Protest in front of the Chinese Consulate
(Clearwisdom.net) An insider in China disclosed some shocking news recently, and a sea of condemnation has been aroused from around the world. The Chinese Communist regime has set up a secret concentration camp in the Sujiatun District, Shenyang City, where Falun Gong practitioners have been locked up, killed and had their organs harvested and sold for profit.
On March 17-18, 2006, four Falun Gong practitioners in Houston protested in front of the Chinese Consulate. Another practitioner, Ms. Chen, came from Austin to join the protest. They staged a hunger strike to raise awareness about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) genocidal crimes.
Protest in front of the Chinese Consulate
At noon on March 17, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of the Chinese Consulate. Practitioners who were on hunger strike, including Ms. Tang, Xiaoxiao and Ms. Chen, each gave a speech.

A practitioner on hunger strike gives a speech
Ms. Tang said, "I was shocked and saddened upon hearing the news that the CCP has built a secret concentration camp in the Sujiatun District, Shenyang City where at least 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been locked up. Their bodily organs are harvested and sold for profit, and then their bodies are cremated immediately to dispose of the evidence. Staff working at this Sujiatun Concentration Camp number in the hundreds; why are they so inhuman and villainous as to participate in organ harvests when the victims are still alive and afterwards dispose of the victims' bodies to destroy the evidence? And this violence has lasted for four years! The CCP's tyrannical rule has made people to be so inhuman and morally bankrupt. Many people have become accustomed to such sordid and ugly things and cannot distinguish between good and evil." Ms. Tang also said, "Last night, when I told a Chinese Internet user about the news, she was enraged. In the circumstances where the CCP has brainwashed people for dozens of years, blockaded information and fabricated news, some people have been living in lies, unaware that they have assisted the evildoers to do evil deeds. This is why the CCP has been persecuting Falun Gong for seven years..."
Ms. Chen called upon the Chinese people working inside the Chinese Consulate not to be so numb and indifferent, and not to be so gullible to the hatred and lies instilled in them by the CCP. She urged them not to be puppets of the CCP, but to step forward, renounce the CCP, distance themselves from the evil beast, and rediscover their human nature and conscience.
Practitioner Xiaoxiao, who was on a hunger strike, is a high school student. When the reporter asked her why she staged a hunger strike, Xiaoxiao answered, "When I heard of the news that the CCP had built a secret concentration camp in Sujiatun District in Shenyang City, I wanted to tell this appalling news to everyone. When my mother decided to stage a hunger strike, I wanted to join her. A hunger strike can raise people's awareness, so that they will show their concern and help stop the crime." The reporter asked her, "Do your classmates know that you practice Falun Gong?" Xiaoxiao replied, "Yes, I've told some of my classmates what is happening in China. I hope that more and more people can learn about the truth, so the persecution can be stopped."
Western practitioner Dana and Mr. Liao also made speeches condemning the CCP's atrocities. The oldest practitioner participating in the hunger strike is in his 60s. Ms. Chen from Austin has a son aged six. Young as he was, he was very serious when sending forth righteous thoughts and doing the Falun Gong exercises. The reporter asked him, "Do you practice the exercises and study the Fa at home?" He replied, "I study the Fa with Mom every day, and I'm a good student at school."
Many passersby came to inquire about what was happening upon seeing the photos depicting the CCP's outrageous atrocities against Falun Gong practitioners. Many people took truth clarification materials. As it was Friday, a work day for the consulate, many Chinese people and some Westerners also came on various errands. They learned the news after reading the truth-clarification materials and were appalled at the CCP's sordid brutality.
The CCP's secret concentration camp is a chilling reminder of the Nazi concentration camps of sixty years ago. It has committed tremendous crimes. The World Organization for Investigating the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) published the announcement on March 10, 2006 that it was launching a thorough investigation of those suspected to be involved in the persecution and murder of practitioners at Sujiatun Concentration Camp. All those who have participated in the crimes, no matter where they try to hide, will surely be brought to justice no matter how long it takes.
Category: Rallies & Protests