(Clearwisdom.net) Since the brutal persecution started in July 1999, how many happy families have been destroyed? How many tragedies have taken place? How many orphans and elderly parents are bleeding in their hearts, because their beloved father, mother, son, or daughter disappeared or was senselessly deprived of life during the persecution?
(Continued from Part I)
III. Secret Transfer and Death Camps
To escape righteous condemnation and punishment, the CCP deceives the international community by covertly transferring Falun Gong practitioners to secret death camps, to create an illusion that Falun Gong practitioners are no longer held against the law. At the same time, its agents systematically murder the practitioners and destroy evidence of persecution. The abuse and murder is thus more hidden, vicious and cruel.
Shocking exposure of secret death camps
In March 2006, the existence of the Sujiatun Death Camp in Shenyang City where large groups of Falun Gong practitioners are tortured and killed came to the light. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners who persisted in their belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance were transferred there from the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, the Dabei Prison in northeastern and central China. About three-fourths of the incarcerated practitioners had their hearts, kidneys, corneas and skin removed before their bodies were cremated to destroy the evidence.
According to related reports by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), the Sujiatun Death Camp is located beneath the Liaoning Province Thrombosis Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine. It is a secret concentration camp converted from a huge fallout shelter. Its operation started as early as 2001, and reached its peak in 2002. Three independent witnesses pointed out that live organ harvesting is common practice at the camp, and cremation of bodies and even cremation of living people is not unusual. Because the process is extremely brutal, a majority of the medical professionals involved in the organ harvesting have suffered severe psychological trauma. Certain individuals have even committed suicide from extreme psychological pressure.
According to a veteran military doctor, over 10,000 persons (as opposed to the 6,000 originally reported) were being kept at Sujiatun Death Camp as of early 2005. Many have since been killed or transferred to other concentration camps. It's useless to enter Sujiatun to try to investigate, because transferring a few thousand people elsewhere is easy for the authorities to do. Captive Falun Gong practitioners are shipped in sealed freight trains to and from the camps, with as many as 5,000 being transferred in a single day. I witnessed a specially-dispatched freight train transferring over 7,000 people on a trip from Tianjin to the Jilin area," the source recalled. "It ran at night, guarded by the Chinese army. Everyone on board was handcuffed to specially designed handrails affixed to the ceiling, like rotisserie chickens."
Yet, the Sujiatun Concentration Camp is not the only one in China. The doctor pointed out, "Some 36 similar camps exist throughout China," he said. "Falun Gong practitioners are sent to the camps when the occasion calls for it, with the three largest camps being in the northern China provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning. The largest camp, codenamed "672-S," is said to hold over 120,000 people, among whom are Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience. The fifth-largest camp, located in the Jiutai district of Jilin, holds as many as 14,000-plus Falun Gong at a time. The Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee decided to treat Falun Gong practitioners as 'class enemies' and handle them in any manner that is economically profitable. In other words, Falun Gong practitioners... are no longer regarded as human beings, but as raw material for commercial products."
An October 1, 2000 report by Agency France Presse told of two concentration camps having been recently built, both specifically for Falun Gong detainees. The camps were said to have been built in northwest and northeast China, each capable of holding up to 50,000 persons. It said that a concentration camp, expressly for the Falun Gong, had been built in the remote northwestern province of Xinjiang. Chinese sources report seeing Falun Gong practitioners shipped off on trains to the Xinjiang camp. Little or no information on this secretive camp has emerged. No one to date is known to have come back from the camp.
Most Falun Gong practitioners held at some prisons have been transferred
Falun Gong practitioner Li Jingyi from Dalian City was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in October 2004. She could not eat and drink for a long time. A hospital exam diagnosed her as suffering from several critical illnesses and yet, the labor camp authorities refused to release her. Instead, they handcuffed her to a metal bed and forcibly injected her with unknown drugs, which caused her to have difficulty breathing; her heart rate sped up, and she contracted a urinary tract infection. In July 2005 she was carried out of the labor camp on a hemp sack at the brink of death and was skin and bones. She didn't bring any clothes or other things with her. The labor camp authorities wrote on a blackboard that she was sent to a hospital, but she never returned and was never heard from. Later, practitioner Liu Guifang from Dandong who suffered from severe heart disease was tied to a metal bed and injected with unknown drugs. In late July, her name was also written on a blackboard with the note that she was sent to a hospital. However, all of her packages and other personal belongings were in a storage room. It's unknown where she ended up.
