(Clearwisdom.net) On August 19, 2006, the annual Lentil Festival parade was held in Pullman, Washington. Falun Gong practitioners participated in the parade and won the Best Theme trophy. It was the third year in a row for the practitioners to win the award.

Practitioners' float
The practitioners' float, again decorated with lotus flowers, was the most eye-catching in the parade. The fairy ladies sat on the float. Practitioners in golden costumes demonstrated the exercises.

Lion dancing
Falun Gong practitioners win the Best Theme trophy
A dancing white lion favorably impressed last year's spectators. This year's golden lion appeared to be powerful and mighty. The lion dance during the parade won rounds of applause.
Other practitioners held banners and distributed flyers and paper-folded lotus flowers. The bookmarks with colorful lotus flower and words of "Falun Dafa is good" were very popular. In a street activity the evening before the parade, one Chinese and two Western practitioners set up a booth and taught people to fold paper lotus flowers. Crowds of people came forward to learn and left happily with the paper lotus they had folded themselves.
As in previous years, practitioners wrote "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" as the theme of their parade entry on the application form.