
I then thought of clarifying the truth to the city level authorities. I wrote letters and called the leaders and human resources departments. First I talked about my job and then the truth about Dafa. They wouldn't listen and screamed back, "We are still under the directive of the CCP and follow its rules. You're still a labor camp convict. We won't accept you back unless there is a discharge document." I found difficulties in the truth-clarification process, so I kept studying the Fa and looked within for my attachments. At the same time, I uploaded the phone numbers, zip codes, and some personal cell phone numbers of the county and city level authorities and published them on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website to ask for help from practitioners. As a result, practitioners inside and outside of China called and sent the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to them. This was a great shock to them and everyone talked about this privately. The city level authorities thus put pressure on the county level authorities. The manager of the county level company talked to me, "Aren't you interrupting people's work and lives by doing this? How do we persecute you?" I replied, "You don't let me work and earn an income. That is persecuting me economically. You want to beat me economically, make me unable to live my life so as to yield to you, and force me to give up practicing Falun Gong. This is to act out Jiang Zemin's 'bankrupt them financially' policy. The intention of the righteous people worldwide is only for your own good and helping you not to get involved in persecuting good people and be punished in the future. Isn't this to save you?" After hearing this, he calmed down and said, "Don't save us. You'd better think about yourself and solve this problem for your own good." I knew these people were all afraid of the CCP. Even though they knew the truth, they dared not talk about it.
After this incident, I decided to visit with the city level company authorities to find out where the problem was. First, I studied the Fa diligently at home, sent forth righteous thoughts, and then took a bus to where the problem originated, a trip of three hundred miles. The head of the Human Resources Department met with me. He treated my issue as if I were filing an appeal and had two people take notes. I first talked about the problem and asked for my job back. The leader said, "Don't believe in Falun Gong. The government has banned it." I seized the chance to clarify the truth and asked why I couldn't practice Falun Gong. What's wrong with cultivating myself based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance? What kind of person was I at work, and how was my performance at work? They said they knew all about this. Then I told them about the persecution I had suffered at the forced labor camp and detention center and let them see the scars on my body from the electric baton shocks. They were all surprised and had sympathetic expressions. However, the head remained stoic. I knew they already knew the truth but dared not speak about it. Given my righteous thoughts, the leader no longer mentioned my belief and only requested that I finish the discharge procedure. He suggested that after that I could have my job back. I told them that I was innocent. It was illegal to sentence me to forced labor. I didn't acknowledge it and wouldn't sign the papers.
After that, I went to the president's office. He was completely controlled by the spirit of the CCP. He insisted that he had already read the letter I wrote but that the company's actions were directed by the CCP. He said he had to follow the CCP's directives and wouldn't offer me a job without the document. He also said, "Tell your Falun Gong members not to call me, send me the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party or talk about quitting the CCP, or I will report this to the government." I thought that he was too stubborn and stopped talking to him. The truth was, I still had an attachment to fear at that time. I treated him as a leader, rather than as a sentient being, and thus lost the chance to clarify the truth. That day I still went to talk with other deputy leaders and the president of the Workers' Union. Most of them were stubborn, but some changed their attitudes after hearing the truth. I was deeply depressed on my way home. I hadn't solved my problem, and the effect of clarifying the truth had not been good enough to save people.
I studied the Fa at home and read Teacher's words:
"You think you’ve healed someone, and when people call you 'qigong master' you feel pretty good about yourself, and you get conceited. Isn’t that an attachment? And when you can’t heal someone, you hang your head, depressed. Isn’t that because of your attachment to reputation and personal gain?" (Zhuan Falun)
Why was I unhappy? Wasn't this an attachment to reputation? I noticed this attachment and let go of it. After that, I wrote letters to every leader I had met and addressed their misunderstandings. When I met those deputy leaders afterward, their attitudes had changed for the better. But the president didn't seem to have changed a bit.
My job problem was not solved for an entire year. I faced more and more pressure from my family, relatives, and society. People thought I was an adult male who didn't work because I cultivated Dafa, and that it was irrational for me not to complete the discharge procedure. My wife's family and co-workers also misunderstood me and spread a lot of rumors in private. Sometimes they even looked meanly at me. Ordinary people said, "If they want you to go through the paperwork, you do the paperwork. You've been sent to the prison. What's the big deal about that?" Some practitioners also said, "To get your job back, you just have to accept the conditions. It's not like writing a 'guarantee statement.'" But I thought of Teacher asking us to completely negate the old forces' arrangements and not acknowledge this persecution at all. Did we have to practice like this in true cultivation and with every problem we faced? If I satisfied their requirements, wasn't it to skirt the problem? This was not a human being to human being persecution. The persecution was launched by the evil beings in the other dimensions that control this world's people. We should clarify the truth and eliminate the evil beings. After the world's people realize the truth, they will choose to do what they should do. We have cultivated in Dafa for so many years, how can we still be attached to ordinary people's profits?
