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Do Not Overlook the Importance of Doing the Exercises in Public Areas, at Tourist Locations, and at Chinese Embassies

March 28, 2007 |   By an overseas practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) I went on a business trip to the capital city of a big country. I was there for five months and during that time, none of the practitioners in that area ever showed up at the Chinese Embassy or tourist spots to do group exercises, send righteous thoughts, or distribute truth clarification materials. A local practitioner, who had been bringing a tape player to an exercise site for seven years, said she brought up this issue in the big group sharing many times, "I wish veteran practitioners would join the outside group exercises." But no one ever responded and she gave up raising the issue. Quite of a few of the veteran practitioners, who are involved in certain truth clarifying projects, have not come to outside group exercises for more than a year or two already. Currently, most of the practitioners who go to outside group exercises have been practicing Falun Gong for less than three years. What do these new practitioners think? How will people in the future think of us?

Wanting an easy and comfortable life is one of the problems. It's not easy to exercise outside during those icy cold days, hot days, windy days, or rainy days. And there are many projects which can be done indoors. But this is a test for our xinxing. And doing the exercises outside is also an opportunity to clarify the truth to more people, let them experience the powerful energy field, and let them know "Falun Dafa is good." It's many gains all in one. We all know it's important. Why can we still not find two hours to go outside to do the exercises? The bottom line is that we do not pay enough attention to it. All of us should take our two hours of exercises to the public--to crowded places, public parks, the Chinese embassy, or tourist spots. Otherwise, it's a pity if you do the two hours at home.

Those practitioners who continue to do the three things at tourist locations, parks, and the Chinese embassy have realized that it's also connected to fame and gain and to one's compassion. The longer they do it, the better they are able to speak about Falun Gong and the better results they get when they try to persuade people to quit the Communist Party and its related organizations. They have discovered that at tourist sites, crowded streets, or in front of the Chinese embassy, they can easily save more people and save them directly. There, it's quite easy to persuade people to quit the Party and its related organizations. These places are wide open for us to go to and save people.

March 22, 2007