(Clearwisdom.net) On December 2, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners participated in the Rochester Hometown Christmas Parade. Though it snowed the night before and was still raining slightly on the day of the parade, Michigan residents expressed great interest in the annual event.
Falun Gong procession

Falun Gong procession

Falun Gong procession
The City of Rochester's Hometown Christmas Parade is one of the largest Christmas parades in the metro Detroit area. About one hundred groups participated in the parade this year and local TV station WXYZ broadcast the parade live.
Falun Gong practitioners took part in this parade for the first time, and it was the only group composed of mainly Chinese Americans. The colorful float decorated with various sizes of lotus flowers, waist drum players in golden yellow uniforms, the song "Falun Dafa is Good" and colorful flags printed with "Falun Dafa" and "Truthfulness-Compassion- Tolerance" stood out among all the processions.