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Sharing Understandings with Imprisoned Practitioners

February 20, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I was very inspired by an article in "Minghui Weekly" entitled "Reflections on a Hunger Strike and Being Force-Fed." I would like to share some of my understandings here.

To practitioners who are imprisoned in the evil dens: You were the diligent ones during various stages of Fa-rectification. Because you had loopholes in some areas that were taken advantage of by the evil, you were thus persecuted and imprisoned. However, we don't acknowledge any of this persecution. You are in very difficult situations right now, but we are the Fa-rectification period practitioners, here to help Teacher during Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings. We should not stay in those kinds of places. All practitioners know this. How does one get out of those places? Everyone has a different foundation, different understandings of the Fa, and are at different levels of righteous beliefs in Teacher and the Fa, thus everyone uses different methods. Many practitioners use hunger strikes as a way to get out. Some succeed, but some are persecuted even more because of it. What I want to say is not about the method itself, but whether one can get out or not depends on one's xinxing level. Whether you can meet the requirement of the Fa at this time is the basis for getting out. If you have reached a cultivator's standard, then Teacher and righteous gods will help you to get out.

After being imprisoned, some practitioners' first thoughts were not how to validate the Fa and find their own attachments or loopholes and improve upon them, but rather how to get out and avoid being persecuted. Some practitioners did not think of avoiding being persecuted, they were also very steadfast and refused to cooperate with the evil, but they did not think of how to validate the Fa, instead they were validating themselves and how firm they are, falling just a little bit short, which resulted in prolonged persecution in prisons.

Fellow practitioners, we are the disciples of Teacher, we are the Fa-rectification period Dafa practitioners, and are here to help Teacher rectify the Fa. No matter where we are, our duty is to validate the Fa. You ought to think, "I am in prison, so this is the place I will validate the Fa. I will not cooperate with the evil." If one can really let go of life and death, and do what a practitioner should do openly and with dignity, then the evil cannot do anything about it. If all the practitioners there did this, then how could the situation there still be evil? Practitioners in prison are still cooperating with the evil by performing slave labor, etc. Doing slave labor is acknowledging the persecution. Imprisonment for one's belief itself is illegal, and being forced to perform slave labor is also illegal and unacceptable. Dafa practitioners cannot cooperate with this evil.

Fellow practitioners, Fa-rectification has reached the final stage. Teacher published the article, "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil." As Dafa practitioners, Teacher has opened up our supernormal powers in other dimensions. Teacher taught us that the righteous thoughts of Dafa disciples are powerful. For imprisoned practitioners, don't you have the perfect opportunity to dissolve the evil in close proximity? When the evildoers are persecuting you, why not use righteous thoughts and actions to stop them by transferring the suffering to the evildoers, or have them meet their karmic retribution within a certain time? One must believe in Teacher and the Fa. Teacher has given us supernormal powers, so why not use them? When doing this, one cannot have human thoughts. One's thoughts must be based on validating the Fa. Teacher taught us about sending forth righteous thoughts in close proximity. For practitioners in the evil dens, why not dissolve the evil at zero distance? Practitioners are one body. Practitioners who are outside are thinking of ways to send forth righteous thoughts close to prisons. Do not wait for them to rescue you. Now is the time to attack and dissolve the evil from both inside and outside. We cannot let evil continue to persecute Dafa and destroy sentient beings.

Practitioners who have the freedom should do well in the three things and help send forth righteous thoughts for imprisoned practitioners to help their main consciences be strong and get out the evil dens soon.