Today’s Articles
- ▪ Korea: a Practitioner Attacked in Front of Chinese Consulate, Assailant Arrested and Found Guilty (Photos)
- ▪ Hong Kong: Falun Gong Practitioners Protest against Criminal of Torture Jia Qinglin (Photos)
- ▪ Washington State: Practitioners Clarify the Truth on International Day in Support of Torture Victims and Survivors (Photos)
- ▪ Germany: Falun Dafa Information Desk in Rostock
- ▪ Taiwan: Drama Exposes Persecution at Taichung City Performance (Photos)
- ▪ Taiwan: Falun Gong Practitioners from South Taiwan Hold a One-day Group Fa-study and Cultivation Experience Sharing Meeting (Photos)
- ▪ Taiwan Miaoli Fa Study and Experience Sharing Meeting (Photo)
- ▪ Turkey: Practitioners Protest the CCP’s Atrocities in Front of Chinese Embassy
- ▪ Practitioner Liu Xiaoming in Changsha City on Hunger Strike for Many Days, Rescue Effort Is Urgently Needed
- ▪ The Persecution Facts at the Heilongjiang Women's Prison
- ▪ Eyewitness Account of the Brutal Torture in Hulan Prison
- ▪ An Ordinary Peasant in Hebei Province Encounters Persecution
- ▪ Abuse at the Weifang Detention Center Leaves Practitioner Ms. Zhuang Aiping Mentally Traumatized and Suffering from Heart Problems
- ▪ Persecution at the Hohhot Women's Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (AR)
- ▪ The Persecution of Falun Dafa Disciples in Wangcun Women's Labor Camp, Shandong Province
- ▪ Practitioner at Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province Smuggles a Letter Out to Her Family
- ▪ Danish Newspaper Reports on Organ Harvesting in China (Photo)
- ▪ Western Practitioner: Learning to Calm Down and Have Faith in the Fa's Ability to Harmonize Everything
- ▪ The Experiences of a Young Western Practitioner
- ▪ Expose the Evil to the Local People, Clarify the Truth, and Encourage People to Withdraw from the CCP
- ▪ Going through the Formalities or Thinking of Others?
- ▪ You Ruo Fails to Obey Confucius’ Teachings
- ▪ Solemn Statements from Dafa Practitioners
- ▪ 123 People Declare that their Words and Deeds Under Forced Brainwashing are Null and Void
- ▪ (Traditional Culture) Honesty and Living up to One’s Promise
June 30, 2006