(Clearwisdom.net) The persecution against Falun Gong practitioners is still taking place in various regions, even though the Fa-rectification has reached this stage. Though we are able to expose the crimes of the persecutors online in a timely manner, we are still passive to a certain degree. In other words, some practitioners feel somewhat inadequate in opposing the evil persecution. I feel awful each time I read about the persecution cases of fellow practitioners on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. It is each and every practitioner's responsibility to help fellow practitioners to eliminate the evil persecution, even if we feel that we are too far away to help. I want to share the path of Fa-rectification we have taken in our county, and tell how we break through the persecution and have changed the local environment to better rescue sentient beings. Please point out anything inappropriate.
During many incidents of persecution, we went through the process of forming a unified body, building a coordinated network, exposing the local persecutors to the local people, and establishing numerous Dafa truth clarification materials production sites. We solidified the whole body to have certain practitioners responsible for seeing that specific tasks get done. Currently, we have a better environment for the Fa-rectification and rescuing sentient beings.
Practitioners who were once held in detention centers, labor camps and prisons have returned home. A majority of the practitioners who once went astray have returned to Fa-rectification. For most of the past two years, practitioners in our area have not been actively persecuted; no practitioner has been held at a detention center, labor camp or prison. Group Fa study and practice sites have been established in almost all villages throughout the county where practitioners reside. Practitioners are coordinating Dafa work in different villages, towns, and townships in the county. Our county is small, so it’s easier for us to contact each other. Dafa materials production sites operate relatively smoothly. We have a sufficient supply of truth clarification materials, such as copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, VCDs, pamphlets, and flyers. All Dafa materials production sites run smoothly with point-to-point contact, which means practitioners in charge of production of Dafa materials do not contact other practitioners not involved in the same work.
The truth clarification materials production sites are operated independently, and practitioners in charge of this work do not intervene in other practitioners’ work. Practitioners spontaneously organize independent Fa conferences at different times, based on the needs of the group in a particular village, town, or township. We share our experiences and understanding regarding Fa-rectification and current issues impacting on practitioners. Many practitioners can hand out the Nine Commentaries face-to-face, clarify the truth, and ask people to quit the Communist Party.
Many people now understand that "Falun Dafa is good." Approximately 15 percent of the people in the county have published notifications that they have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Practitioners ensure that banners exposing the persecution, as well as banners proclaiming "Falun Dafa is good," and banners asking people to quit the CCP never disappear from public places.
Next, I want to talk about how we achieved the current state.
We’ve been working hard since 2002 to form a whole body. The environment was quite vicious at the time: dozens of practitioners were held in labor camps and prisons. Additional practitioners were being arrested, detained, and sent to labor camps. The regime constantly held brainwashing sessions. Despite the danger, some practitioners left home and shared their experiences with other practitioners who had stepped forward to safeguard the Fa. We discussed how to rescue fellow practitioners, do away with the evil persecution, and disintegrate the evil brainwashing center. Our understandings back then were random and not focused. We were trying to find our way and didn’t have a clear train of thought regarding Fa-rectification and opposing the persecution. Some practitioners rode bikes for 200 li [about 62 miles] to share experiences with fellow practitioners. As a result, an increasing number of practitioners stepped forward to validate Dafa. Some practitioners gradually became coordinators through doing Dafa work.
First, we shared experiences among practitioners in several villages where there were more practitioners, and formed a unified body on a smaller scale. The practitioners saw the benefits of sharing experiences with each other. Through sharing together, their fear left them and they became more determined in their belief in Teacher and Dafa. Some practitioners went to other practitioners with whom they had contact in the past and had more in-depth sharing and confirmed our direction. In this way, our Dafa work was done with more righteousness and power.
As more practitioners stepped forward, a basic framework for a coordinated network took shape within the county. We never stopped hanging banners, posting Fa-rectification phrases, distributing flyers, and rescuing fellow practitioners. The power of the whole body was being constantly strengthened; even more so because we understood things from the basis of Fa principles. Practitioners gained a deeper understanding of Fa-rectification and rescuing sentient beings. It was critical during this process that we urged each other to study the Fa.