Practitioners He Lizhong, Jia Naizhi, Liu Chengyan and others, who have been held at Fushun City Detention Center were unlawfully sentenced to prison after they were savagely tortured for a long time. The Shenyang City Prison refused to take them because of their poor condition. They were taken back to the detention center. It has been a few years during which time they were on the brink of death several times, yet the detention center authorities refused to release them on medical parole. Recently, it was learned that the detention center authorities examined them and are planning to transfer them to an undisclosed location.
On the evening of March 16, 2006, all Dafa practitioners held at the Daqing Forced Labor Camp were transferred without any prior notice. They were forbidden to bring their personal belongings or quilts with them. The labor camp authorities said the practitioners were sent to the Suihua Forced Labor Camp, but their whereabouts are unknown.
IV. I'm Calling out to You on the Other Side of the Ocean
At overseas gatherings to protest the CCP's secret detention and murder of Falun Gong practitioners, the family members of Falun Gong practitioners who disappeared in China called for justice-loving people in the world to pay close attention to and help stop the genocide in China, and help them find their loved ones.
An outstanding young man disappeared
Hu Zhiming, the younger brother of Hu Zhihua, a computer engineer living in New York, graduated with a Master's degree from the Xian Air Force Engineering Science Academy in 1997. He worked at the Research Institute of the Beijing Air Force Military Training Equipment Facility. He started practicing Dafa in 1998 and started on the path to return to his true, original self. He donated his savings to help children who could not afford school and was always very considerate. He was an extraordinary and upstanding young professional. Because of his excellent performance, he was promoted to the post deputy director for the Computer Department, which is unusual for someone so young.

Hu Zhiming (right) and Hu Zhihua
After the persecution started, his superiors talked to him daily and pressured him to give up his Dafa practice. Hu Zhiming explained to his superior from his personal experience that Falun Gong has countless benefits and does not an ounce of harm, but because of pressure his superiors discharged him in May 2000. Because the police constantly harassed him, he left home and his family has never heard from him since. In September 2000, Hu Zhiming's parents received a notice saying that he had been arrested for being at an "illegal gathering" at a friend's home in Shanghai and had been sentenced to four years in prison.
In October 2001, Hu Zhiming wrote a letter to his family from prison, "I didn't get involved in politics. I only persisted in my belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance and just to speak a fair word for Falun Gong. I made a clear-headed and rational choice, because Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is the most precious thing in my heart. It has never changed as I grew up...I didn't waste my time, and in the future you will know that everything that I'm doing right now is the most worthy. I simply hope that I will never become corrupt, that the sacred light of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance will forever illuminate my heart and light up the path on which I will never look back. I will purify my existence and reverently embrace this 10,000 year-old honor."
During the time he was held at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai, Hu Zhiming persisted in his Falun Gong practice and held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. In 2004, the prison authorities told his family to take him home because he was extremely weak. Hu Zhiming quickly recovered after a short time. The local police, however, frequently "checked" on his family. In order not to make his parents worry about him, Hu Zhiming left for Beijing. In August 2005 he sent an email to his older brother Hu Zhihua, in which he said that he had found a good hi-tech job. That was the last time anyone had heard from him. Evidence shows that National Security Bureau agents and Beijing police had arrested Hu Zhiming between September 23 and September 25, 2005. His parents and brothers looked for him everywhere but their efforts were futile. His family is really anxious.
Worry is not the word
Zhang Tianxiao, a Chicago resident, has been forced to endure more than most of her peers because her family members in China were abused and killed for refusing to give up Falun Gong.
Zou Songtao, her brother-in-law, was a kind and modest man. He graduated from Nanjing University. In 1999 he received a Master's degree from the department of Marine Biology at the Ocean University in Qingdao (currently Ocean University of China). After July 20, 1999, Zou Songtao was detained numerous times for going to the State Bureau for Letters and Calls (the Appeal Office) to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. In July 2000 he was held at the Qingdao City Forced Labor Camp. He was transferred to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo, Shandong Province in late September 2000. On the morning of November 3, guards Zheng Wanxin and Shao Zhenghua shocked him with electric batons and savagely beat him. He died as a result of persecution at the age of 28. At the time, his daughter Rong Rong was only 11 months old. His mother, who was in her 60s, died in August 2001 from grief after her daughter was taken away from her and her son-in-law was killed.