In order to ease the conflict and pressure, some practitioners suggested that I find another job first. I should look for employment and write truth-clarification letters at the same time. I thought it made sense and began to look for another job. I went for some interviews but the results were not good. I thought about solving the job problem in my original work unit. I should do it righteously. I couldn't skirt my responsibility to Dafa, because this included clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings. Thus, after the Chinese New Year, I went to the city level company officials again and tried to discuss the matter again with the company president. However, as soon as I walked into his office, he said, "There is nothing to talk about. Give me the discharge document, and then I will give you your job back. That's my final word regarding this. Falun Gong fights with the government, but we have to listen to the government. Don't visit me anymore." I said, "We are not fighting with the government. It is the CCP persecuting us good people and we are against its persecution." He said, "Don't talk about such stuff with me. I give you half a year. If you don't hand in the document, I will fire you. I have other business to do; I have to go." I stayed in the office alone, not feeling quite well. I had clarified the truth to him so many times, and he was still like that. Was he the one who couldn't be saved? Or was there a problem in my cultivation?
When I went back home, I thought of our conversation again. He was actually complaining about my unwillingness to resolve the problem and threatened to fire me. I must have put it off for too long. I looked within and thought to myself, "It's true. The job problem has kept me busy for almost a year, from the day I was released. I didn't cherish the time to clarify the truth. I write letters to resolve my problem and delay other things. Sometimes, it even takes me half a month to write one letter. My mind is not pure enough. I have been clarifying the truth in order to solve my job problem, instead of focusing on saving sentient beings. That's why I only tell the truth to those in power, just as if all hope rests on them and I don't care about other people. I still have an attachment to complaining. I have already told them the truth, called them, written to them, and even visited their offices. But the problem is still there. They are too evil and unable to be saved. My irritated mindset and words can be easily seen in the letters. That's why the problem is always there and the attitudes of the county and city level company officials become worse. They are even willing to fire me."
I realized the seriousness of the problem. If I kept going like this, I wouldn't save but destroy sentient beings. Therefore, I should first change my attitude, put my focus on saving sentient beings, and let go of the attachment to a job and ease of living. Secondly, I extended my scope of truth-clarifying. I talked and wrote more letters to people who somehow were related to the issue, rather than limiting myself to the few in upper level positions. I also began to write to people in the provincial company. I first held onto fear because I knew no one in the provincial company. I wrote my true name and the truth of Dafa and the persecution, especially the evil nature of the CCP and the cover-up of its organ harvesting. Wouldn't they report me to the police and persecute me? I noticed that this notion was not right and denied it right away. I thought that, "To save sentient beings is the most glorious thing. I should not be afraid. It is the evil that should be afraid. When everyone knows the truth, the evil will be eliminated." Some practitioners mentioned that their printers were their Fa-implements. Every letter I wrote was also my Fa-implement. Those letters also had a mission to save sentient beings and eliminate the evil. I also wrote to every city level company official in the province. I told them about the benefits of cultivation, exposed the CCP's persecution, and asked them to help me stop the financial persecution against me. I believed that this would get their attention as it was about a worker in their system, a true person with a real name. Additionally, the leaders at the city level would contact each other once in a while. This was to expose the evil forces to more people in my company. I was not surprised to find that the leader at my workplace was looking for me. He said, "The letters you wrote to the provincial company and city level companies were all sent to me. Are you setting me up?" I said, "This is not to set you up. This is to help you."
Soon after that, the provincial company officials replied in the name of the Workers' Union. The letter said that after reporting to the above leader, they concluded that I still had to have a discharge document. They then would put me into a proper position. I didn't neglect the problem and re-sent a letter to explain the reason for not providing the discharge document. I also wrote to every leader in the provincial company about it. I wrote in the letter why I didn't process the release procedure—I was innocent. The so-called charge was fabricated, and I didn't accept the illegal persecution. Then I introduced the worldwide spread of Dafa, exposed the disasters the CCP has brought to the country and its people by launching this persecution, and spoke of the crimes the CCP has committed against the Chinese people. I spoke of the CCP's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in secret concentration camps, prisons and forced labor camps. I spoke also of the appeals by overseas righteous people, and the lawsuits against Jiang Zemin and his cohorts overseas, and that it would not end well for those who followed them.
After I finished, I didn't wait for their reply and directly wrote to headquarters. I collected all the leaders' contact information I could get on the Internet. It was about one hundred people. During the writing process, my xinxing was upgraded, my righteous thoughts were reinforced, and my attachments were dissolved. At last I found all my fears and attachments had dissolved and I only held the thought of saving sentient beings. It was so different from the attitude and mindset I held in the past when I began writing letters. All the anger, feelings of unfairness, and eagerness to have a job had disappeared. I found that writing letters was also a kind of cultivation. It can help us get rid of attachments and upgrade our xinxing at the same time. Due to the change of my mindset, the power of Dafa was displayed.
When I was about to write the last letter to an official at headquarters, something amazing happened. One morning, a company official called me and asked me to report for work the next day. That night, a co-worker asked me to return to my work unit and said that the city level company had sent someone to resolve my job issue. I went to my workplace the next day. The official gave me unemployment compensation. Then I went to the new company and continued with my cultivation.