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Some Thoughts About Practitioners "Proving Themselves"

April 25, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) Some time ago, a practitioner said during a cultivation experience sharing, "If one's mind is disturbed, even a small stream can become a dangerous obstacle, but if one has righteous thoughts, even oceans can turn into land." If today, we did well, it is because what we did is consistent with the Fa. "Proving oneself" is a big taboo in cultivation!

I remembered that just after a practitioner escaped from illegal detention, he held a series of meetings. He mostly talked about how good he was. He was trying to prove himself, failing to recognize that he had been arrested in the first place and that he was acknowledging the persecution. He indirectly accepted the old force arrangements, their so-called test. Later, a practitioner wrote an article, "Please Stop Collecting Signatures Among Practitioners." It pointed out the seriousness of his problem. Even after our Teacher wrote a commentary on this article, the practitioners who participated in this incident failed to pay enough attention. Later, in a cultivation experience sharing conference, all fifty practitioners were arrested. The practitioner who had escaped from the evil den before was subsequently tortured to death. What a painful lesson!

The above view is limited to my cultivation level. Let's review our Teacher's article to upgrade together with fellow practitioners. Teacher said,

"...every steady step is a glorious historic testimony, and is incomparably-magnificent mighty virtue." ("The Disciples' Magnificence," Essentials for Further Advancement II)

"Validate the Fa with rationality, clarify the truth with wisdom, spread the Fa and save people with mercy--this is establishing the mighty virtue of an Enlightened Being." ("Rationality," Essentials for Further Advancement II)

April 13, 2007