(Clearwisdom.net) On July 5-6, 2006, the "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Summer Workshop for Elementary School Teachers" was held in an elementary school in Budai Town, Chiayi County. More than sixty elementary school teachers from Chiayi County attended the workshop. Everyone benefited greatly from it.
![]() Participants learn the Falun Gong exercises |
![]() Professor Ai Changrui shares his experience of cultivating Falun Gong |
During the two-day workshop, the organizers played lectures by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, and taught participants the Falun Gong exercises. The organizers invited three practitioners from different fields to share their experiences of cultivating Falun Gong, which gave participants a very deep impression of the benefits of the practice. Ai Changrui, a professor from National Chung Cheng University, shared his experiences. After his talk, an elementary school teacher said that he had never heard such a profound cultivation theory.
Professor Ai said that after practicing Falun Gong, his thoughts changed. He suggested that everyone try to break through conventional notions when thinking of things. Professor Ai said that he doesn’t watch TV very often, but one day, he saw the report about Falun Gong practitioners’ "April 25" appeal on TV. The reporter said that the practitioners didn’t leave any trash on the ground during the appeal. Professor Ai was amazed. He stepped into cultivation practice through this special chance. He suggested that everyone think about these questions: Why did Falun Gong appear at this time? And, why do you have this opportunity to learn about it?
Wu Yanmen, the principal of an elementary school, shared many miracles of Falun Gong practitioners. The most amazing one happened to his niece. Before she started practicing Falun Gong, his niece said something bad about Falun Gong, since she didn’t know the truth about Falun Gong. Afterwards, her jaw was dislocated, and she could not close her mouth. Her jaw went back to normal when she felt bad about what she said. The same thing happened four times. Upon the fourth time, she realized that she should never say bad things about Falun Gong. So she called Wu Yanmen from Beijing, and asked for materials about Falun Gong. On the phone, she also said, "Falun Dafa is good." Everyone was amazed by this story. Their hearts were deeply moved.
The third speaker was Chen Aiying from an elementary school in Chiayi City. Her topic was "Falun Dafa can solve all problems." She shared how she treats her husband and children according to the principle of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." She also shared how she teaches students with Falun Dafa’s principles, and how she teaches her students to be good persons. Once students’ behavior improves, their grades also improve. Her talk created a peaceful atmosphere in the classroom.
After the workshop, a participant said to the practitioners, "Falun Gong is really good. How do I start cultivating it?" Practitioners told him to read Master Li’s book, Zhuan Falun. The two-day-long workshop attracted many people who have a predestined relationship with Dafa, and further spread the Fa in Chiayi County.