(continued) Part 1: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2006/8/18/76998.html
A Demon-eliminating Team of Little Dafa Practitioners
When I send forth righteous thoughts, I have great abilities. About two weeks ago, I saw a huge demon as big as the sky when I sent forth righteous thoughts. I enlarged my body so that it became larger than the demon. Along with the golden dragon Fa-guardian, I emitted my gong to eliminate the demon. It had great capabilities, with new bodies emerging as soon as the old ones were eliminated. I asked Teacher for help. The demon then multiplied itself into hundreds and thousands of bodies in order to fight me. At that instant, a golden light shined down from the heavens and all the demon's bodies were instantly melted into nothingness by this light.
I continued to fly while sitting on the lotus flower. Another little practitioner flew over to me. We two flew together and arrived at a demon’s cave. There were about a hundred little practitioners in front of the cave. We didn’t know each other. They did not dare to go inside the cave. However, we two continued to fly into it. But we were soon caught in a big net by a group of small demons. We were not frightened, though. We erected our palms and sent forth righteous thoughts. The net was blasted into fragments immediately. Most of the small demons were bombed to death. Some escaped out of the cave but were eliminated by the little practitioners outside.
Going further into the cave, we found a big demon hiding. We used our power together and blasted it. Its body smashed into fragments of glass. When we recited the Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts formula, the fragments melted.
Eliminating the Evil in the Concentration Camps
One day Dad showed me a small map with a dozen small dots. Dad said it had been printed from the Clearwisdom website. The little dots represented concentration camps set up by the Chinese Communist Party. Falun Dafa practitioners are being killed in those places. There were also other unmarked places that also had concentration camps. Dad asked me to eliminate the demons in those places.
It was not the set time for practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts globally, so I sent forth righteous thoughts on my own. Usually I needed several minutes to clear myself, but this time I instantly felt that all the interferences disappeared right away. I went to a concentration camp. There were so many demons there. Most of them had a human shape. My golden dragon Fa-guardian and I used our gong to eliminate them on a large scale. Some of them received retribution; some were blasted into fragments; some were turned into bloody water.
Soon I saw a huge "god." My celestial eye couldn’t tell whether or not it was a demon, so I used my eyes in my heavenly body to look. I discovered that it was a huge demon. Its younger brother had turned into an image of an evil police officer and I had just eliminated it, so it wanted to harm me. I emitted my gong to eliminate it without success. I asked Teacher for help and then it was instantly blasted away. There was another female demon whose sister I had eliminated. She enlarged her body greatly and came to kill me. I saw that her gong column was not high, so I just emitted part of my gong and she was annihilated.
I have been to all those places. As it was too slow to eliminate the demons group by group, I retreated far into the distance and emitted light. My light was joined by light from heaven. The strong light instantly cleared up all the demons. All their fragments were turned into water or gas.
At this time I saw that some of the Falun Dafa practitioners were saved. They greeted me with their hands in the Heshi position. I looked up and saw that Teacher was smiling at me. This was the first time I had ever seen Teacher. I saw him very clearly, and I knew he was encouraging me.
After I was finished with sending forth righteous thoughts, I gladly told Dad everything. He said, "It is impossible to eliminate all the demons in the concentration camps in just one go. There are many partitions of spaces in those places. We need to continue to eliminate the demons until all the evil is gone. Only then can all the detained practitioners be saved."
From then on, I have been cleaning up the evil concentration camps. I hope more Falun Dafa practitioners can send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil in the secret camps, in order to help the practitioners there.
I haven’t cultivated very well. Sometimes I am naughty and only want to play. Please correct me if I made any mistakes.