(Clearwisdom.net) During the past few years of resisting the persecution, I developed the attachment of doing things, and was unable to study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts with a calm mind. As a result, I was illegally arrested three times and subjected to persecution. I told myself that I really needed to look hard inside to find the root cause of my problems.
I came to realize the importance of studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth. Why did Master tell us to clarify the truth with rationality and wisdom? It was because of our insufficient understanding of Fa principles that the evil was able to commit bad deeds toward Dafa and Dafa disciples during the past few years. I previously thought that I was not enlightened to many Fa principles due to my low education level. Although I have cultivated for many years, I haven't seen anything in other dimensions, and only stumbled through tribulations one after another. However, when I looked back I saw that without Master's help, how could I have survived until the present time? Master only cares about our hearts. If we firmly believe in Dafa and Master, those tribulations are nothing.
When I was sent to a forced labor camp, I sent forth righteous thoughts with a resentful mind in the beginning, and thus the power of my thoughts was rather limited. I was even put in shackles and handcuffs. The handcuffs were very tight and I felt great pain. I then adjusted my mind and sent forth righteous thoughts to return the pain to the perpetrators. Consequently, the pain disappeared and I recovered from the injury in two days.
Initially, I hated to see the police and the prison guards. I constantly tried to find a way to get out. I thought about a hunger strike, but was afraid of being force-fed. I have witnessed the miserable scene of police brutally force-feeding Falun Gong practitioners. In addition, those on hunger strikes were made to stand in a fixed posture for long hours. If the practitioner was too weak to stand, two people would hold the practitioner up by the arms to continue the torture. Also, they would deprive the practitioner of sleep. If the practitioner grew too sleepy, they applied scotch tape to the practitioner's eyes and forced the practitioner to walk up and down stairs and back and forth with duck steps.
Later I realized that we should not allow them to treat Dafa disciples this way. We should clarify the truth of Falun Gong to those who participate in the persecution, purifying our minds and treating them with our compassion and righteous thoughts. The prison guards tried to force me to stand still for extended hours, but I refused. They then kicked and hit me. I sent forth righteous thoughts to return the pain to them. In the end, they complained about aches in their feet all day long and wondered if they had developed rheumatism. One practitioner was locked in a small cell and constantly reviled by the prison monitor. I then sent forth righteous thoughts to clear out the evil substance. I thought maybe the practitioner in the cell was doing the same thing because the prison guard fell down immediately after stepping out of the door.
In the forced labor camp, the guards constantly tried to "reform" me. I thought that since I was there, I needed to clarify the truth to them and not regard them as enemies. I should try my best to save all sentient beings, and even if they are too bad to be saved, I would not allow them to persecute Dafa disciples. Seeing that I was very stubborn, they tried to force me to work day and night. I have sentient beings in my mind, and believe that the persecutors' words don't count because I came to save people, not to do slave labor. With righteous thoughts, my environment improved after six weeks. They no longer tried to make me stand still for long hours.
While there, I always had clarifying the truth to the police on my mind. They were so young, what a pity if they were ruined! So I told them the truth about Falun Gong, regardless of their reactions. As long as I had a chance, I would grasp the opportunity to clarify the truth. A policewoman said to me, "You neither work nor read our [brainwashing] materials, so we will have the prison guards curse your Master." I then told her that she should not do such a thing, as it would bring harm not only to herself but also the prison guards. I also kindly told her that her words didn't come from her own mind, but rather the rotten demon controlling her. She turned away immediately and said, "I will no longer talk to you. I will not bother you anymore." I replied that I would be responsible for her, no matter what.
Later they tried to "reform" me using my family. I was not moved. The police then told me that I was too selfish and had no conscience because my son and husband would suffer due to my stubbornness. The more they said, the more calm my mind became. I know that my family suffered a lot mentally in the past few years, but it was the result of the persecution of Falun Gong. For the better future of my family, I should firmly believe in Master and Dafa, as it is the only way to be responsible for them. Master has told us,
"...all beings in today’s world came for the sake of the Fa." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")
No matter what kind of environment the person is brought up in, and regardless of his social status, they are sentient beings waiting for us to save them. A Dafa disciple should have a compassionate heart and care less about personal gain and loss. Seeing that I was not moved, they no longer used my family to try to weaken my determination in cultivation.
In September 2006, with the protection of Master and help from fellow practitioners, I finally went back home. Ten days before my release, I received a physical examination. They drew my blood for analysis and found an abnormality. I had asked Master for help, and negated all arrangements of the old forces. I was sure that I could go home within ten days, and I had no doubt about it. In the end, my family, along with the 610 Office and the Political and Judiciary Committee bailed me out for medical treatment. I knew this was just a surface level reason and that it was due to my strong righteous thoughts that I returned home.