(Clearwisdom.net) The Guizhou Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp renovated its buildings into totally enclosed structures with money it received from the government and from the profit made from Falun Gong practitioners’ slave labor. The guards are verbally abusive and deceptive all the time. It’s common practice for them to verbally abuse and hit Falun Gong practitioners, who are forced to work 18 hours a day. The work time was later reduced to 15 hours a day after numerous government inspections. The detainees i Division 4 have to work until 3:00 a.m. and sometimes overnight. They cannot receive timely medical treatment if they don’t have money or if they didn’t fulfill the assigned workload.
Falun Gong practitioners are mistreated to a worse degree. Practitioners who refuse to renounce Falun Gong are separated and detained in different rooms where the doors and windows are covered with bed sheets or quilt covers. These rooms are called "tackle the fort" spots [a metaphor comparing determined Falun Gong practitioners to enemy forts]. They were located in Group 3, Division 2, and later moved to Division 4. The guards employed various tactics to persecute the practitioners inside these rooms, including physical and verbal assault.
I was held at the Guizhou Province Women’s Forced Labor Camp for three years, between 2003 and 2006. I was held in one of these rooms in 2005.
Violent brainwashing and sleep deprivation
I refused to cooperate with the lawless officials’ arrangements. Two guards attacked Dafa in my presence and I said, "You don’t have the right to talk about Dafa. Falun Dafa is good!" The guards called some inmates over who were assigned to monitor Falun Gong practitioners. They dragged me around. I struggled to free myself while shouting, "Falun Dafa is good!" They covered my mouth with their hands. I pulled their hands away and continued to shout, and they put a towel over my mouth. The guard walked away. One inmate struck me to the ground while another inmate slapped my face. They called me "stubborn" and tried to "fix" me. They forced me to stand and told me to recite the labor camp policies. I said, "I didn’t do anything wrong by practicing Dafa. I didn’t violate any laws. I should not be here at the labor camp! This is persecution! I will not recite [the policies]." They deprived me of sleep for 54 hours.
A while later the guards saw that I had not changed my mind, so they changed their tactics. They told people who renounced Dafa to take turns brainwashing me. I said to them, "You once benefited from Dafa. You’ll regret it in the future when you realize what you have done! You are assisting the evildoers!" They swore at me and didn’t let me speak. They read Dafa-slandering books to me and tried to play VCDs to brainwash me.
I was allowed to sleep on a dilapidated couch for only three hours a day the first two days: one hour after lunch, one hour after dinner, and one hour after 3:00 a.m. I had to watch Dafa-slandering VCDs and listen to them reading books to me the rest of the time. I refused to pay attention to anything they said and sent forth righteous thoughts. They told me to write an "understanding" of the deceitful materials. I wrote an article to express my determination to safeguard Dafa. They shouted vulgarities after reading my article and refused to listen when I tried to clarify the truth to them.
After a while, group head Deng Jun ordered his subordinates to escalate the persecution against me; by this time I had slept no more than one hour each day. I didn’t have a watch and I estimated the time from the shift changes. The inmates did manual labor, including sewing shoe vamps. It takes about 40 minutes for a quick worker to finish one product. They had just begun working when they told me to sleep; 1/3 of their work was still left by the time they woke me up, so I could estimate the length of my sleep. They played VCDs, read propaganda books to me and had collaborators talk to me all day. I refused to cooperate with them. They turned my head around and pried my eyes open saying, "Let’s be honest, you have to "reform", whether you want to or not, since you are here at the Specially Controlled Division. You can’t get out if you don’t ‘reform’!" I calmly told them, "I will absolutely follow Falun Dafa and Teacher!"
Long-term torture results in severe illness symptoms
Three more months had elapsed, and the officials still could not achieve their goal of "transforming" me. Jiao Xia, a group head, pressured the inmates to persecute me even more severely. The inmates followed her order. They forced me to put one foot on a short stool and stand on one foot for a long time. At other times they tied my foot with a rope and pulled on it, to force me to skip on one leg. One inmate held my hands behind my back. Sometimes they pinned me down on a couch while spraying cold water on my face as they screamed into my ears.
My body became bloated. I had hallucinations and talked to myself as a result of the long-term torture. I could not stay awake while standing up during the day. They refused to let me close my eyes and constantly sprayed cold water on me and shoved and hit me with fists and books. I looked at things from an ordinary person’s perspective due to lack of righteous thoughts and mental clarify. I eventually let the evildoers take advantage of my thoughts and I wrote the three statements -- something a Dafa practitioner should never do.
Voiding guarantee statements and resisting persecution
The guards continued to lock me in a small room to "deepen my understanding" [of government propaganda]. They let me sleep for three hours a day, and I was able to think rationally again.
Teacher said,
As a Dafa disciple, everything of yours is formed by Dafa and is the most righteous, and it can only be that [you] rectify everything that is not righteous. How could you bow to the evil? How could you promise something to the evil? Even if it doesn’t truly come from your heart, it’s still giving in to the evil. This is bad conduct for humans, too, and Gods absolutely would not do such a thing.
("Dafa is Indestructible" in Essentials for Further Advancement II)
I thought things over from the perspective of the Fa, and I strengthened my righteous thoughts with Teacher’s words. After looking inward for more than 20 days, I realized that I was in pursuit of a less severe environment, a mentality that led me to make compromises with the evildoers. I eliminated my attachments and acted with righteous thoughts by writing a solemn announcement: "Everything that I wrote in violation of Dafa during the high-pressure persecution while my mind was not clear is void. I will firmly safeguard Dafa and continue on the path [of cultivation]."
After I had publicized my announcement, the guards lost their bonuses and the inmates lost their sentence reductions [rewarded for "reforming" Falun Gong practitioners]. They retaliated by persecuting me even more fanatically. I maintained my xinxing, remained determined in my belief in Dafa and constantly sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil. Forty-five days later I was transferred out of the Specially Controlled Group. Other determined practitioners were also dispersed into different groups where we were again deprived of personal freedom.
Dafa practitioner Zhou persecuted in Specially Controlled Group; her whereabouts are unknown
One inmate told me that Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou was persecuted at the Specially Controlled Group. She is the first person to get up in the morning before dawn and stands all day in the division where the clothes are hung and dried. She is the last person to rest at night, at 3:00 a.m. One day she showed severe illness symptoms. The guards took her to the labor camp clinic. She never returned. The guards later sent the collaborators who persecuted Ms. Zhou to other divisions and altered the records of her persecution in order to cover up the truth about what happened to her.
The officials falsify records to cover up the truth
The officials kept two different sets of documentation: one recorded the facts of their persecution against me, and the other one contained complete fabrications. The Specially Controlled Group was dissolved and merged with a new division, but Falun Gong practitioners are still being cruelly persecuted at the labor camp.
Kind-hearted people, please learn the truth about Falun Gong! Help stop the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party.