Zhang Tianxiao's young sister Zhang Yunhe was an accounting manager at Qingdao TFL Chemicals Co. Ltd. Simply because she practiced Falun Gong, the company terminated her contract after receiving pressure from numerous officials, although her job performance record had been stellar. In April 2000 Zhang Yunhe went to appeal in Beijing and was arrested. In February 2002 Zhang Yunhe was arrested in Qingdao City and held at the Dashan Detention Center in Qingdao City. No one has heard from her since.
Brother of U.S. resident disappeared in 2003
Huang Xiong, the younger brother of Huang Wanqing who lives in the U.S.A. and has a Ph.D. degree, lived in Wanan County, Jiangxi Province. After the persecution began he was sent to a labor camp. Later he left home and was pursued by police. On April 19, 2003 he disappeared in Shanghai and his situation is unknown. Hu, a division head at the National Security Division from the Yangpu District Police Department in Shanghai admitted to media that he clearly knows the whereabouts of Huang Xiong but he cannot divulge the information. Tian Jun, head of the Jiangxi Province 610 Office simply dismissed the questions as "rumor" and complained that Huang Xiong's family and friends "disrupted" his life by making phone calls and looking for Huang Xiong.

Huang Wanqing (middle, front row), calling for rescue of their family members in New York in April 2004

Huang Xiong before his disappearance in 2003
Huang Xiong was born in 1978 and lived in Furong Town, Wanan County, Jiangxi Province. In 1996 he started practicing Falun Gong along with some fellow villagers. When the persecution started in 1999, he was studying at the Baishite Computer Training Center in Beijing. He was arrested for appealing for Falun Gong. Later, the Jian District Reeducation Through Labor Committee in Jiangxi Province sentenced him to two years of forced labor. After his release, Huang Xiong didn't want to give up his belief in Truth, Compassion, Forbearance or his pursuit of conscience and justice. He decided to leave home and live in exile for more than two years. He went to many places and told people about the truth regarding the persecution and the beauty of Dafa. The police pursued him. His family lost has touch with him since July 2003 when he was in Shanghai.
V. Please Help Rescue Missing Children
During the genocidal persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP and Jiang's group, countless innocent Falun Gong practitioners were tortured and murdered. Even young children were not spared. They lived in terror and tragedy, and many of them disappeared after they were arrested along with their family. A witness has exposed that most of the Falun Gong practitioners who had their corneas removed at the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp in Shenyang were elderly and children. This revelation makes us worry about the fate of the missing children.
Where is Lu Yuanzhuo, a 10-year-old boy from Gongzhuling, Jilin City?
"On December 31, 2000, several practitioners from Jilin went to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa. We were arrested and taken to the Jilin Province Liaison Office in Beijing where we met Lu Yuanzhou, a ten-year old boy. His big eyes and his childish face mirrored his firm resolve. We asked him, "Why did you come by yourself to Beijing to validate the Fa?" He replied, "All the adults in my family have been arrested for persisting in Dafa practice. Although I am young, I am still Teacher's disciple and I also have a responsibility to validate the Fa."
On December 30, 2000, Yuanzhou was in Tiananmen Square holding up a banner with the words "Falun Dafa is good." Finally, many policemen surrounded him and then, in front of everyone, started brutally beating the ten-year-old child. Then they sent him to the Jilin Province Liaison Office in Beijing. In order to force him to reveal his hometown and family name, the police beat him all the way from the first to the fourth floor. Despite the brutal beating, in the end, he only gave the police a pseudonym, Li Xinming. Later, the police forcibly injected Yuanzhuo with an unknown drug capable of damaging the central nervous system. After a few days, the provincial policemen suddenly called Yuanzhuo away, claiming that some of his relatives were there to take him home. We knew that he had never revealed his real name, and that no one at his home even knew he was there. The police took him away. We have called frequently during these years, searching for his whereabouts, but we never heard anything about him again."