We used to rely on practitioners from other towns and from the city to provide us with truth clarification materials. In 2003 we started to establish our own materials production sites. Many practitioners had melted into the whole body by the end of 2003. The local county 610 Office held a brainwashing session and illegally arrested several practitioners. Teacher’s comments on the article, "Expose the Evil Happening Locally to the Local People" had been published for a while. This article inspired and encouraged us! Many practitioners by then already had a deep understanding regarding exposing the local evil. We had done it before, with good results, although we were not yet mature. We had great confidence in opposing the persecution, and our thoughts were pure. It was very important for us not to think of being persecuted ever again when exposing the evil. Thus, during the time when the county 610 Office held a brainwashing session, we made thousands of posters to expose the crimes of the county 610 Office head.
All practitioners in the county (several hundred at the time) who could come out posted truth-clarification materials all over the county, villages, streets and alleys, particularly at the guilty parties’ residences, their family members’ work places, and in their parents' and relatives’ villages. This greatly shocked and eliminated the evil. In addition, we sent forth righteous thoughts on a frequent basis as a whole body. As a result, that brainwashing center quickly disintegrated.
During this period, one practitioner openly left the brainwashing center. The cooperation in exposing the evil among all practitioners in the county became the turning point for changing the Fa-rectification environment in our county. From then on, the evil never again persecuted practitioners publicly or on a large scale. They rarely harassed practitioners. The power of cooperation as a whole body is tremendous!
More and more practitioners stepped forward as the environment improved. Nearly 20 regional coordinators in our county successfully held a Fa conference at the end of spring in 2004. We summarized our experiences and shortcomings during the past several years of opposing the persecution and increasingly realized the importance of forming a whole body, melting into the whole body, and constructing a whole-body framework. We shared our opinions on how to do better as a whole body regarding the three things. We wrote open letters to the county 610 Office, the secretary of the county CCP committee and county procuratorate, and to all teachers in the county. We wrote to everyone in the county. We distributed these letters widely, and the outcome was exceptionally good. In 2004, we wrote about our experiences in Fa-rectification and turned it into pamphlets to expose the evil acts committed in the persecution. The outcome was excellent.
More and more people sought to learn the truth as the environment improved. Gradually and steadily, more Dafa materials production sites were established. We had established Fa study and practice groups wherever there were practitioners by the end of 2005, because group study and group practice is the path Teacher has left for us. Our understanding quickly elevated to the requirements of the current state of Fa-rectification, including exposing the evil, distributing the Nine Commentaries, asking people to quit the CCP, and exposing the Sujiatun concentration camp. Our whole body effected great results in exposing the evil and rescuing fellow practitioners. We successfully rescued several local practitioners who had been arrested. Their arrests occurred when they were clarifying the truth in another county. We rescued them by exposing the evil, sending forth righteous thoughts, posting notices, and writing letters. The power of Dafa manifested numerous times through our cooperation as a whole body, and at the same time the evil factors were greatly reduced.
As the power of our whole body was constantly strengthened and more truth clarification materials production sites were established, we spent about six months in 2005 transitioning from a "central" county-level coordination of Dafa work to independent regional coordination of local work. This work included establishing individual Internet access and downloading materials, a difficulty for practitioners who are peasants; printing materials; and holding local Fa conferences, including village conferences and truth clarification events tailored to the local situation. We also tried to help more practitioners to step forward and helped practitioners who had ceased cultivation before the persecution started on July 20, 1999 to return to Dafa. We had the same framework at the county level, because the same coordinators in charge of county affairs were also in charge of regional coordination work. We maintained independent production of the Nine Commentaries and truth clarification VCDs. The coordinators distributed these materials according to the needs of local practitioners.
Since the second half of 2002, we have been holding a group sharing conference for the county-level coordinators every one or two months. We discuss all manner of issues: our own cultivation, interference from family, persecution in the form of sickness karma, evil interference, sleepiness when sending forth righteous thoughts, and irrational behavior on the part of a few practitioners. Some of these discussions focused on the operation of Dafa materials production sites, picking the right articles for flyers, making cards with "Falun Dafa is good" printed on them, and experiences validating Dafa and clarifying the truth, among other things.
We did our best to promote whatever was good for validating Dafa and rescuing sentient beings, and we stopped and corrected elements that adversely affected Dafa validation and truth clarification. While constantly strengthening the whole body, we also emphasized bringing into play the power of the whole body. We compared our Fa study and cultivation, and encouraged each other to be more diligent. At the same time, we made sure each practitioner fully utilized his or her talents while cultivating themselves well.
