(Clearwisdom.net) While I was reading articles by fellow practitioners, I compared the practitioners to myself and looked back on what I had experienced on my cultivation path. I was shocked to find that I still have so many attachments.
There are two practitioners that I used to see very often. Practitioner A has a short temper and his words are often not kind. Suddenly, a mirror appeared in my mind and the attachments of practitioner A were reflected back to me. Practitioner B has the attachment of looking for others’ attachments. When I looked closer and looked within, I also saw this in myself!
I realized that if we do not deeply dig out the roots of our attachments, we will stop where we are on our cultivation path and stay forever stuck in tribulations.
Today, my mind was not righteous, which reflects my selfishness. In the morning, I wanted my husband to pay the gas fee so that I could study the Fa at home. I thought that he did not have anything to do. On the surface, I seemed to care for him and also be very diligent. However, my husband’s attitude disappointed me. He used the excuse that he had to go to work. I had to pay the gas fee myself. However, when I returned, he was still at home. He had watched TV the whole morning.
I was not calm and started looking outside and found many of his shortcomings. In the evening, I read articles by fellow practitioners with my heart and tried to look within. The mirrors I mentioned above appeared. I finally realized Teacher’s arrangement. Everything that happens is for my cultivation environment. Without this environment, how can we get rid of our attachments? How can we improve our xinxing? I am truly thankful to Teacher.
I only enlightened today that the time is so urgent now. I still hold so many attachments and don’t want to let them go. I found that although I have practiced for so long, I still could not let go of many human notions. They suppressed me to different extents. I asked myself: You have cultivated Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance for so long, can you tell Teacher without guilt that you truly achieved Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance under all conditions? I was ashamed and said in my heart, "Teacher, I will treat myself as a true practitioner, a true disciple. I will cultivate my xinxing every moment and always look within, be strict with myself and be tolerant of others. I will become a qualified practitioner."
I will cultivate to the end and return to my origin with Teacher. Thank you, Teacher! Thank you, fellow practitioners.