(Clearwisdom.net) A former CCP intelligence worker recently revealed that in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, the Chinese Communist regime has established a concentration camp to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. According to this source, about 6,000 practitioners are being detained at the camp and no prisoners have come out the camp alive. It is said the camp has a large amount of medical workers and a crematorium, and practitioners are being arbitrarily killed and their organs are harvested for commercial interests.
As soon as the news was exposed, it raised great concern among people from all circles. Overseas Falun Gong practitioners have taken immediate action to investigate and expose the abhorrent situation.
U.K. Falun Gong Practitioners Rally In front of the Chinese Embassy in London
On the afternoon of March 13, U.K. Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of the Chinese Embassy in London to expose and protest the Sujiatun Concentration Camp's inhuman atrocities: Organ harvesting from practitioners alive, arbitrary killing and cremating their bodies to dispose of the evidence.
U.K. practitioners rally outside the Chinese Embassy in London to protest
the CCP's atrocities at the Sujiatun Concentration Camp
Peter Jauhal, president of the U.K. Falun Dafa Association, said in a speech, "Since the Nuremberg Trials against Nazi war criminals concluded in 1946, people around the world have been unanimously hoping that concentration camps similar to Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Dachau will not appear again. The truth is that such a camp is operating in China right now.
"Information about the Sujiatun is limited so far. It is said that no detainees have ever left the camp alive. International media and all governments should pay serious attention to this case and take constructive actions to investigate and stop such a barbaric practice. If the international community remains silent toward the genocide of Falun Gong practitioners, the result will be a terrible tragedy," Peter said.
Lord Avebury, Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group, sent a statement to the press conference to express his concern. He stated that the international community and the U.K. government should investigate the case and loudly condemn the brutal practice. The case should be discussed at the upcoming United Nations Human Rights Convention.
In a letter to the Chinese Ambassador, Mr. John Dee, deputy director of European Friends of Falun Gong, wrote: "This heartless crime and barbaric killing of Falun Gong practitioners at the Chinese Communist Party [CCP's] Sujiatun Concentration Camp is only speeding up its demise. More and more people in the world will see clearly the evil nature of the CCP and more and more Chinese people will quit the CCP. Now nearly 9 million Chinese people in China have quit the CCP. The demise of the CCP is impending. We believe that all those who have committed such crimes will be brought to justice and this day is not far away."
Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2006/3/15/122940.html
New Zealand: Practitioners Rally in front of Chinese Embassy to Protest Atrocities
New Zealand practitioners and other citizens recently rallied in front of the Chinese Embassy in Wellington to protest the illegal detention, arbitrary killing and organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners from all over New Zealand participated in the event.

A practitioner read the most recent Falun Gong Association Announcement aloud

A view of the rally site

A truck with posters exposing the CCP's atrocities
During the rally, renowned law professor Yuan Hongbin made a special trip from Australia to attend the rally. In his speech, he strongly condemned the inhuman atrocities of the Chinese Communist regime and called on the international community to investigate the Sujiatun Concentration Camp. In addition, a representative of practitioners read the announcement of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong regarding the case.
At the end of the rally, a parade was held to raise public awareness of the Sujiatun Concentration camp.
Chinese version available http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2006/3/18/123167.html
Portland, Oregon (U.S.A.): Rally to Raise Awareness of the Sujiatun Concentration Camp
Upon hearing of the atrocities of the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp, on the afternoon of March 11, Oregon practitioners rallied in downtown Portland to raise awareness of the case. They distributed fliers and clarified the truth to passersby, calling upon all kind-hearted people to pay close attention to the genocide in China and to help end the atrocities.
Practitioners displayed many posters which read, "Stop the Chinese Communist Party's Genocide of Falun Gong," "Exposed: Secret Death Camp for Falun Gong in China" and "Stop Killing Falun Gong Practitioners and Harvesting Organs." The practitioners' activities attracted many people' attention. After listening to the practitioners' explanation, they were shocked and indignant over the atrocities.
A person of the Christian faith was very sad upon hearing the case. He said that the persecution must be stopped. "People's morality is so low today, God will not allow this to continue long. Please give me more fliers; I will distribute them to more people so that they will know about this as well," he said.
In about 2 hours, practitioners distributed several hundreds fliers. During conversations with passersby, they sensed that many Americans have a clear understanding of the evil nature of the CCP. Many of them believe that people should not do business with the CCP.
One gentleman said, "I can feel that the Communist Party is infiltrating this country. We do not need cheap products, we should be satisfied with what we have. Otherwise, our greed will be taken advantage by the Chinese Communist Party."