We were truly in a state of "harmonizing each other and supplementing each other" within the whole body. We did well with whatever aspect of Dafa work we were responsible for: some practitioners coordinated Dafa work, some downloaded materials from the Internet, some printed materials, some produced the Nine Commentaries, some made VCDs, some wrote articles, some made bookmarks, some took care of urgent issues. Additional practitioners distributed truth-clarification materials and asked people to quit the Party, both at work and in their daily lives. Many practitioners did several different types of work at the same time. Overall, practitioners were able to become assimilated into the whole body and closely combine personal cultivation with Fa-validating work, which has been proven to be crucially important.
We did the three things well at the same time. We cooperated well with each other and fellow practitioners were motivated and yet didn’t feel pressured. We also took care of areas with fewer practitioners; we didn’t miss any village, even if only one practitioner lived there. The coordinators delivered Teacher’s articles and lectures, copies of the "Minghui Weekly", and other truth-clarification materials to relatively remote practitioners and asked them to join Fa conferences. We didn’t leave behind any practitioner, so all of us might improve together and everyone could learn the truth and have the opportunity to be saved.
With the whole body in place, fellow practitioners have a better environment for diligence and improvement, where we can compare our cultivation and Fa study. The righteous field of practitioners left no space for the evil to exist. In the human dimension this is reflected as the evil being very weak or as the absence of interference or persecution. In other words, the evil was eliminated in great quantities within our righteous field. We also frequently sent forth righteous thoughts as a whole body, which eliminated a lot of evil elements and greatly improved the Fa-rectification environment.
Currently, practitioners in our area have a relatively relaxed environment to rescue people and do well with our Dafa work. Even if sudden events like arrests of fellow practitioners occur, we gather our strength and rescue the practitioners. We also widely promoted New Tang Dynasty TV and installed satellite dishes to rescue more sentient beings. The whole body was perfected through the participation and efforts of all practitioners, and all practitioners improved through cooperating as a whole body. Each aspect is important, including Fa study, doing the exercises, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth. We created an environment to cultivate and improve ourselves and rescue sentient beings.
Teacher is thoroughly rectifying the Fa without missing anything; however, we must do our part in the human world. Because the evil persecution has taken place, breaking through the evil arrangements is the path our Fa-rectification era Dafa disciples must take.
"When it’s difficult to endure, you can endure it. When it’s impossible to do, you can do it." ("Lecture Nine" in Zhuan Falun)
If we can do it,
"'after passing the shady willow trees, there will be bright flowers and another village ahead!'" (Zhuan Falun)
We really hope that practitioners in all areas can form an indestructible, unified body appropriate to their local situation, eliminate the persecution as soon as possible, and create an environment in which to rescue sentient beings. It doesn’t matter if there are fewer practitioners or if there are more evil elements; the difficulties we encounter are the barriers we must break through on the path of Fa-rectification.
We should combine our work with our personal improvement and do both more carefully, more systematically, with more heart, and in a more organized manner. The results will certainly be good. The provincial 610 Office initially listed our county as a major target for persecution, because about 1,000 practitioners from our county went to Beijing to appeal. In the early years of the persecution, the central CCP regime required the county police department to arrest 800 practitioners to fulfill the government quota, but the county failed. Between 1999 and 2001, they held public attack meetings to persecute practitioners. They paraded 18 practitioners through the streets. Practitioners should create an environment in which the evil persecution is disintegrated. We have Teacher and Dafa. As long as we form an indestructible whole body, there is nothing we cannot do well in Fa-rectification. It’s just a matter of whether we do it or not, and how much heart and thought we put into it.
This has been our experiences of Fa-rectification in our county over the past years. We hope that practitioners in different regions share their Dafa-validating experiences of how they break through the evil persecution in their local area and improved the local Fa-rectification environment. We can share our experiences from the perspective of a whole body more deeply and thoroughly and thus, as a whole body, do away with the persecution. We should help as many practitioners step forward as possible, particularly those who stopped cultivating after the onset of the persecution. We should ask more people to quit the CCP and rescue more sentient beings.