(Clearwisdom.net) While taking part in an activity to introduce Falun Dafa in Leeds City Center on January 28, a lady approached me informing me that she was from Bank Side Primary School and that they were going to have a focus on health week. She asked if I would teach the set of five Falun Gong exercises to their sixth graders as part of the week's activities. I immediately agreed and after a few phone calls we arranged a date and time.
Several practitioners from the Leeds/Bradford area and I arrived at Bank Side Primary School on February 15 to teach three classes of 10-11 year old children about Falun Dafa. Due to limited space we had to teach each class separately and would only have about thirty minutes to teach the exercises. I decided that the best way to introduce Falun Dafa to the children was with a well-made video by FGMTV entitled "Introduction to Falun Gong." Afterwards the remaining time would be used to teach the exercises.

Video of practitioners from around the world performing the exercises
Practicing the Falun Gong exercises |
The children were captivated by the beautiful scenes on the video of practitioners from around the world performing the exercises. They listened quietly about Falun Dafa's main feature of being Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and how practitioners strive to become good people. The video had people from all walks of life performing the exercises. The children were of mixed races, and they saw that Falun Dafa can be practiced by anyone, no matter what race, religion or culture they are from. After the children watched the brief video, we then asked them to stand up and taught them the exercises. (http://www.falundafa.org/eng/exercises.htm)
The children were very innocent and curious. They were well behaved and asked many questions. When I asked one of the children, while he was performing the second exercise, Falun Standing Stance, how he felt, he replied that it felt like he was holding the universe. At the end of the day we gave out many flyers to the teachers and the children, to take home to their families so that they could learn more about the practice and the terrible persecution that is illegally taking place in China against those who practice Falun Gong. We said our farewells and I felt happy that these future adults had been given a chance to glimpse this beautiful practice.
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200602/31700.html
Category: Other Community Events