(Clearwisdom.net) On December 6, 2007, on the occasion of New Tang Dynasty Television's "Holiday Wonders" shows at the Beacon Theatre from December 18-26, New York Congresswoman Yvette Clarke sent a letter to the president of NTDTV to wish the shows a success. Below is the text of her letter.

New York congresswoman Yvette Clarke
11th District, New York
December 6, 2007
Mr. Zhong Lee, Chair, the Board of Divine Performing Arts
New Tang Dynasty Television
229 West 28 Street, Suite 1200
New York, NY 10001
Dear Mr. Lee:
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the New Tang Dynasty Television and Performing Arts on your return to the Beacon Theater to showcase your Holiday Wonders performances.
With the holiday season upon us, we are reminded to be thankful, spread good cheer and focus on the family and traditional family values. It is truly wonderful to see entertainment such as yours displayed and made available for people of all ages to enjoy. Holiday Wonders is a wonderful tribute to Chinese culture and would indeed be a true highlight to the holiday season.
Once again, congratulations and I wish you the very best with each and every performance this holiday season. With sincerest regards, I remain
Respectfully yours,
Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress