(Clearwisdom.net) On June 13, 2006, Mayor Bernie Zurbriggen of the Town of Frisco, Colorado, proclaimed June 13, 2006 as Falun Dafa Day, Raising awareness and condemning the Chinese Government for the Persecution of Practitioners of Falun Gong. The proclamation strongly urged China to end the harassment, detention, physical abuse, and imprisonment of its own citizens who exercise their legitimate rights to freedom of religion, speech and association; and cease its interference in the constitutionally guaranteed religious and political freedoms of United States citizens who are followers of Falun Gong. Below is the text of the proclamation.
Town of Frisco
County of Summit
State of Colorado
United States of America
Declaring June 13, 2006 As Falun Dafa Day Raising Awareness and Condemning the Chinese Government for Persecution of Practitioners of Falun Gong
Whereas, Falun Gong is a peaceful spiritual movement that originated in the People's Republic of China and has grown worldwide; and
Whereas, The Constitution of the People's Republic of China provides to its citizens freedom of speech, assembly, association and religious believe; and
Whereas, Falun Gong practitioners, as well as members of pro-democratic groups and advocates of human rights freedom have become targets of severe government persecution in China in violation of China's own laws; and
Whereas, recent reports from the United Nations, Chinese journalists and Falun Gong practitioners reveal ill-treatment of Chinese ethnic minorities, including Falun; a concentration camp hospital that conducts experiments on Falun Gong practitioners, including harvesting organs to be sold; persecution, arrests, imprisonment, torture, and murder; and
Whereas, We the members of the Frisco Town Council support the State of Colorado Senate Joint Resolution 06-027 condemning the Chinese Government's persecution of practitioners of Falun Gong. Echoing the sixty-fifth General Assembly of the State of Colorado, we strongly urge the People's Republic of China to:
- End the harassment, detention, physical abuse, and imprisonment of its own citizens who exercise their legitimated rights to freedom of religion, speech and association; and
- Cease its interference in the constitutionally guaranteed religious and political freedoms of United States citizens who are followers of Falun Gong, as they report that they have been victims of spying, harassment, intimidation and violence by agencies of the Chinese Government. The United States Constitution guarantees to its citizens freedom of religious, association, and speech, which allows Americans to live without fear and in accordance with their personal beliefs.
We further, urge the government of the United States to issue an official statement to the Chinese Foreign Ministry condemning China's violation of basic human rights.
Now, Therefore, we, the Town Council of Frisco, Colorado do hereby proclaim June 13, 2006 as Falun Dafa Day to raise awareness of these atrocities that cannot be ignored.
Town of Frisco: Bemie Zurbriggen, Mayor
Attest: Deborah Wohlmuth, Town Clark