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My Cultivation Path

January 09, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Greetings, Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

I started practicing Falun Gong and became a genuine cultivator in 1997. Ever since that time, Dafa has become most precious and important to me. Through cultivation, I gradually came to understand that at this crucial juncture, Dafa disciples’ sacred mission is to improve xinxing and assist Master in rectifying the Fa. I realized that only through diligent cultivation can I return to my original self, consummate and follow Master to my paradise. Whenever I think about this, I can’t hold back my tears. In Master's poem "Master-Disciple Grace," Master said,

"Master and disciples have no use for sentiment

Buddha’s grace transforms heaven and earth

Disciples’ righteous thoughts are strong

Master has the power to turn the tide" (Hong Yin, Volume II)

I am very grateful for Master’s benevolence. Every step of mine is guarded and guided by Master.

I Greatly Benefited Physically and Mentally Over the Past Nine Years

In the past, I was weak and suffered from many illnesses, including migraines, cervical vertebra proliferation, pharyngolaryngitis, heart disease, and leg pain. However, all my illnesses disappeared once I began Falun Dafa cultivation. We are Dafa disciples walking on the path to godhood. Sometimes, we will encounter some miracles. I felt something new daily during the early stages of my cultivation. I once saw a white whirling Falun. When I was reading the Fa, I sometimes felt that I was immersed in the Fa. One time I saw two small glowing dots as bright as the sun, moving across the book. Later, one practitioner told me she had seen Master’s law body. I am very grateful for these encouragements from Master. I still remember that before July 20, 1999, in China, I needed to get up at 4:00 a.m. to go to our regular practice site. A lot of times, I couldn’t make it. Then I heard Master’s words like a father, "Get up! Get up!" Sometimes, I also felt Master patting my shoulder. Master’s summons turned into motivation that helped me be diligent.

Firmly Believe in Master and Dafa, Pass the Difficult Test

Master said in his poem "Steadfast,"

"In the midst of great tribulation, one should be steadfast

The will to advance wholeheartedly cannot be altered" (Hong Yin, Volume II)

I am a diligent Falun Gong practitioner. Holding onto my faith in Dafa, I have survived this evil persecution. Since July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted Falun Gong. To clarify the truth, practitioners began talking to local and central governments. I also wrote to Zhu Rongji, the then Chinese Premier, however I did not receive a response. After the "April 25" peaceful appeal, pinning hope on the government, I petitioned the local government with other practitioners. We received no response and lots of practitioners were arrested without due cause. In October 1999, I openly practiced the exercises in the park with about ten other practitioners. We were therefore all illegally detained for one day. During detention, none of us signed any statements saying that we would renounce Falun Gong.

I came to the United States five years ago. The U.S. is a special place. Master has created a great cultivation environment for us. It’s not a coincidence that I came here. It’s a path arranged by Master. I thank Master and other practitioners for their selfless help.

Who would not miss their hometown? I also felt very much pain (at not being able to return to China). But I firmly believe that following Master to validate the Fa and saving sentient beings are my responsibilities. I am a senior who doesn’t know how to drive and doesn’t speak English. Therefore, there are not that many things I can help with. But I believe that we play different roles in validating the Fa. As long as it’s useful in validating the Fa and saving people, I should do it no matter how big or small.

With fellow practitioners’ help, I have improved a lot since arriving in the United States. I have really experienced, "...the shade of willows, the blooms of flowers, a place to rest my head!" (Zhuan Falun) The most wonderful thing is that I could see Master several times, listen to Master's lecture, see Master’s compassionate smile and see him waving towards his disciples. I still remember the first time I saw Master, I brought with me greetings from fellow practitioners back in China. I felt like the happiest person in this world.

To participate in holiday parades in the U.S. is a wonderful opportunity to spread Dafa. Through parades, people can see the peacefulness of Dafa practitioners and our colorful parade team. The San Diego drum team was set up a few years ago. With practitioners’ encouragement, though I am now 70, I played in the drum team and went to many parades. As an elderly Chinese lady, I was proud to parade on American streets and help in Fa-rectification. I was moved to tears when seeing the happy crowd along the roadside.

Calling China to Clarify the Truth is a Good Way of Saving Sentient Beings.

Based on my several years’ experience in calling China, I would like to share the following:

Be well prepared. To talk about Falun Gong's truth is a bit easier compared to the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and asking people to quit the party. I read a lot, put my talking points on paper and then memorize them. Using my own words is more convincing.

Seize the opportunity. Seize opportunities to talk about things that you want to say.

The first few words are the most difficult. Therefore, a good beginning is very important. With a good start, we have more to talk about. I learned from the Minghui/Clearwisdom website articles helpful things such as using a third-party identity or a person wanting to report things. Such beginnings usually produce good results. For instance, I called a CCP secretary in a Shandong Province village. When talking about Falun Gong, she said there was a Falun Gong practitioner in her village who is a very good person but was arrested by the county police. She and other villagers went to the public security bureau to plead for his release. The county police said, "He is against the CCP, we can’t release him." Upon hearing this, I told her about the Nine Commentaries and gave her information about quitting the party. Though she didn’t quit the party at that time, she knows more things now and she will ponder why that Falun Gong practitioner would denounce the evil CCP.

Collecting Signatures for Petitions

This March, we heard about the CCP’s evil practice of harvesting human organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. With other practitioners’ help and encouragement, overcoming the obstacle of not speaking English, I went to the streets to get signatures on a petition that called for an end to the illegal organ harvesting practice. This is very important. Through the signature collection, I passed on information about the CCP’s illegal organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. This is a good chance for sentient beings to position themselves. At first, I was a bit nervous, but later I overcame my fear of being alone and not being able to speak English. I usually leave after the 3:00 p.m. global sending forth righteous thoughts and return at 7:00 p.m. The signature collection is successful. A policewoman often walks towards me, smiles and says hello. So many practitioners have also taken part in these activities. They've done better than I. I'm just sharing my experiences with everyone.

I Have My Ups and Downs

Recently, a Chinese TV channel was installed in my home. I haven’t watched Chinese TV programs for five years, so when there is a good TV series, such as Da Chang Jin, I wanted to watch, and my human attachments were aroused. I became more and more obsessed with TV and gradually pushed away the time for Fa study and exercise. Often times, Fa study was delayed. Eventually, I had a headache. One night, I had a dream. I dreamed about taking exams at my job. The first question was, "What is your belief?" I was puzzled about such a question in an employment exam. I replied with a response about how to do the job well. But it didn’t seem right. So I crossed out my answer and wrote, "cultivation" instead. When I woke up, I was glad that I answered it correctly. But I also regret that I didn’t do it right in the first place. The dream seemed so real, just like my own experience. It occurred to me that it was Master who strengthens my faith in Dafa and reminds me not to make mistakes. I came to know that I do have lots of attachments I still need to let go. I am still far from Master’s requirements. I know that I have to be more diligent to keep up with the Fa-rectification.

The above are some of my experiences that I would like to share with you all. Please kindly point out any misunderstandings.

Thank you, Master. Thank you, fellow practitioners.