(Clearwisdom.net) From a number of internet searches conducted on Chinese websites, it has been found statistically that, since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, the number of organ transplants throughout China has increased exponentially. Large numbers of kidney, liver, heart, marrow and pancreas transplants were conducted in hospitals across Shanxi Province. The source of these organs is questionable and should be further investigated. A list of leads worthy of investigation is given below:
Investigation Lead 1: Over 600 kidney transplants have been performed in the kidney transplant dialysis center at the Second People’s Hospital of Shanxi.
The kidney transplant dialysis center of the Second People’s Hospital of Shanxi.
The Second People’s Hospital is a medical facility that focuses on progressive diseases, poisoning, and kidney transplant operations. It has already performed more than 600 kidney transplants, making it among the nation’s top 20. In 2005 alone, approximately 100 kidney transplant operations were performed.
Investigation Lead 2: "The Fourth Shanxi Province Organ Transplants Academic Conference" was held in the kidney transplant dialysis center at the Second People’s Hospital of Shanxi.
On September 3rd and 4th, 2005, the provincial Second People’s Hospital Kidney Transplant Center held the "Shanxi Province Fourth Organ Transplant Academic Conference. Nationally renowned organ transplant specialist Chen Shi, Wei Dao, Shen Zhongyang, and Professor Xue Wujun gave academic presentations on the latest technical achievements in the field. (source: Shanxi Hygiene News Net on September 13, 2005. Author: Liu Xiaoping. "Shanxi Second People’s Hospital Holds Fourth Organ Transplant Academic Conference")
Questionable Link: The source of organ materials used by Chen Shi, Wei Dao, Shen Zhongyang and Xue Wujun for experiments and operations was not disclosed and should be investigated. It might be possible to find more clues in their "Report on Recent Technical Progress in Organ Transplants"
Picture: Organ Transplant Conference
Investigation Lead 3: Three transplants of two different organs were performed simultaneously at the Shanxi Military Police Headquarters Hospital in one day
At 10:30am on June 7, 2005, three operations began simultaneously. There were more than thirty personnel working in the operation room alone. Chief surgeon of the live transplant operation, Professor Liu Zhenwen, is a nationally-known specialist in the field of liver transplants; chief surgeon of the kidney transplant, Professor Zhao Xueyi, is the director of the hospital’s kidney transplant center.
The doctors used the liver and two kidneys obtained from a donor who died of brain trauma; a liver transplant and two kidney transplants were accomplished concurrently on the same day. Two different organs in three different operations were held simultaneously.
Receiver of the liver transplant is a 47 year old with cirrhosis due to late-stage Hepatitis B. The other two receivers of the kidney transplants are a 30 year old lady and a 50 year old man. The 50 year old man had already underwent a kidney transplant previously, but the kidney malfunctioned soon after.
(Source: Shanxi Daily, June 19, 2005. Reporter: Qin Yang, excerpt from "Three Patients with Fatal Diseases Gets a New Life From Three Organ Transplants on the Same Day")
Question: One liver transplant and two kidney transplants were held on the same day, three operations with two different organs and three major transplants were held simultaneously. Can the liver and two kidneys of a single person match three people at once?
The Shanxi Military Police Headquarters Hospital is located on 78 Shifan Street, Jiucheng Road, Taiyuan City.
Investigation Lead 4: Doctor Zhao Xueyi of Shanxi Military Police Headquarters Hospital had performed more than 40 kidney transplant surgeries.
Deputy Director Dr. Zhao Xueyi completed a series of kidney transplants with kidneys donated from family members. He completed a total of more than 40 transplants from kidneys donated from relatives (source: Shanxi News Net on Sept 27, 2005)
Doctor Zhao Xueyi from the Shanxi Military Police Headquarters Hospital is the deputy director of the hospital, a chief doctor, and a urological specialist.
Question: Is it really true that all 40 kidney transplants performed by Zhao Xueyi came from relatives of the recipient? Each and every case has to be verified.
Investigation Lead 5: Doctor Li Guoyi of Shanxi Military Police Headquarters Hospital began performing kidney transplants ahead of schedule.
Li Guoyi, Director of Hospital Affairs for the Shanxi Military Police Headquarters Hospital, with an assistant doctor and a general practitioner completed kidney transplant operations ahead of schedule. Li graduated with a degree in Medicine from the Bethune Military Police Academy, holds a bachelor degree and has previously worked at the No. 276 hospital of the People’s Liberation Army. (source: Shanxi Military Police Headquarters Hospital Official Website)
Question: How many operations did Li perform? What are the sources of his organs?
Investigation Lead 6: Heart, liver, and combined pancreas and kidney transplants were performed at the People’s Hospital of Shanxi.
Jia Huimin, a recipient of a combined liver and kidney transplant at the Shanxi Province People’s Hospital, lived a normal and healthy almost five after the operation.
The Shanxi People’s Hospital is located on Shuangtasi Street, Taiyuan City. Appointment number: 0351-4044963.
The "Statistical Report by the Shanxi Statistics Bureau on National Economy and Societal Development in 1999" states: "Heart, liver, as well as combined pancreas and kidney transplants were successfully performed at the Provincial People’s Hospital."
Question: How many heart, liver and combined pancreas and kidney transplants were performed at the Shanxi People’s Hospital? Are the sources of the organs justified?
Investigation Lead 7: The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University completes a heart transplant operation.
December 23, 2003, The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University completed a heart transplant operation independently. The recipient was a young patient with late-stage heart disease. Liang Zhixing, director of the hospital’s heart surgery department, and his team performed an orthotopic heart transplantation for the patient (Source: "Shanxi Completes Its First Independent Heart Transplant Operation", Chinese National Technological News Net, December 24, 2003).
An organ transplant center is situated within the Shanxi Medical University (Source: Graduate Education Net "Shanxi Medical University")
Question: How many heart transplant operations have been performed at the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University? Do these organs come from legal sources?
Investigation Lead 8: A combined pancreas and kidney transplant was performed by the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University.
On September 6, 2001 52-year-old Beijing resident Tian Baohua, a late-stage diabetic with kidney failure, received a combined pancreas and kidney transplant from the First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University. The operation was performed in conjunction with the Third Affiliated Hospital to Beijing University. (Source: "The First Combined Pancreas and Kidney Organ Transplant in Shanxi Concludes Successfully", Chinese National Technological News Net, September 26, 2001.)
How many organ transplants have been performed at the Shanxi Medical University’s Organ Transplant Center? Where do the pancreas and kidneys used in these operations come from?
Investigation Lead 9: Marrow, liver and kidney transplants are being performed at the Third People’s Hospital Organ Transplants Center in Datong City, Shandong Province.
An organ transplant center is located within the Third People’s Hospital of Datong City. Since 1991, it has performed liver, kidney, and marrow transplants. Address: 1 Yiwei Street, Xinjian Road South, Datong City. Legal Representative: Rong Youping. Contact: Xin Shubin. Phone: 5130206, Fax: 5023311. Postal Code: 037008 (source: "Datong City Third People’s Hospital", Datong Public News Network)
Question: How many organ transplants were performed at the Third People’s Hospital in Datong City? Where do these organs come from?