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Practitioners Should Eliminate Attachments to Human Principles

October 21, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) A few days ago, a fellow practitioner related an incident to me which worried her a lot. She said a certain person had been harassing her with rude language and she was feeling angry. Although she tried not to take it to heart, she could not shake the unhappy feeling. She told me how right she was, how wrong he was, and so on.

After listening to her I said, "As a practitioner, one should always look into oneself first whenever conflicts arise." She replied that she had done that, but could not find anything wrong with herself. I then said, "From what you've just said to me, your analysis seems correct. However, your standard of evaluation seems a bit low. You are using the level of an everyday person to evaluate things. You are attached to the standards of everyday people and not letting go, and that, itself, is not correct. We are practitioners, and we should use a higher standard. From a practitioners' perspective, looking at things on the level of ordinary people, the bad is of course not good, but the good isn't good either. Why do you then talk about things using ordinary people's standards. Besides, the issue is not related to our daily life."

As soon as I finished, she exclaimed, "I know where I went wrong." She was happy and said she wanted to find more opportunities to share our thoughts and upgrade together.

We all try to keep up with our Fa studies and are conscientious with our practice in order to be true practitioners. However, even though we read the Fa frequently, why can't we always practice according to what we know from the Fa, and so often end up in lost in human thinking? If we cannot take a step back and thoroughly change our way of thinking, we will not be able to see clearly. There are certain practitioners who have shown strong attachments to certain worldly things, and refuse to let go. They even use such things as guiding principles in life. That is not true cultivation, and it is definitely not having faith in Teacher's words. When we genuinely put down our human minds and eliminate our impure thoughts, everything will work out fine.

When we act and think righteously, an immense power will be with us, and this is the divine power. We are practitioners of the Dafa of the universe, and that means our lives on earth are divine. Teacher has bestowed on us righteous powers to counter the evil in the universe.

When we manifest fear during our truth clarification and try to protect ourselves, are we not giving this power away to the evil? A divine being has no fear of man. If we are not acting righteously, how can we say that we have full faith in Teacher and the Fa? When we have that many attachments, how will we perform the three things well? Omissions such as these give the evil an excuse to find faults in us. Of course, on some occasions we also have to consider our safety as a group, as the cultivation state of every practitioner is quite different. However, to improve ourselves, we must gain a thorough understanding of the Fa principles and cultivate solidly.

Please point out anything incorrect.