(Clearwisdom.net) On January 21 2007, the Austrian newspaper Niederos Terreichische Nachrichten in Amstetten published an article on the "Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance" Art Exhibition.
It’s worth a look: the exhibition on China’s human rights violations is open until the 2nd of March
"Please let the pictures talk to you, even though many are quite shocking." Mrs. Ulrike Konigsberger-Ludwig, the council woman for culture in Amstetten, used this sentence in her opening speech for the art exhibition at the city hall. This art exhibition was sponsored by The Austrian Association for Art and Cultural Exchanges (Ars Cara).
The visitors were informed that the art exhibition is for exposing the CCP’s human rights violations and the art pieces demonstrated several touching subjects: "the wonderfulness of cultivation", "calling for justice", as well as "justice will prevail".
The majority of artists from mainland China had their own experiences of persecution by the CCP. They are Falun Gong practitioners who follow the principle of Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance. This is the reason why they are persecuted by the CCP in China.