(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of March 11, 2006, nearly 200 Falun Gong practitioners from the New York Metropolitan Area and other supporters rallied in front of the Chinese Consulate. They strongly condemned the Chinese Communist regime's barbaric crimes of building a Nazi-style concentration camp in Sujiatun where they secretly and illegally detain and kill Falun Gong practitioners, remove their internal organs for profit and cremate their bodies to eliminate the evidence of their crimes.
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Denounce CCP's atrocities, and call for rescuing family members who are missing as a result of the persecution
Falun Gong practitioner Dr. Huang Wanqing denounced the CCP's barbaric crimes at the rally, and called for help to rescue his younger brother Huang Xiong, who has been missing for three years. Huang Xiong began practicing Falun Gong in 1996. After the CCP started the persecution in 1999, Huang Xiong was illegally sentenced to forced labor for persisting in his practice of Falun Gong and later he became homeless to avoid persecution. The police searched for him everywhere to try to arrest him. His last phone call with Dr. Huang Wanqing was in April 2003 from Shanghai. He disappeared on April 19, and his whereabouts have been unknown ever since. Huang Xiong's relatives in the US and inside China have been looking for him and are worried very much about his safety. An officer from the Shanghai police once said that they knew about Huang Xiong's situation but could not tell others.
Dr. Huang Wanqing, in grief and indignation, said that he had heard nothing about his brother Huang Xiong in the past three years, and he worried about him very much upon learning about the crimes of a secret concentration camp in Sujiatun where Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally detained, killed and had their internal organs removed by the doctors working there for profit. He called upon people from all walks of life to take immediate action to stop the CCP's atrocities of killing people to eliminate the evidence of its crimes before its complete collapse.

Falun Gong practitioner Hu Zhihua also called upon people from all walks of life to show concern for his younger brother Hu Zhiming's whereabouts. In 1998, Hu Zhiming was promoted to be deputy director for the Computer Department of Beijing Air Force Military Training Equipment. He had the military rank of squadron leader. He had received many awards. In 1999, the persecution of Falun Gong in the military system began. Hu Zhiming left home and became homeless in order to avoid the persecution. In October 2001, the family was informed that Hu Zhiming had been sentenced to four years in prison. Shortly after being released from prison in September 2005, he was once again arrested by Beijing police and national security officers who also ransacked his home. He has been missing since then, and his whereabouts are unknown.
Hu Zhihua said that the CCP is extremely evil. The atrocities and terror of the secret concentration camp in Sujiatun make him worry very much about his younger brother's safety, but this is nothing but the CCP's last gasp before its demise. He called upon all righteous people to join together to expose the atrocities of the CCP and disintegrate it as soon as possible.
Calling upon the international community to pay close attention and stop the CCP from killing Falun Gong practitioners to eliminate its crimes
Representative of the Global Committee to Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners Mr. Zhu Hanru made a speech and pointed out that the atrocity of the secret concentration camp in Sujiatun is an extension of the Jiang's regime's state-terrorist policy against innocent Falun Gong practitioners that was established in the early stage of the persecution: "defame their reputation, bankrupt them financially and destroy them physically." It is the CCP's policy to secretly commit genocide and destroy the evidence before its demise. During the process, these Falun Gong practitioners may also have been used for various experiments, and after their internal organs were removed, they would be cremated. He called upon the international community to pay close attention and stop the CCP's barbaric killing.
Falun Gong practitioner Yi Rong stated that overseas Falun Gong practitioners have exposed the CCP's appalling atrocities to different social strata, and called upon the international community to conduct an investigation immediately. They are also calling upon all kind-hearted people to show concern and provide information.
A representative for the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), Liang Yufeng, stated that WOIPFG published an announcement on March 10, indicating their intention to thoroughly investigate all suspects who have participated in killing Falun Gong practitioners at the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. All perpetrators who participate in crimes at the Sujiatun Concentration Camp "will surely be brought to justice." The organization will bring this investigation, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure.
Inhuman actions are accelerating the CCP's demise
A representative of the Global Service for Quitting the CCP, Mr. Li Dayong, said that the barbaric killing of Falun Gong practitioners at the CCP's Sujiatun Concentration Camp is only speeding up its demise. More and more people have seen the CCP's inhuman and evil nature, and the wave of quitting the CCP is getting higher and higher. More than 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners are being illegally detained and tortured in the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang. This fact alone is enough to allow the world's people to see more clearly the CCP's evil nature. We call upon more people to break away from the CCP's control as soon as possible, and let us work together to stop the evil.
Some people from communities who love freedom and democracy also made speeches at the rally, expressing their shock at the CCP's heartless crimes. They also expressed that this is an indication of the CCP's impending demise.
Category: Organ Harvesting