"This kind of act is really ignominious. It totally violates the belief in God." said a mother with a kid after seeing the re-enactment of live organ removal from Falun Gong practitioners. She signed the petition calling for an end of the CCP's atrocity.
(Clearwisdom.net) On July 1, 2006, to support 11 million Chinese people quitting the CCP, some practitioners in Germany held an event at the shopping center next to the Munich Expo Center. They put up photos showing CCP crimes exposed by the "Nine Commentaries on Communist Party." People were shocked and couldn't believe that CCP would be so cruel to persecute such large numbers of Chinese people. Quite a few people signed the petition calling on German government to help stop the atrocities.
People sign the petition calling for an end to the atrocities
Some expressed a desire to learn the exercises at a practice site while others even started to learn right on the spot.

People learning the exercises on the spot
The media center for the World Cup Soccer Game is located right here. Reporters from many countries, including those from China, came to the shopping center for lunch. Many of them took Falun Gong truth-clarification materials which were available on hand in many languages.
Category: Organ Harvesting