75-year-old woman sentenced to prison; husband vomits blood from anger and anguish; young granddaughter disappeared
75-year-old Zhu Yuezhen from Jinan City, Shandong Province used to have numerous illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis and gastric ulcers and lived in great pain. In March 1995 she began to practice Falun Gong; all of her illnesses were healed six months later. She felt very light, had great eyesight and hearing and often felt like a young person when riding a bike. She felt infinitely grateful toward Dafa and for Teacher's help. She often said, "It's my obligation to tell people the truth and speak a fair word for Dafa when Dafa is wronged." On December 1, 2005, Zhu Yuezhen was arrested when clarifying the truth in the Tianqiao District. She was sent to the Jinan City Detention Center and later sentenced to three years in prison. After her arrest, her husband grew so anxious and anguished that he vomited blood and was hospitalized. He passed away the day after Zhu Yuezhen was illegally sentenced to prison. Zhu Yuezhen's young granddaughter who lived with her also disappeared. The young girl's whereabouts are unknown.
There are many more children in China who suffered similar fates.
Ten-year-old Junjun lived in Zhoukou City, Henan Province. Her parents and older sister are all Dafa practitioners. Her father is a retired army hospital doctor who was unjustly sentenced to a labor camp simply because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Dafa. Her mother was wanted by police for telling people the truth about Dafa. Her older sister, a college student in Beijing, was detained because she went to Tiananmen Square to peacefully appeal for Dafa. Since she was 9 years old, Junjun had to live on her own. Even under such circumstances, the police still constantly harassed and threatened her. She had no choice but to quit school and go to live with other practitioner(s). One day in late August 2001, Junjun was taken into a white police car, and nothing has been heard from her since.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Guijin lived in Xingzheng Village, Hua Township, Lutai Town, Huaiyang County, Zhoukou City, Henan Province. Her husband Song Zhenling was an outstanding teacher. After he started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, he was cured of hepatitis B, which the doctors had pronounced "untreatable." Wang Guijin was moved by the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance and also started practicing Dafa. On July 19, 2004, agents from the Liutai Police Station in Huaiyang County arrested Ms. Wang at her mother's house. She was nine months pregnant. The police took her to the Huaiyang County family planning center. Eight men held her down and forced her to have an abortion. Afterwards, she was sentenced to five years in prison and is incarcerated to this day. Her father was sentenced to one year in prison for "harboring a criminal," and a neighbor was fined 2,000 yuan for sheltering her for one night. As a result of abuse and torture in the Huaiyang Detention Center, her husband Song Zhenling almost completely lost his vision; his feet were paralyzed and he is emaciated. Nevertheless, he was sentenced to ten years in prison. Law enforcement agents from the "610 Office" and from the police station's security section also abducted their four-year-old son. They have not heard anything about her son since then.
Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Miao Qisheng, age 36, from Shenyang City, Liaoning Province passed away on the afternoon of May 14, 2002 as a result of the persecution by Xianggong Police Department in Huanggu District. After his death, officers at the Xianggong Police Station secretly cremated his body and strictly blocked information. His wife was secretly arrested in April 2001 for practicing Falun Gong. Their son Miao Yumeng is around 12 years of age and his whereabouts are unclear.
Liu Limei, a Ph.D. student at Northeastern Agricultural University in Xiangfang District, Heilongjiang Province was tortured to death on August 12, 2003 for persisting in her belief. Her 12-year-old elementary student daughter who was attending a school affiliated with Northeastern Agricultural University disappeared.
Since the persecution started in July 1999, how many warm and happy families have been destroyed? How many disasters have taken place? How many orphans and elderly parents are bleeding in their hearts, because their beloved father, mother, son, or daughter disappeared or was senselessly deprived of their life during the persecution?
Faced with terror and danger, as well as tremendous suffering, why do Falun Gong practitioners refuse to bow to the ruthless CCP? Why do they persistently clarify the truth to the world's people and awaken their conscience? People who know the truth say that the practitioners are doing their best with altruism and kindness to rescue lost souls the evil CCP specter has poisoned. They are safeguarding the truth of the universe with their lives and forging mankind's future.
As for those who are slumbering amidst the filthy lies--can you hear their compassionate appeal?
Category: Organ Harvesting