(Clearwisdom.net) Reports on the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net) from September 13 and September 28, 2006 relate the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Guo Lirong from Chengdu City. She was illegally arrested after work on September 8, 2006. Ms. Guo went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was taken to the Qingyang District People’s Hospital, a prison hospital that colludes with government officials in persecuting Dafa practitioners. She was handcuffed in a hospital bed and forcibly given an IV infusion. It was recently learned that Guo Lirong has developed symptoms of multiple-organ failure due to long-term persecution, and her life is in danger. The police released her on October 8, 2006.
Guo Lirong, 45 years old, is a former electrical engineer previously employed by the Qianfeng Electronics Corporation Ltd. Her technical work required her to bend her neck over a desk for long periods of time, which resulted in neck problems. She underwent neck stretching therapy and took Chinese herbal medicine, but they did not help her. She learned many different kinds of qigong and sought out qigong masters, but their skills did not work for her. However, after she started practicing Falun Gong in 1997, Ms. Guo experienced great changes and became very energetic.
Officials at the Qianfeng Electronics Corporation Ltd. fired her after July 20, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Gong began, because she remained steadfast in her belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and continued to practice Falun Gong. She was detained many times and was twice sent to a forced labor camp. There were several times when Ms. Guo left her home to avoid persecution.
Police officers arrested Guo Lirong at work on the afternoon of February 14, 2001. She could not go home after leaving the police station because the police were monitoring her home. Ms. Guo went to a temple on October 7, 2001 to clarify the truth to monks, but they reported her to the police. She was sent to a labor camp to be held for one year. Ms. Guo developed pleural effusion while in detention.
The Fuqing Road Administration Office 610 Office head, Tang Xiadong, led more than ten police officers who broke into Guo Lirong’s home on September 1, 2005. They took her to the Chenghua District Brainwashing Center and also ransacked her home. Ms. Guo went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. She was on the brink of death at 5:30 p.m. on September 7, 2005.
The police again broke into Ms. Guo's home on March 1, 2006 and tried to arrest her. She was not home, so the plan was aborted. However, she had to stay away from home for more than three months to avoid arrest. The police were staked out outside her home and also followed her family members for more than one month. Ms. Guo finally returned home in June 2006.
She had worked at a new job for less than one month in August 2006 when the Fuqing Road Administration 610 Office agents and officers from the Fuqing Road Police Station waited at the bike parking area and arrested her. They took her to a custody center.
Tang Xiaodong led more than ten police officers who broke into Guo Lirong’s home at 8:00 p.m. that same day. They ransacked her home and also her parents’ home. Guo Lirong’s mother was so frightened that she suffered a heart attack. From then on, whenever she saw people wearing police uniforms in real life or on TV she would scream, "They are coming for my daughter!"
Guo Lirong held a hunger strike in the custody center to protest the persecution and was taken to the Qingyang District People’s Hospital, a place that specializes in persecuting Dafa practitioners. She was handcuffed to a bed and given an IV infusion. Guo Lirong’s father saw his daughter in handcuffs and shackles when visiting her at the hospital on September 15, 2006.
The devious Party officials didn’t give Guo Lirong’s father a detention notice until September 15, 2006. The detention notice accused Ms. Guo of "Using a [slanderous term omitted] to disrupt the administration of law." However, the notice that was sent to the detention center says, "delivering Falun Gong materials at Hehua Jin Pond."
Guo Lirong is extremely weak from the hunger strike. She is suffering from electrolyte imbalance after being given unknown substances through the IV infusion. She vomited the drugs and is experiencing multiple-organ failure. Her family members took Guo Lirong home on October 8, 2006. The officials refused to answer questions when her family asked for the reason of the arrest.
People responsible for Guo Lirong's persecution:
Tang Xiaodong: head of the Fuqing Road Administration Office in Chengdu City, who specializes in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. He arrested many practitioners who work at PO Box 40, the former Qianfeng Electronic Corporation Ltd., the knife factory, 512 Factory, and other places of work. Some practitioners were arrested more than eight times. He sent the practitioners to labor camps and brainwashing centers.
Office Phone: 86-28-83243610
Address: Fuqing Road Office in Chengdu City,
Zip code: 610051
Fuqing Road Police Station in Chengdu City
Phone: 86-28-83245724
Police officers handling Guo Lirong’s case: Peng and Tan (surnames)
Li Xi, in charge of residence permit: 86-13608177900
Security Division of the Qianfeng Electronics Corporation Ltd. in Chengdu City: 86-28-83365635
Heads of the Comprehensive Administration Division at the Qianfeng Electronics Corporation Ltd.:
Wu Xiaofan, official at the corporation
Address: Comprehensive Administration Division, Qianfeng Electronics Corporation Ltd., No. 2, Division 2, Fuqing Road, Chengdu City,
Zip code: 610051
Chenghua District Police Department in Chengdu City
Phone: 86-28-83261024, 86-28-86406411
Address: Section 2, Fuqing Road, Chengdu City,
Zip code: 610051