(Clearwisdom.net) On October 20 and 21, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioners of Japan participated in the 3rd NPO (Non-Profit Organization) Festival in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo.
Falun Dafa booth at the 2007 Tokyo NPO festival

A Falun Dafa practitioner clarifying the truth to a couple passing by
The organizers arranged a networking party on the evening of October 20 for festival attendees. Some Falun Dafa practitioners attended the party. When introducing herself to the organizers, one Japanese practitioner said that her friend received a flier about Falun Dafa at last year's NPO festival. The friend felt it was a very good practice and passed the flier to her. She began to practice Falun Dafa as a result, and this year she attended the festival to promote Falun Dafa. She thanked the organizers and expressed her wish that everyone would accept a Dafa flier.
Another Falun Dafa practitioner from China talked about Falun Dafa's spread to over 80 countries in the world and shared how in almost every country you can find some local people to do the exercises with you. He talked about his own experiences too. His job involves computer work. Before practicing Falun Dafa, he had eye problems, where sometimes his vision went blank. After practicing Falun Dafa, this phenomenon disappeared. He encouraged everyone to give Falun Dafa a try for one's own health. He reminded everyone that the book and video teaching of Falun Dafa can be downloaded from the Internet for free.
While eating dinner, Falun Dafa practitioners clarified the truth to others around the table.
On the second day, the Falun Dafa organization was assigned to a better spot to demonstrate the exercises and more people came to learn the exercises.
A Japanese man came to the booth. He said he received several Falun Gong fliers at a public station before. The information mostly focused on the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China. He had bought a book, and he was surprised to meet Falun Dafa again in this venue. The practitioners talked with him for a while about why the Chinese Communist Party persecutes Falun Gong. It is not only because the number of Falun Gong practitioners is large, but also because the practitioners share independent thinking and judge matters based on the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." On the other side, the Communist Party has been brainwashing Chinese people and maintaining its rule with lies and violence. Because the Falun Gong practitioners think independently and didn't blindly follow the Communist Party's lies and propaganda, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is scared of Falun Gong and wants to eliminate it. The man said he would read again the book Zhuan Falun, which he bought a few years ago.
On the morning of October 21, one Japanese man bought a pocket version of Zhuan Falun. In the afternoon, he came to the booth again. He said that he often walks in Yoyogi Park and sees people practicing Falun Gong. He read the book while walking in the park and found that it was a very good book. He came back in the afternoon to see if there were other materials. He bought an exercise teaching video in the Japanese language and another copy of Zhuan Falun that was published in Taiwan.