(Clearwisdom.net) Since June, the police from Changsha City, Hunan Province, have illegally arrested several Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners are currently imprisoned in detention centers and facing sentencing. Here are the details about the arrested practitioners.
Ms. Liu Xiaoming was a caregiver working at the home of Professor Tang Xi, who is over 80 years old and works for the Central South Forestry University. Ms. Liu Xiaoming works diligently and with great dedication. She is well liked by Professor Tang Xi and his family. On the morning of May 22, Professor Tang went to the Forestry University’s Medical Office for an intravenous drip. Ms. Liu Xiaoming accompanied him and read the book Zhuan Falun while she waited. She was arrested after a staff member in the surgical department saw what she was reading and reported her to the authorities.
Ms. Chang Jianzhen, 60, is a retiree from the Hunan Province Broadcast and Television Bureau. She lives in the sixth Division of the Residential Area of Hunan Province Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Committee. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. Along with her family Ms. Chang has witnessed the wonders and miracles of Falun Dafa. On June 3, she was arrested by police from the Wangyue Lake Police Station, Yuelu District Public Safety Sub-bureau, while distributing truth-clarification materials at Wangyue Lake at the western side of the Xiang River.
Ms. Li Min, about 50 years old, was imprisoned in Hunan Women’s Prison for four years and released around Chinese New Year 2006. At 9 p.m. on June 12, Ms. Li and her niece went to her sister’s home in the Xipailou District in Changsha City. Later that evening, she and her sister went to an interior decorator's to discuss some home improvements. They have not been heard from since. Her niece went to the nearby Fuhou and Pozi Street Police Stations and called all their relatives and friends but got no information. The two sisters just disappeared.
Ms. Zhou Runlin, 40, was an employee of Hunan Changyuan Building Board Corporation (formerly Hunan Province Building Board Factory). She lives in the Kaifu District Mingzhuyuan Division Building #6, Apartment #1301. Ms. Zhou started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 and experienced the wonders of Falun Dafa. She was the director at the Zifeng Park exercise center, voluntarily teaching people the exercises and helping them to understand and practice Falun Dafa. Ms. Zhou was taken from work by the police from the Xinhe Police Station, Kaifu District Public Safety Sub-bureau, on the morning of June 15. Her house was ransacked the same day. Now the prosecutor's office is planning to sentence her, claiming truth-clarification materials and computer equipment were found in her house. Ms. Zhou is being detained at the Changsha City Detention Center.
Ms. Zhang Zhenjie, over 40 years old, lives at the Tianxin District Dongguashan Division Third Sub-division. She started practicing Falun Gong in November of 2004 and experienced great benefits both physically and mentally. On the evening of June 22, 2006, the Yunan Street Police Station Director led a team of policemen to take her from her home.
Mr. Li Xuangang, about 40 years old, is a practitioner in Changsha County, Guoyuan Township. He was persecuted several times because of his belief in Falun Gong. He was sentenced to four years in prison and sent to Hunan Province Yuanjiang City Chishan Prison in October 2000. He was taken to Changsha City Laodaohe Brainwashing Center (known as Changsha City "Legal Education Center") in June 2005 and imprisoned there for more than two months. Mr. Li Xuangang was again taken in late June of this year.
Mr. Huang Yonghui, 46, lives in the Tianxin District Dongguashan Division First Sub-division Building #20, Unit 2, Apartment 101. He was imprisoned in Hunan Province Yuanjiang City Chishan Prison for three years because of his belief in Falun Gong. He was disabled by vicious beatings in the prison and the Association of the Disabled of Changsha City acknowledge him to be "third degree disabled." He was taken in June of 2005 and imprisoned at the Changsha City Laodaohe Brainwashing Center for more than two months. Mr. Huang Yonghui was taken against his will again on June 28.