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Germany: Touching Moments in Hamburg Town Hall Square

September 27, 2006 |  

--A song for the Chinese people

(Clearwisdom.net) It is already dark and the busy daily activities in Hamburg Town Hall Square are winding down. The demonstrators (Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetans, and Uigurs) look expectantly towards the hall. They stand on the Moenkebergstrasse, waiting for Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and Chinese Minister of Trade Bo Xilai, as well the remainder of the Chinese delegation, to leave the hall.

The Chinese visitors had been invited by Mayor Ole von Beust. On September 13, he and many other politicians, high ranking officials, and business people welcomed the Chinese officials at the Hamburg town hall. It was the start of the three-and-a- half week long China Time festivities and the economic summit "China meets Europe." The Falun Gong practitioners outside the town hall hold banners and send forth righteous thoughts. The visitors from China will be taken to the Atlantic Hotel in the already waiting boats.


They do not welcome Minister of Trade Bo Xilai. Bo Xilai is facing lawsuits in many countries because of his participation in the persecution of Falun Gong. Instead, the adherents of the peaceful meditation practice demand the condemnation of all the main participants in the persecution of Falun Gong and the immediate cessation of the persecution and organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in Chinese slave labor camps, prisons, and other institutions.

A Song Rings Out as One Voice

In the beautiful evening, the practitioners begin to sing a song. Two Chinese women with beautiful voices sing through the microphone and then other practitioners also start to sing. Like a warm wave filled with tranquility, the song envelopes the huge town hall square. "Falun Dafa Hao" is heard with great clarity and warms people's hearts. "One can hear it everywhere on the square. It sounds just like one voice," says a practitioner. One voice emanates from one body, the body of practitioners. Even the generally loudly protesting Tibetan demonstrators remain quiet and peaceful. The police stand relaxed in a circle and talk among themselves.

All the way in the front, just in front of the banners, is a 60-year-old woman who wears a T-shirt with the words "Quit the Communist Party," and her friend next to her wears a yellow Falun Dafa T-shirt. The Chinese delegates cross the square, passing these ladies with their eyes drawn to the T-shirts over and over again, while practitioners sing a song called "Falun Dafa Hao" ("Falun Dafa is Good").

"The music is too loud," complains a Chinese person to the police. The officer gives a noncommittal response. While the other demonstrators are beginning to leave, the Falun Gong practitioners remain until the end. Afterwards, the practitioners go to the Atlantic Hotel, where Wen Jiabao will spend the night, for their solemn vigil. Some of the practitioners will even remain for the entire night to protest in front of the hotel.

Originally published in German at: http://www.clearharmony.de/articles/200609/33771.html

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200609/35603.html